using Groups.MatrixGroups @testset "Matrix Groups" begin @testset "SL(n, ℤ)" begin SL3Z = SpecialLinearGroup{3}(Int8) S = gens(SL3Z); union!(S, inv.(S)) E, sizes = Groups.wlmetric_ball(S, radius=4) @test sizes == [13, 121, 883, 5455] E(i,j) = SL3Z([A[MatrixGroups.ElementaryMatrix{3}(i,j, Int8(1))]]) A = alphabet(SL3Z) w = E(1,2) r = E(2,3)^-3 s = E(1,3)^2*E(3,2)^-1 S = [w,r,s]; S = unique([S; inv.(S)]); _, sizes = Groups.wlmetric_ball(S, radius=4); @test sizes == [7, 33, 141, 561] _, sizes = Groups.wlmetric_ball_serial(S, radius=4); @test sizes == [7, 33, 141, 561] Logging.with_logger(Logging.NullLogger()) do @testset "GroupsCore conformance" begin test_Group_interface(SL3Z) g = SL3Z(rand(1:length(alphabet(SL3Z)), 10)) h = SL3Z(rand(1:length(alphabet(SL3Z)), 10)) test_GroupElement_interface(g, h) end end x = w*inv(w)*r @test length(word(x)) == 5 @test size(x) == (3,3) @test eltype(x) == Int8 @test contains(sprint(print, SL3Z), "special linear group of 3×3") @test contains(sprint(show, MIME"text/plain"(), x), "SL{3,Int8} matrix:") @test sprint(print, x) isa String @test length(word(x)) == 3 end @testset "Sp(6, ℤ)" begin Sp6 = MatrixGroups.SymplecticGroup{6}(Int8) @testset "GroupsCore conformance" begin test_Group_interface(Sp6) g = Sp6(rand(1:length(alphabet(Sp6)), 10)) h = Sp6(rand(1:length(alphabet(Sp6)), 10)) test_GroupElement_interface(g, h) end @test contains(sprint(print, Sp6), "group of 6×6 symplectic matrices") x = gens(Sp6, 1) x *= inv(x) * gens(Sp6, 2) @test length(word(x)) == 3 @test size(x) == (6,6) @test eltype(x) == Int8 @test contains(sprint(show, MIME"text/plain"(), x), "6×6 symplectic matrix:") @test sprint(print, x) isa String @test length(word(x)) == 1 end end