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2021-06-19 01:02:22 +02:00
@testset "Arithmetic" begin
G = SymmetricGroup(3)
b = New.Basis{UInt8}(collect(G))
l = length(b)
RG = New.StarAlgebra(G, b, (l,l))
@testset "Module structure" begin
a = New.AlgebraElement(ones(Int, order(G)), RG)
@test -a isa New.AlgebraElement
@test New.coeffs(-a) == -New.coeffs(a)
@test 2*a isa New.AlgebraElement
@test eltype(2*a) == typeof(2)
@test New.coeffs(2*a) == 2New.coeffs(a)
@test 2.0*a isa New.AlgebraElement
@test eltype(2.0*a) == typeof(2.0)
@test New.coeffs(2.0*a) == 2.0*New.coeffs(a)
@test New.coeffs(a/2) == New.coeffs(a)/2
b = a/2
@test b isa New.AlgebraElement
@test eltype(b) == typeof(1/2)
@test New.coeffs(b/2) == 0.25*New.coeffs(a)
c = a//1
@test eltype(c) == Rational{Int}
@test c//4 isa New.AlgebraElement
@test c//big(4) isa New.AlgebraElement
@test eltype(c//(big(4)//1)) == Rational{BigInt}
@test (1.0a)*1//2 == (0.5a) == c//2
@testset "Additive structure" begin
a = New.AlgebraElement(ones(Int, order(G)), RG)
b = sum(sign(g)*RG(g) for g in G)
@test a == New.AlgebraElement(ones(Int, order(G)), RG) == sum(RG(g) for g in G)
@test 1/2*(a+b).coeffs == [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
a = RG(1) + RG(perm"(2,3)") + RG(perm"(1,2,3)")
b = RG(1) - RG(perm"(1,2)(3)") - RG(perm"(1,2,3)")
@test a - b == RG(perm"(2,3)") + RG(perm"(1,2)(3)") + 2RG(perm"(1,2,3)")
@test a + b - 2a == b - a
@test 1//2*2a == a
@test a + 2a == (3//1)*a
@test 2a - (1//1)*a == a
@testset "Multiplicative structure" begin
for g in G, h in G
a = RG(g)
b = RG(h)
@test a*b == RG(g*h)
@test (a+b)*(a+b) == a*a + a*b + b*a + b*b
for g in G
@test New.star(RG(g)) == RG(inv(g))
@test (one(RG)-RG(g))*New.star(one(RG)-RG(g)) ==
2*one(RG) - RG(g) - RG(inv(g))
@test New.aug(one(RG) - RG(g)) == 0
a = RG(1) + RG(perm"(2,3)") + RG(perm"(1,2,3)")
b = RG(1) - RG(perm"(1,2)(3)") - RG(perm"(1,2,3)")
@test a*b == New.mul!(a,a,b)
@test New.aug(a) == 3
@test New.aug(b) == -1
@test New.aug(a)*New.aug(b) == New.aug(a*b) == New.aug(b*a)
z = sum((one(RG)-RG(g))*New.star(one(RG)-RG(g)) for g in G)
@test New.aug(z) == 0
@test New.supp(z) == New.basis(parent(z))
@test New.supp(RG(1) + RG(perm"(2,3)")) == [one(G), perm"(2,3)"]
@test New.supp(a) == [perm"(3)", perm"(2,3)", perm"(1,2,3)"]
@testset "Projections in Symm(3)" begin
G = SymmetricGroup(3)
b = New.Basis{UInt8}(collect(G))
l = length(b)
RG = New.StarAlgebra(G, b)
@test RG isa New.StarAlgebra
P = sum(RG(g) for g in b) // l
@test P * P == P
P3 = 2 * sum(RG(g) for g in b if sign(g) > 0) // l
@test P3 * P3 == P3
PAlt = sum(sign(g) * RG(g) for g in b) // l
@test PAlt * PAlt == PAlt
@test P3 * PAlt == PAlt * P3
P2 = (RG(1) + RG(b[2])) // 2
@test P2 * P2 == P2
@test P2 * P3 == P3 * P2 == P
P2m = (RG(1) - RG(b[2])) // 2
@test P2m * P2m == P2m
@test P2m * P3 == P3 * P2m == PAlt
@test iszero(P2m * P2)
@testset "Mutable API and trivial mstructure" begin
G = SymmetricGroup(5)
b = New.Basis{UInt8}(collect(G))
RG = New.StarAlgebra(G, b)
l = order(Int, G)
RGc = New.StarAlgebra(G, b, (l, l))
@test all(RG.mstructure .== RGc.mstructure)
Z = zero(RGc)
W = zero(RGc)
for g in [rand(G) for _ in 1:30]
X = RG(g)
Y = -RG(inv(g))
for i in 1:10
X[rand(G)] += rand(1:3)
Y[rand(G)] -= rand(1:3)
Xc = New.AlgebraElement(New.coeffs(X), RGc)
Yc = New.AlgebraElement(New.coeffs(Y), RGc)
@test New.coeffs(X*Y) ==
New.coeffs(Xc*Yc) == New.coeffs(New.mul!(Z, X, Y))
@test Z.coeffs == New.mul!(W.coeffs, X.coeffs, Y.coeffs, RG.mstructure)
@test Z.coeffs == W.coeffs
@test Z.coeffs == New.mul!(W.coeffs, X.coeffs, Y.coeffs, RGc.mstructure)
@test Z.coeffs == W.coeffs
@test New.coeffs((2*X*Y)) ==
(New.fmac!(W.coeffs, X.coeffs, Y.coeffs, RG.mstructure); New.coeffs(New.mul!(W, W, 2)))