mirror of https://github.com/kalmarek/GroupRings.jl.git synced 2024-12-28 18:50:29 +01:00

first batch of tests

This commit is contained in:
kalmar 2017-05-17 17:45:19 +02:00
parent 3c8022b59d
commit 9048eb656d

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@ -1,5 +1,78 @@
using GroupAlgebras
using GroupRings
using Base.Test
using Nemo
# write your own tests here
@test 1 == 2
@testset "GroupRing constructors: PermutationGroup" begin
G = PermutationGroup(3)
@test isa(GroupRing(G), Nemo.Ring)
@test isa(GroupRing(G), GroupRing)
RG = GroupRing(G)
@test isdefined(RG, :pm) == false
@test isdefined(RG, :basis) == false
@test isdefined(RG, :basis_dict) == false
@test isa(complete(RG), GroupRing)
@test size(RG.pm) == (6,6)
@test length(RG.basis) == 6
@test RG.basis_dict == GroupRings.reverse_dict(elements(G))
@test isa(GroupRing(G, collect(elements(G))), GroupRing)
S = collect(elements(G))
pm = create_pm(S)
@test isa(GroupRing(G, S), GroupRing)
@test isa(GroupRing(G, S, pm), GroupRing)
A = GroupRing(G, S)
B = GroupRing(G, S, pm)
@test RG == A
@test RG == B
@testset "GroupRing constructors FreeGroup" begin
using Groups
F = FreeGroup(3)
S = generators(F)
append!(S, [inv(s) for s in S])
S = unique(S)
basis, sizes = Groups.generate_balls(S, F(), radius=4)
d = GroupRings.reverse_dict(basis)
@test_throws KeyError create_pm(basis)
pm = create_pm(basis, d, sizes[2])
@test isa(GroupRing(F, basis, pm), GroupRing)
@test isa(GroupRing(F, basis, d, pm), GroupRing)
A = GroupRing(F, basis, pm)
B = GroupRing(F, basis, d, pm)
@test A == B
@testset "GroupRingElems constructors/basic manipulation" begin
G = PermutationGroup(3)
RG = GroupRing(G, full=true)
a = rand(6)
@test isa(GroupRingElem(a, RG), GroupRingElem)
@test isa(RG(a), GroupRingElem)
@test_throws String GroupRingElem([1,2,3], RG)
@test isa(RG(G([2,3,1])), GroupRingElem)
p = G([2,3,1])
a = RG(p)
@test length(a) == 6
@test isa(a.coeffs, SparseVector)
@test a.coeffs[5] == 1
@test a[5] == 1
@test RG([0,0,0,0,1,0]) == a
@test a[p] == 1
@test a[G([1,2,3])] == 0
@test string(a) == "1*[2, 3, 1]"