using Test using AbstractAlgebra has_base_ring(R::AbstractAlgebra.NCRing) = base_ring(R) != Union{} function AbstractAlgebra.promote_rule(::Type{S}, ::Type{T}) where {S <: Real, T <: Real} return Base.promote_rule(S, T) end function test_data_type(f,g) @testset "Data type" begin f,g = deepcopy(f), deepcopy(g) if f isa NCRingElem @test parent(f) isa AbstractAlgebra.NCRing else @test parent(f) isa AbstractAlgebra.Ring end R = parent(f) @test typeof(R) <: parent_type(typeof(f)) @test typeof(f) <: elem_type(typeof(R)) @test base_ring(R) isa AbstractAlgebra.Ring || base_ring(R) == Union{} if f isa RingElement @test isdomain_type(typeof(f)) isa Bool end @test isexact_type(typeof(f)) isa Bool @test deepcopy(f) isa typeof(f) @test !(deepcopy(f) === f) @test parent(deepcopy(f)) === parent(f) @test hash(f, UInt(0)) isa UInt @test hash(deepcopy(f)) == hash(f) end end function test_constructors(f,g) @testset "Constructors" begin f,g = deepcopy(f), deepcopy(g) R = parent(f) @test R() isa typeof(f) @test R(0) isa typeof(f) @test R(Int16(0)) isa typeof(f) @test R(big(1)) isa typeof(f) @test zero(R) isa typeof(f) @test one(R) isa typeof(f) # no copy constructor @test R(f) === f if has_base_ring(R) S = base_ring(R) @test R(S(0)) isa typeof(f) @test R(S(1)) isa typeof(f) end @test iszero(R(0)) @test !iszero(R(1)) @test isone(R(1)) @test !isone(R(0)) @test !(iszero(f) && isone(f)) if f isa RingElement @test canonical_unit(f) isa typeof(f) @test canonical_unit(f)*canonical_unit(g) == canonical_unit(f * g) if f isa FieldElement @test canonical_unit(f) === f end end end end function test_string_io(f,g) f,g = deepcopy(f), deepcopy(g) @testset "String I/O" begin # these go through show unless string() is defined @test string(f) isa String @test string(parent(f)) isa String @test needs_parentheses(f) isa Bool @test displayed_with_minus_in_front(f) isa Bool @test show_minus_one(typeof(f)) isa Bool end end function test_comparison(f,g) f,g = deepcopy(f), deepcopy(g) @testset "Comparison" begin R = parent(f) @test R(0) == R() @test R(Int16(0)) == R() @test zero(R) == R(0) @test one(R) == R(1) @test f == f @test g == g @test (f == g) isa Bool @test isequal(f,g) isa Bool @test isequal(R(0), R()) @test isequal(R(1), one(R)) @test isequal(f,f) @test isequal(g,g) if !isexact_type(typeof(f)) @test isapprox(f, f; atol=1e-12) isa Bool if has_base_ring(R) S = base_ring(R) @test isapprox(f, S(1); atol=1e-12) isa Bool @test isapprox(S(1), f; atol=1e-12) isa Bool end end end end function test_unary_binary_ops(f,g) f,g = deepcopy(f), deepcopy(g) @testset "Unary/binary operators" begin R = parent(f) # check that operations have no side effects: old_f, old_g = deepcopy(f), deepcopy(g) @test parent(-f) == parent(f) @test !(-f === f) @test f == old_f @test f+g isa typeof(f) @test parent(f) == parent(f+g) @test !(f+g === f) && !(f+g === g) @test f == old_f && g == old_g @test f-g isa typeof(f) @test parent(f) == parent(f-g) @test !(f-g === f) && !(f-g === g) @test f == old_f && g == old_g @test f*g isa typeof(f) @test parent(f) == parent(f*g) @test !(f*g === f) && !(f*g === g) @test f == old_f && g == old_g # unary minus @test -f isa typeof(f) @test -(-f) == f @test -R(1) == R(-1) @test -R(0) == R(0) # arithmetic binary ops @test f + g == g + f @test R(0) + R(1) == R(1) @test R(1) + R(1) == R(2) @test R(0) - R(1) == -R(1) @test f - f == -f + f == R(0) @test (f + g) + R(1) == g + (f + R(1)) @test R(0) * R(1) == R(0) @test R(1) * f == f @test R(0) * f == R(0) @test f^2 == f * f @test f^5 == (f * f)^2 * f @test (f*g)^2 == f*g*f*g end end function test_divexact(f,g) f,g = deepcopy(f), deepcopy(g) @testset "divexact" begin R = parent(f) try divexact_left(g*f, f) @test divexact_left(g*f, f) == g if f isa RingElement && g isa RingElement @test divexact_left(g*f, g) == divexact_right(g*f, g) end catch DivideError nothing end try divexact_right(f*g, g) @test divexact_right(f*g, g) == f if f isa RingElement && g isa RingElement @test divexact_left(f*g, f) == divexact_right(g*f, f) end catch DivideError nothing end if f isa RingElement && g isa RingElement @test_throws DivideError divexact(f, R(0)) end @test divexact_left(f, R(1)) == f @test divexact_right(g, R(1)) == g @test_throws DivideError divexact_left(f, R(0)) @test_throws DivideError divexact_right(f, R(0)) end end function test_unsafe_ops(f,g) f,g = deepcopy(f), deepcopy(g) @testset "unsafe operators" begin R = parent(f) let f = f, g = g t = deepcopy(f) @test zero!(t) == R(0) @test AbstractAlgebra.mul!(t, f, g) == f*g @test add!(t, f, g) == f+g @test addeq!(deepcopy(f), g) == f + g # the same but with aliasing: v = f * g @test AbstractAlgebra.mul!(f, f, g) == v v = f + g @test add!(f, f, g) == v v = f + g @test addeq!(f, g) == v end end end function test_promote_rules(f,g) f,g = deepcopy(f), deepcopy(g) @testset "promote_rules" begin function test_promotes(F::Type, I::Type) @testset "Promote_type with $I" begin @test AbstractAlgebra.promote_rule(F, I) isa Type @test AbstractAlgebra.promote_rule(F, I) != Union{} end end test_promotes(typeof(f), Int16) test_promotes(typeof(f), Int) test_promotes(typeof(f), typeof(g)) @test AbstractAlgebra.promote_rule(typeof(f), typeof(g)) == typeof(f) if has_base_ring(parent(f)) S = base_ring(parent(f)) test_promotes(typeof(f), elem_type(S)) @test AbstractAlgebra.promote_rule(typeof(f), elem_type(S)) == typeof(f) end end end function test_optional_functionality(f,g) f,g = deepcopy(f), deepcopy(g) function test_pmt(f,x, T=typeof(f)) @test f+x isa T @test x+f isa T @test f-x isa T @test x-f isa T @test f*x isa T @test x*f isa T end @testset "Optional functionality" begin R = parent(f) @test R(1) == 1 @test 0 == R(0) test_pmt(f, 2, typeof(f)) if has_base_ring(R) S = base_ring(R) test_pmt(f, S(2), typeof(f)) @test R(1) == S(1) @test S(0) == R(0) end try divexact(f, 1) @test divexact(f, 1) == f catch MethodError nothing end try isunit(f) @test isunit(f) isa Bool catch MethodError nothing end try f^big(2) @test f^big(2) == f^2 catch MethodError nothing end try addmul!(r, f, g, R(0)) r = R(1) @test addmul!(r, f, g, R(0)) == 1 + f * g @test r == 1 + f*g v = deepcopy(f) @test addmul!(f, f, g, R(0)) == v + v * g @test f == v + v*g catch MethodError nothing end end end function test_ringinterface(f, g) @testset "Ring Interface" begin test_data_type(f,g) test_constructors(f,g) test_string_io(f,g) test_comparison(f,g) test_unary_binary_ops(f,g) test_divexact(f,g) test_unsafe_ops(f,g) test_promote_rules(f,g) @testset "rand" begin # ??? end test_optional_functionality(f,g) end end