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@testset "Algebra and Elements Constructors" begin
G = SymmetricGroup(3)
b = New.Basis{UInt8}(collect(G))
l = length(b)
RG = New.StarAlgebra(G, b, (l, l))
a = rand(6)
@test New.AlgebraElement(a, RG) isa New.AlgebraElement
@test all(RG(g) isa New.AlgebraElement{typeof(RG)} for g in G)
@test_throws AssertionError New.AlgebraElement([1,2,3], RG)
@test New.AlgebraElement([1,2,3,0,0,0], RG) isa New.AlgebraElement
p = G([2,3,1])
a = RG(p)
@test New.coeffs(a) isa SparseVector
@test New.coeffs(a)[5] == 1
@test all(New.coeffs(a)[i] == 0 for i in 1:6 if i 5)
@test a(p) == 1
@test all(a(g) == 0 for g in G if g != p)
@test sprint(show, a) == "1·(1,2,3)"
@test sprint(show, -a) == "-1·(1,2,3)"
@test New.AlgebraElement([0,0,0,0,1,0], RG) == a
@test New.supp(a) == [p]
@test New.supp_ind(a) == [5]
s = one(G)
@test a(s) == 0
a[s] = 2
@test New.coeffs(a)[1] == 2
@test a[1] == 2
@test a(s) == 2
@test New.supp(a) == [s, p]
@test New.supp_ind(a) == [1, 5]
@test sprint(show, a) == "2·() +1·(1,2,3)"
@test sprint(show, -a) == "-2·() -1·(1,2,3)"
@test sprint(show, New.AlgebraElement([2,0,0,0,-1,0], RG)) == "2·() -1·(1,2,3)"