class superelliptic: """Class of a superelliptic curve. Given a polynomial f(x) with coefficient field F, it constructs the curve y^m = f(x)""" def __init__(self, f, m): Rx = f.parent() x = Rx.gen() F = Rx.base() Rx. = PolynomialRing(F) Rxy. = PolynomialRing(F, 2) Fxy = FractionField(Rxy) self.polynomial = Rx(f) self.exponent = m self.base_ring = F self.characteristic = F.characteristic() r = Rx(f).degree() delta = GCD(r, m) def __repr__(self): f = self.polynomial m = self.exponent F = self.base_ring return 'Superelliptic curve with the equation y^' + str(m) + ' = ' + str(f)+' over ' + str(F) #Auxilliary algorithm that returns the basis of holomorphic differentials #of the curve and (as a second argument) the list of pairs (i, j) #such that x^i dx/y^j is holomorphic. def basis_holomorphic_differentials_degree(self): f = self.polynomial m = self.exponent r = delta = GCD(r, m) F = self.base_ring Rx. = PolynomialRing(F) Rxy. = PolynomialRing(F, 2) Fxy = FractionField(Rxy) #########basis of holomorphic differentials and de Rham basis_holo = [] degrees0 = {} k = 0 for j in range(1, m): for i in range(1, r): if (r*j - m*i >= delta): basis_holo += [superelliptic_form(self, Fxy(x^(i-1)/y^j))] degrees0[k] = (i-1, j) k = k+1 return(basis_holo, degrees0) #Returns the basis of holomorphic differentials using the previous algorithm. def holomorphic_differentials_basis(self): basis_holo, degrees0 = self.basis_holomorphic_differentials_degree() return basis_holo #Returns the list of pairs (i, j) such that x^i dx/y^j is holomorphic. def degrees_holomorphic_differentials(self): basis_holo, degrees0 = self.basis_holomorphic_differentials_degree() return degrees0 def basis_de_rham_degrees(self): f = self.polynomial m = self.exponent r = delta = GCD(r, m) F = self.base_ring Rx. = PolynomialRing(F) Rxy. = PolynomialRing(F, 2) Fxy = FractionField(Rxy) basis_holo = self.holomorphic_differentials_basis() basis = [] #First g_X elements of basis are holomorphic differentials. for k in range(0, len(basis_holo)): basis += [superelliptic_cech(self, basis_holo[k], superelliptic_function(self, 0))] ## Next elements do not come from holomorphic differentials. t = len(basis) degrees0 = {} degrees1 = {} for j in range(1, m): for i in range(1, r): if (r*(m-j) - m*i >= delta): s = Rx(m-j)*Rx(x)*Rx(f.derivative()) - Rx(m)*Rx(i)*f psi = Rx(cut(s, i)) basis += [superelliptic_cech(self, superelliptic_form(self, Fxy(psi/y^j)), superelliptic_function(self, Fxy(m*y^(m-j)/x^i)))] degrees0[t] = (, j) degrees1[t] = (-i, m-j) t += 1 return basis, degrees0, degrees1 def de_rham_basis(self): basis, degrees0, degrees1 = self.basis_de_rham_degrees() return basis def degrees_de_rham0(self): basis, degrees0, degrees1 = self.basis_de_rham_degrees() return degrees0 def degrees_de_rham1(self): basis, degrees0, degrees1 = self.basis_de_rham_degrees() return degrees1 def is_smooth(self): f = self.polynomial if f.discriminant() == 0: return 0 return 1 def genus(self): r = m = self.exponent delta = GCD(r, m) return 1/2*((r-1)*(m-1) - delta + 1) def verschiebung_matrix(self): basis = self.de_rham_basis() g = self.genus() p = self.characteristic F = self.base_ring M = matrix(F, 2*g, 2*g) for i in range(0, len(basis)): w = basis[i] v = w.verschiebung().coordinates() M[i, :] = v return M def frobenius_matrix(self): basis = self.de_rham_basis() g = self.genus() p = self.characteristic F = self.base_ring M = matrix(F, 2*g, 2*g) for i in range(0, len(basis)): w = basis[i] v = w.frobenius().coordinates() M[i, :] = v return M def cartier_matrix(self): basis = self.holomorphic_differentials_basis() g = self.genus() p = self.characteristic F = self.base_ring M = matrix(F, g, g) for i in range(0, len(basis)): w = basis[i] v = M[i, :] = v return M # def p_rank(self): # return self.cartier_matrix().rank() def a_number(self): g = C.genus() return g - self.cartier_matrix().rank() def final_type(self, test = 0): Fr = self.frobenius_matrix() V = self.verschiebung_matrix() p = self.characteristic return flag(Fr, V, p, test) #Auxilliary. Given a superelliptic curve C : y^m = f(x) and a polynomial g(x, y) #it replaces repeteadly all y^m's in g(x, y) by f(x). As a result #you obtain \sum_{i = 0}^{m-1} y^i g_i(x). def reduction(C, g): p = C.characteristic F = C.base_ring Rxy. = PolynomialRing(F, 2) Fxy = FractionField(Rxy) f = C.polynomial r = m = C.exponent g = Fxy(g) g1 = g.numerator() g2 = g.denominator() Rx. = PolynomialRing(F) Fx = FractionField(Rx) FxRy. = PolynomialRing(Fx) (A, B, C) = xgcd(FxRy(g2), FxRy(y^m - f)) g = FxRy(g1*B/A) while( >= m): d = G = coff(g, d) i = floor(d/m) g = g - G*y^d + f^i * y^(d%m) *G return(FxRy(g)) #Auxilliary. Given a superelliptic curve C : y^m = f(x) and a polynomial g(x, y) #it replaces repeteadly all y^m's in g(x, y) by f(x). As a result #you obtain \sum_{i = 0}^{m-1} g_i(x)/y^i. This is needed for reduction of #superelliptic forms. def reduction_form(C, g): F = C.base_ring Rxy. = PolynomialRing(F, 2) Fxy = FractionField(Rxy) f = C.polynomial r = m = C.exponent g = reduction(C, g) g1 = Rxy(0) Rx. = PolynomialRing(F) Fx = FractionField(Rx) FxRy. = PolynomialRing(Fx) g = FxRy(g) for j in range(0, m): if j==0: G = coff(g, 0) g1 += FxRy(G) else: G = coff(g, j) g1 += Fxy(y^(j-m)*f*G) return(g1)