## Hashing equality_data(g::AbstractFPGroupElement) = word(g) bitget(h::UInt, n::Int) = Bool((h & (1 << n)) >> n) bitclear(h::UInt, n::Int) = h & ~(1 << n) bitset(h::UInt, n::Int) = h | (1 << n) bitset(h::UInt, v::Bool, n::Int) = v ? bitset(h, n) : bitclear(h, n) # We store hash of a word in field `savedhash` to use it as cheap proxy to # determine non-equal words. Additionally bits of `savehash` store boolean # information as follows # * `savedhash & 1` (the first bit): is word in normal form? # * `savedhash & 2` (the second bit): is the hash valid? const __BITFLAGS_MASK = ~(~(UInt(0)) << 2) isnormalform(g::AbstractFPGroupElement) = bitget(g.savedhash, 0) _isvalidhash(g::AbstractFPGroupElement) = bitget(g.savedhash, 1) _setnormalform(h::UInt, v::Bool) = bitset(h, v, 0) _setvalidhash(h::UInt, v::Bool) = bitset(h, v, 1) function _setnormalform!(g::AbstractFPGroupElement, v::Bool) return g.savedhash = _setnormalform(g.savedhash, v) end function _setvalidhash!(g::AbstractFPGroupElement, v::Bool) return g.savedhash = _setvalidhash(g.savedhash, v) end # To update hash use this internal method, possibly only after computing the # normal form of `g`: function _update_savedhash!(g::AbstractFPGroupElement, data) h = hash(data, hash(parent(g))) h = (h << count_ones(__BITFLAGS_MASK)) | (__BITFLAGS_MASK & g.savedhash) g.savedhash = _setvalidhash(h, true) return g end function Base.hash(g::AbstractFPGroupElement, h::UInt) _isvalidhash(g) || _update_savedhash!(g, equality_data(g)) return hash(g.savedhash >> count_ones(__BITFLAGS_MASK), h) end function Base.copyto!(res::AbstractFPGroupElement, g::AbstractFPGroupElement) @assert parent(res) === parent(g) resize!(word(res), length(word(g))) copyto!(word(res), word(g)) res.savedhash = g.savedhash return res end