, A::AbstractStarAlgebra) = print(io, "*-Algebra of $(object(A))") __prints_with_minus(x) = false __prints_with_minus(x::Real) = x < 0 function, a::AlgebraElement) A = parent(a) if iszero(a) T = eltype(a) print(io, "$(zero(T))*$(one(object(A)))") elseif hasbasis(A) elts = String[] nzeros = findall(!iszero, coeffs(a)) for (counter, idx) in enumerate(nzeros) c, elt = coeffs(a)[idx], basis(A)[idx] if counter == 1 print(io, c, '·', elt) length(nzeros) > 1 && print(io, ' ') else __prints_with_minus(c) || print(io, '+') print(io, c, '·', elt) counter == length(nzeros) || print(io, ' ') end end else println(io, "Algebra element without defined basis") show(io, MIME("text/plain"), a.coeffs) end end function, ::MIME"text/plain", mstr::TrivialMStructure) Tw = _istwisted(mstr) l = length(basis(mstr)) print(io, "TrivialMStructure{$Tw} over basis with $l elements") end