@testset "Automorphisms" begin @testset "Transvections" begin @test Groups.Transvection(:ϱ, 1, 2) isa Groups.GSymbol @test Groups.Transvection(:ϱ, 1, 2) isa Groups.Transvection @test Groups.Transvection(:λ, 1, 2) isa Groups.GSymbol @test Groups.Transvection(:λ, 1, 2) isa Groups.Transvection t = Groups.Transvection(:ϱ, 1, 2) @test inv(t) isa Groups.GSymbol @test inv(t) isa Groups.Transvection @test t != inv(t) s = Groups.Transvection(:ϱ, 1, 2) @test t == s @test hash(t) == hash(s) s_ = Groups.Transvection(:ϱ, 1, 3) @test s_ != s @test hash(s_) != hash(s) @test Groups.gersten_alphabet(3) isa Alphabet A = Groups.gersten_alphabet(3) @test length(A) == 12 @test sprint(show, Groups.ϱ(1, 2)) == "ϱ₁.₂" @test sprint(show, Groups.λ(3, 2)) == "λ₃.₂" end A4 = Alphabet( [:a, :A, :b, :B, :c, :C, :d, :D], [2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7] ) A5 = Alphabet( [:a, :A, :b, :B, :c, :C, :d, :D, :e, :E], [2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7, 10, 9] ) F4 = FreeGroup([:a, :b, :c, :d], A4) a, b, c, d = gens(F4) D = ntuple(i -> gens(F4, i), 4) @testset "Transvection action correctness" begin i, j = 1, 2 r = Groups.Transvection(:ϱ, i, j) l = Groups.Transvection(:λ, i, j) (t::Groups.Transvection)(v::Tuple) = Groups.evaluate!(v, t) @test r(deepcopy(D)) == (a * b, b, c, d) @test inv(r)(deepcopy(D)) == (a * b^-1, b, c, d) @test l(deepcopy(D)) == (b * a, b, c, d) @test inv(l)(deepcopy(D)) == (b^-1 * a, b, c, d) i, j = 3, 1 r = Groups.Transvection(:ϱ, i, j) l = Groups.Transvection(:λ, i, j) @test r(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, c * a, d) @test inv(r)(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, c * a^-1, d) @test l(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, a * c, d) @test inv(l)(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, a^-1 * c, d) i, j = 4, 3 r = Groups.Transvection(:ϱ, i, j) l = Groups.Transvection(:λ, i, j) @test r(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, c, d * c) @test inv(r)(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, c, d * c^-1) @test l(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, c, c * d) @test inv(l)(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, c, c^-1 * d) i, j = 2, 4 r = Groups.Transvection(:ϱ, i, j) l = Groups.Transvection(:λ, i, j) @test r(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b * d, c, d) @test inv(r)(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b * d^-1, c, d) @test l(deepcopy(D)) == (a, d * b, c, d) @test inv(l)(deepcopy(D)) == (a, d^-1 * b, c, d) end A = SpecialAutomorphismGroup(F4, max_rules=1000) @testset "AutomorphismGroup constructors" begin @test A isa Groups.AbstractFPGroup @test A isa AutomorphismGroup @test alphabet(A) isa Alphabet @test Groups.relations(A) isa Vector{<:Pair} @test sprint(show, A) == "automorphism group of free group on 4 generators" end @testset "Automorphisms: hash and evaluate" begin @test Groups.domain(gens(A, 1)) == D g, h = gens(A, 1), gens(A, 8) # (ϱ₁.₂, ϱ₃.₂) @test evaluate(g * h) == evaluate(h * g) @test (g * h).savedhash == zero(UInt) @test contains(sprint(show, typeof(g)), "Automorphism{FreeGroup{Symbol") a = g * h b = h * g @test hash(a) != zero(UInt) @test hash(a) == hash(b) @test a.savedhash == b.savedhash @test length(unique([a, b])) == 1 @test length(unique([g * h, h * g])) == 1 # Not so simple arithmetic: applying starting on the left: # ϱ₁₂*ϱ₂₁⁻¹*λ₁₂*ε₂ == σ₂₁₃₄ g = gens(A, 1) x1, x2, x3, x4 = Groups.domain(g) @test evaluate(g) == (x1 * x2, x2, x3, x4) g = g * inv(gens(A, 4)) # ϱ₂₁ @test evaluate(g) == (x1 * x2, x1^-1, x3, x4) g = g * gens(A, 13) @test evaluate(g) == (x2, x1^-1, x3, x4) end @testset "Automorphisms: SAut(F₄)" begin N = 4 G = SpecialAutomorphismGroup(FreeGroup(N)) S = gens(G) @test S isa Vector{<:FPGroupElement{<:AutomorphismGroup{<:FreeGroup}}} @test length(S) == 2 * N * (N - 1) @test length(unique(S)) == length(S) S_sym = [S; inv.(S)] @test length(S_sym) == length(unique(S_sym)) pushfirst!(S_sym, one(G)) B_2 = [i * j for (i, j) in Base.product(S_sym, S_sym)] @test length(B_2) == 2401 @test length(unique(B_2)) == 1777 @test all(g -> isone(inv(g) * g), B_2) @test all(g -> isone(g * inv(g)), B_2) end @testset "Forward evaluate" begin N = 3 F = FreeGroup(N) G = SpecialAutomorphismGroup(F) a = gens(G, 1) # ϱ₁₂ f = gens(F) @test a(f[1]) == f[1] * f[2] @test all(a(f[i]) == f[i] for i in 2:length(f)) S = let s = gens(G) [s; inv.(s)] end @test all( map(first(Groups.wlmetric_ball(S, radius=2))) do g lm = Groups.LettersMap(g) img = evaluate(g) fimg = [F(lm[first(word(s))]) for s in gens(F)] succeeded = all(img .== fimg) @assert succeeded "forward evaluation of $(word(g)) failed: \n img=$img\n fimg=$(tuple(fimg...))" succeeded end ) end Logging.with_logger(Logging.NullLogger()) do @testset "GroupsCore conformance" begin test_Group_interface(A) g = A(rand(1:length(alphabet(A)), 10)) h = A(rand(1:length(alphabet(A)), 10)) test_GroupElement_interface(g, h) end end end