import PermutationGroups: AbstractPermutationGroup, AbstractPerm, degree, SymmetricGroup """ WreathProduct(G::Group, P::AbstractPermutationGroup) <: Group Return the wreath product of a group `G` by permutation group `P`, usually written as `G ≀ P`. As set `G ≀ P` is the same as `Gᵈ × P` and the group can be understood as a semi-direct product of `P` acting on `d`-fold cartesian product of `G` by permuting coordinates. To be more precise, the multiplication inside wreath product is defined as > `(n, σ) * (m, τ) = (n*(m^σ), σ*τ)` where `m^σ` denotes the action (from the right) of the permutation `σ` on `d`-tuples of elements from `G`. """ struct WreathProduct{DP<:DirectPower,PGr<:AbstractPermutationGroup} <: GroupsCore.Group N::DP P::PGr function WreathProduct(G::Group, P::AbstractPermutationGroup) N = DirectPower{degree(P)}(G) return new{typeof(N),typeof(P)}(N, P) end end struct WreathProductElement{ DPEl<:DirectPowerElement, PEl<:AbstractPerm, Wr<:WreathProduct, } <: GroupsCore.GroupElement n::DPEl p::PEl parent::Wr function WreathProductElement( n::DirectPowerElement, p::AbstractPerm, W::WreathProduct, ) new{typeof(n),typeof(p),typeof(W)}(n, p, W) end end = WreathProductElement(one(W.N), one(W.P), W) Base.eltype(::Type{<:WreathProduct{DP,PGr}}) where {DP,PGr} = WreathProductElement{eltype(DP),eltype(PGr),WreathProduct{DP,PGr}} function Base.iterate(G::WreathProduct) itr = Iterators.product(G.N, G.P) res = iterate(itr) @assert res !== nothing elt = WreathProductElement(first(res)..., G) return elt, (iterator = itr, state = last(res)) end function Base.iterate(G::WreathProduct, state) itr, st = state.iterator, state.state res = iterate(itr, st) res === nothing && return nothing elt = WreathProductElement(first(res)..., G) return elt, (iterator = itr, state = last(res)) end function Base.IteratorSize(::Type{<:WreathProduct{DP,PGr}}) where {DP,PGr} dpI = Base.IteratorSize(DP) pgI = Base.IteratorSize(PGr) if dpI isa Base.IsInfinite || pgI isa Base.IsInfinite return Base.IsInfinite() elseif dpI isa Base.SizeUnknown || pgI isa Base.SizeUnknown return Base.SizeUnknown() else return Base.HasShape{2}() end end Base.size(G::WreathProduct) = (length(G.N), length(G.P)) GroupsCore.order(::Type{I}, G::WreathProduct) where {I<:Integer} = convert(I, order(I, G.N) * order(I, G.P)) function GroupsCore.gens(G::WreathProduct) N_gens = [WreathProductElement(n, one(G.P), G) for n in gens(G.N)] P_gens = [WreathProductElement(one(G.N), p, G) for p in gens(G.P)] return [N_gens; P_gens] end Base.isfinite(G::WreathProduct) = isfinite(G.N) && isfinite(G.P) function Base.rand( rng::Random.AbstractRNG, rs::Random.SamplerTrivial{<:WreathProduct}, ) G = rs[] return WreathProductElement(rand(rng, G.N), rand(rng, G.P), G) end GroupsCore.parent(g::WreathProductElement) = g.parent Base.:(==)(g::WreathProductElement, h::WreathProductElement) = parent(g) === parent(h) && g.n == h.n && g.p == h.p Base.hash(g::WreathProductElement, h::UInt) = hash(g.n, hash(g.p, hash(g.parent, h))) function Base.deepcopy_internal(g::WreathProductElement, stackdict::IdDict) return WreathProductElement( Base.deepcopy_internal(g.n, stackdict), Base.deepcopy_internal(g.p, stackdict), parent(g), ) end _act(p::AbstractPerm, n::DirectPowerElement) = DirectPowerElement(n.elts^p, parent(n)) function Base.inv(g::WreathProductElement) pinv = inv(g.p) return WreathProductElement(_act(pinv, inv(g.n)), pinv, parent(g)) end function Base.:(*)(g::WreathProductElement, h::WreathProductElement) @assert parent(g) === parent(h) return WreathProductElement(g.n * _act(g.p, h.n), g.p * h.p, parent(g)) end Base.isone(g::WreathProductElement) = isone(g.n) && isone(g.p), G::WreathProduct) = print(io, "Wreath product of $( by $(G.P)"), g::WreathProductElement) = print(io, "( $(g.n)≀$(g.p) )") Base.copy(g::WreathProductElement) = WreathProductElement(g.n, g.p, parent(g))