function KnuthBendix.Alphabet(S::AbstractVector{<:GSymbol}) S = unique!([S; inv.(S)]) inversions = [findfirst(==(inv(s)), S) for s in S] return Alphabet(S, inversions) end struct AutomorphismGroup{G<:Group,T,R,S} <: AbstractFPGroup group::G gens::Vector{T} rws::R domain::S end object(G::AutomorphismGroup) = rewriting(G::AutomorphismGroup) = G.rws function equality_data(f::FPGroupElement{<:AutomorphismGroup}) imf = evaluate(f) # return normalform!.(imf) tmp = one(first(imf)) for g in imf normalform!(tmp, g) copyto!(g, tmp) end return imf end function Base.:(==)(g::A, h::A) where {A<:FPGroupElement{<:AutomorphismGroup}} @assert parent(g) === parent(h) if _isvalidhash(g) && _isvalidhash(h) hash(g) != hash(h) && return false end length(word(g)) > 8 && normalform!(g) length(word(h)) > 8 && normalform!(h) word(g) == word(h) && return true img_computed, imh_computed = false, false if !_isvalidhash(g) img = equality_data(g) _update_savedhash!(g, img) img_computed = true end if !_isvalidhash(h) imh = equality_data(h) _update_savedhash!(h, imh) imh_computed = true end @assert _isvalidhash(g) @assert _isvalidhash(h) hash(g) != hash(h) && return false # words are different, but hashes agree if !img_computed img = equality_data(g) end if !imh_computed imh = equality_data(h) end equal = img == imh equal || @warn "hash collision in == :" g h return equal end function Base.isone(g::FPGroupElement{<:AutomorphismGroup}) if length(word(g)) > 8 normalform!(g) end return evaluate(g) == parent(g).domain end # eye-candy, ::Type{<:FPGroupElement{<:AutomorphismGroup{T}}}) where {T} = print(io, "Automorphism{$T,…}"), A::AutomorphismGroup) = print(io, "automorphism group of ", object(A)) ## Automorphism Evaluation domain(f::FPGroupElement{<:AutomorphismGroup}) = deepcopy(parent(f).domain) # tuple(gens(object(parent(f)))...) evaluate(f::FPGroupElement{<:AutomorphismGroup}) = evaluate!(domain(f), f) function evaluate!( t::NTuple{N,T}, f::FPGroupElement{<:AutomorphismGroup{<:Group}}, tmp = one(first(t)), ) where {N, T} A = alphabet(f) AF = alphabet(object(parent(f))) for idx in word(f) t = @inbounds evaluate!(t, A[idx], AF, tmp)::NTuple{N,T} end return t end evaluate!(t::NTuple{N, T}, s::GSymbol, A, tmp=one(first(t))) where {N, T} = throw("you need to implement `evaluate!(::$(typeof(t)), ::$(typeof(s)), ::Alphabet, tmp=one(first(t)))`")