mirror of https://github.com/kalmarek/Groups.jl.git synced 2024-07-17 10:55:33 +02:00

add_rel! and quotientgroup for the future

This commit is contained in:
kalmar 2017-05-11 18:24:05 +02:00
parent 1c638e296c
commit 5f90c0c7b1

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@ -105,3 +105,21 @@ function add_rel!{T<:FPSymbol}(G::FPGroup, w::GWord{T})
end end
end #of module FinitelyPresentedGroups end #of module FinitelyPresentedGroups
# function add_rel!{T<:FPSymbol}(G::FPGroup, w::GWord{T})
# if !(w in G.rels)
# w = G(w)
# push!(G.rels, w)
# end
# return G
# end
# function quotientgroup(G::FPGroup, rels::Vector{FPGroupElem})
# for r in rels
# parent(r) == G || throw("Can not form quotient group: $r is not an element of $G")
# end
# H = deepcopy(G)
# for rel in rels
# add_rel!(H, rel)
# end
# return H
# end