class superelliptic_drw_cech: def __init__(self, omega0, f): self.curve = omega0.curve self.omega0 = omega0 self.omega8 = omega0 - f.diffn() self.f = f def reduce(self): C = self.curve fct = self.f f_first_comp = fct.t f_second_comp = fct.f decomp_first_comp = decomposition_g0_g8(f_first_comp) decomp_second_comp = decomposition_g0_g8(f_second_comp) new = self new.omega0 -= decomposition_g0_g8(f_first_comp)[0].teichmuller().diffn() new.omega0 -= decomposition_g0_g8(f_second_comp)[0].verschiebung().diffn() new.f = decomposition_g0_g8(f_first_comp)[2].teichmuller() + decomposition_g0_g8(f_second_comp)[2].verschiebung() new.omega8 = new.omega0 - new.f.diffn() return new def __repr__(self): return("(" + str(self.omega0) + ", "+ str(self.f) + ", " + str(self.omega8) + ")") def __add__(self, other): C = self.curve omega0 = self.omega0 f = self.f omega0_1 = other.omega0 f_1 = other.f return superelliptic_drw_cech(omega0 + omega0_1, f + f_1) def __sub__(self, other): C = self.curve omega0 = self.omega0 f = self.f omega0_1 = other.omega0 f_1 = other.f return superelliptic_drw_cech(omega0 - omega0_1, f - f_1) def __neg__(self): C = self.curve omega0 = self.omega0 f = self.f return superelliptic_drw_cech(-omega0, -f) def __rmul__(self, other): omega0 = self.omega0 f = self.f return superelliptic_drw_cech(other*omega0, other*f) def r(self): omega0 = self.omega0 f = self.f C = self.curve return superelliptic_cech(C, omega0.h1*C.dx, f.t) def div_by_p(self): '''Given a regular cocycle of the form (V(omega) + dV(h), [f] + V(t), ...), where [f] = 0 in H^1(X, OX), find de Rham cocycle (xi0, f, xi8) such that (V(omega) + dV(h), [f] + V(t), ...) = p*(xi0, f, xi8).''' C = self.curve aux = self Fxy, Rxy, x, y = C.fct_field aux_f_t_0 = decomposition_g0_g8(aux.f.t, prec=50)[0] aux.f.t = 0*C.x aux.omega0 -= aux_f_t_0.teichmuller().diffn() aux.omega8 = aux.omega0 - aux.f.diffn() # # Now omega = (regular on U0) + h^(p-1) dh, so that Cartier(omega) = (regular on U0) + dh. # We replace omega by regular on U0 omega =, fct = decomposition_omega0_hpdh( aux.omega0.h2 += fct^p # Now we have to ensure that aux.omega0.h2.function in Rxy... # In other words, we decompose h2 = (regular on U0) + A^(p^2). aux.omega0.h2 = decomposition_g0_p2th_power(aux.omega0.h2)[0] # Now we can reduce: (... + dV(h2), V(f), ...) --> (..., V(f - h2), ...) aux.f -= aux.omega0.h2.verschiebung() aux.omega0.h2 = 0*C.x if aux.omega8.h2.expansion_at_infty().valuation() >= 0: aux.f += aux.omega8.h2.verschiebung() aux.omega8.h2 = 0*C.x print('aux', aux) # Now aux should be of the form (V(omega1), V(f), V(omega2)) # Thus aux = p*(Cartier(omega1), p-th_root(f), Cartier(omega2)) aux_divided_by_p = superelliptic_cech(C,, aux.f.f.pth_root()) print('aux_divided_by_p', aux_divided_by_p) print('is regular', aux_divided_by_p.omega0.is_regular_on_U0(), aux_divided_by_p.omega8.is_regular_on_Uinfty()) print(' - aux.f.f.pth_root().diffn() ==', - aux.f.f.pth_root().diffn() == return aux_divided_by_p else: print('', print('aux.omega8.h2', aux.omega8.h2) print('second_patch(aux.omega8.h2.diffn()).is_regular_on_U0()', second_patch(aux.omega8.h2.diffn()).is_regular_on_U0()) raise ValueError("aux.omega8.h2.expansion_at_infty().valuation() < 0:", aux.omega8.h2.expansion_at_infty()) def coordinates(self, basis = 0): C = self.curve g = C.genus() coord_mod_p = self.r().coordinates() print(coord_mod_p) coord_lifted = [lift(a) for a in coord_mod_p] if basis == 0: basis = C.crystalline_cohomology_basis() aux = self for i, a in enumerate(basis): aux -= coord_lifted[i]*a aux_divided_by_p = aux.div_by_p() coord_aux_divided_by_p = aux_divided_by_p.coordinates() coord_aux_divided_by_p = [ZZ(a) for a in coord_aux_divided_by_p] coordinates = [ (coord_lifted[i] + p*coord_aux_divided_by_p[i])%p^2 for i in range(2*g)] return coordinates def is_regular(self): print(self.omega0.r().is_regular_on_U0(), self.omega8.r().is_regular_on_Uinfty(), self.omega0.frobenius().is_regular_on_U0(), self.omega8.frobenius().is_regular_on_Uinfty()) eq1 = self.omega0.r().is_regular_on_U0() and self.omega8.r().is_regular_on_Uinfty() eq2 = self.omega0.frobenius().is_regular_on_U0() and self.omega8.frobenius().is_regular_on_Uinfty() return eq1 and eq2