23 lines
777 B
23 lines
777 B
package com.tylkowski.crc;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
// in command line type "1" for mode and "b" for message
// example "1" "b" -> this will encode string "b" and return FCS
// example "2" "bXY" -> this will decode string "bXY" and return true if it is valid or false if not
// X and Y - 1 and 2 character of FCS
CrcTask crcTask = new CrcTask(args[1], args[1]);
if(args[0].equals("1")) {
//create FCS
} else if (args[0].equals("2")) {
// check fcs
if (args[1].length() >= 3) System.out.println(crcTask.decode(args[1]));