__precompile__() module Groups using AbstractAlgebra import AbstractAlgebra: Group, GroupElem, Ring import AbstractAlgebra: parent, parent_type, elem_type import AbstractAlgebra: elements, order, gens, matrix_repr import Base: length, ==, hash, show, convert import Base: inv, reduce, *, ^, power_by_squaring import Base: findfirst, findnext import Base: deepcopy_internal using LinearAlgebra using Markdown ############################################################################### # # ParentType / ObjectType definition # ############################################################################### @doc doc""" ::GSymbol > Abstract type which all group symbols of AbstractFPGroups should subtype. Each > concrete subtype should implement fields: > * `str` which is the string representation/identification of a symbol > * `pow` which is the (multiplicative) exponent of a symbol. """ abstract type GSymbol end abstract type GWord{T<:GSymbol} <:GroupElem end @doc doc""" W::GroupWord{T} <: GWord{T<:GSymbol} <:GroupElem > Basic representation of element of a finitely presented group. `W.symbols` > fieldname contains particular group symbols which multiplied constitute a > group element, i.e. a word in generators. > As reduction (inside group) of such word may be time consuming we provide > `savedhash` and `modified` fields as well: > hash (used e.g. in the `unique` function) is calculated by reducing the word, > setting `modified` flag to `false` and computing the hash which is stored in > `savedhash` field. > whenever word `W` is changed `W.modified` is set to `false`; > Future comparisons don't perform reduction (and use `savedhash`) as long as > `modified` flag remains `false`. """ mutable struct GroupWord{T} <: GWord{T} symbols::Vector{T} savedhash::UInt modified::Bool parent::Group function GroupWord{T}(symbols::Vector{T}) where {T} return new{T}(symbols, hash(symbols), true) end end abstract type AbstractFPGroup <: Group end ############################################################################### # # Includes # ############################################################################### include("FreeGroup.jl") include("FPGroups.jl") include("AutGroup.jl") include("DirectProducts.jl") include("WreathProducts.jl") ############################################################################### # # Type and parent object methods # ############################################################################### parent(w::GWord{T}) where {T<:GSymbol} = w.parent ############################################################################### # # ParentType / ObjectType constructors # ############################################################################### GroupWord(s::T) where {T<:GSymbol} = GroupWord{T}(T[s]) convert(::Type{GroupWord{T}}, s::T) where {T<:GSymbol} = GroupWord{T}(T[s]) ############################################################################### # # Basic manipulation # ############################################################################### function hash(W::GWord, h::UInt) W.modified && reduce!(W) return xor(W.savedhash, h) end # WARNING: Due to specialised (constant) hash function of GWords this one is actually necessary! function deepcopy_internal(W::T, dict::IdDict) where {T<:GWord} G = parent(W) return G(T(deepcopy(W.symbols))) end length(W::GWord) = sum([length(s) for s in W.symbols]) function deleteids!(W::GWord) to_delete = Int[] for i in 1:length(W.symbols) if W.symbols[i].pow == 0 push!(to_delete, i) end end deleteat!(W.symbols, to_delete) end function freereduce!(W::GWord) reduced = true for i in 1:length(W.symbols) - 1 if W.symbols[i].pow == 0 continue elseif W.symbols[i].str == W.symbols[i+1].str reduced = false p1 = W.symbols[i].pow p2 = W.symbols[i+1].pow W.symbols[i+1] = change_pow(W.symbols[i], p1 + p2) W.symbols[i] = change_pow(W.symbols[i], 0) end end deleteids!(W) return reduced end function reduce!(W::GWord) if length(W) < 2 deleteids!(W) else reduced = false while !reduced reduced = freereduce!(W) end end W.savedhash = hash(W.symbols, hash(typeof(W), hash(parent(W), zero(UInt)))) W.modified = false return W end @doc doc""" reduce(W::GWord) > performs reduction/simplification of a group element (word in generators). > The default reduction is the free group reduction, i.e. consists of > multiplying adjacent symbols with the same `str` identifier and deleting the > identity elements from `W.symbols`. > More specific procedures should be dispatched on `GWord`s type parameter. """ reduce(W::GWord) = reduce!(deepcopy(W)) @doc doc""" gens(G::AbstractFPGroups) > returns vector of generators of `G`, as its elements. """ gens(G::AbstractFPGroup) = [G(g) for g in G.gens] ############################################################################### # # String I/O # ############################################################################### @doc doc""" show(io::IO, W::GWord) > The actual string produced by show depends on the eltype of `W.symbols`. """ function show(io::IO, W::GWord) if length(W) == 0 print(io, "(id)") else join(io, [string(s) for s in W.symbols], "*") end end function show(io::IO, s::T) where {T<:GSymbol} if s.pow == 1 print(io, s.str) else print(io, (s.str)*"^$(s.pow)") end end ############################################################################### # # Comparison # ############################################################################### function (==)(W::GWord, Z::GWord) parent(W) == parent(Z) || return false W.modified && reduce!(W) Z.modified && reduce!(Z) if W.savedhash != Z.savedhash return false end return W.symbols == Z.symbols end function (==)(s::GSymbol, t::GSymbol) s.pow == t.pow || return false s.pow == 0 && return true s.str == t.str || return false return true end ############################################################################### # # Binary operators # ############################################################################### function r_multiply!(W::GWord, x; reduced::Bool=true) if length(x) > 0 append!(W.symbols, x) end if reduced reduce!(W) end return W end function l_multiply!(W::GWord, x; reduced::Bool=true) if length(x) > 0 prepend!(W.symbols, x) end if reduced reduce!(W) end return W end r_multiply(W::GWord, x; reduced=true) = r_multiply!(deepcopy(W),x, reduced=reduced) l_multiply(W::GWord, x; reduced=true) = l_multiply!(deepcopy(W),x, reduced=reduced) (*)(W::GWord, Z::GWord) = r_multiply(W, Z.symbols) (*)(W::GWord, s::GSymbol) = r_multiply(W, [s]) (*)(s::GSymbol, W::GWord) = l_multiply(W, [s]) function power_by_squaring(W::GWord, p::Integer) if p < 0 return power_by_squaring(inv(W), -p) elseif p == 0 return parent(W)() elseif p == 1 return W elseif p == 2 return W*W end W = deepcopy(W) t = trailing_zeros(p) + 1 p >>= t while (t -= 1) > 0 r_multiply!(W, W.symbols) end Z = deepcopy(W) while p > 0 t = trailing_zeros(p) + 1 p >>= t while (t -= 1) >= 0 r_multiply!(W, W.symbols) end r_multiply!(Z, W.symbols) end return Z end (^)(x::GWord, n::Integer) = power_by_squaring(x,n) ############################################################################### # # Inversion # ############################################################################### function inv(W::T) where {T<:GWord} if length(W) == 0 return W else G = parent(W) w = T(reverse([inv(s) for s in W.symbols])) w.modified = true return G(w) end end ############################################################################### # # Replacement of symbols / sub-words # ############################################################################### issubsymbol(s::GSymbol, t::GSymbol) = s.str == t.str && (0 ≤ s.pow ≤ t.pow || 0 ≥ s.pow ≥ t.pow) """doc Find the first linear index k>=i such that Z < W.symbols[k:k+length(Z)-1] """ function findnext(W::GWord, Z::GWord, i::Int) n = length(Z.symbols) if n == 0 return 0 elseif n == 1 for idx in i:lastindex(W.symbols) if issubsymbol(Z.symbols[1], W.symbols[idx]) return idx end end return 0 else for idx in i:lastindex(W.symbols) - n + 1 foundfirst = issubsymbol(Z.symbols[1], W.symbols[idx]) lastmatch = issubsymbol(Z.symbols[end], W.symbols[idx+n-1]) if foundfirst && lastmatch # middles match: if view(Z.symbols, 2:n-1) == view(W.symbols, idx+1:idx+n-2) return idx end end end end return 0 end findfirst(W::GWord, Z::GWord) = findnext(W, Z, 1) function replace!(W::GWord, index, toreplace::GWord, replacement::GWord; check=true) n = length(toreplace.symbols) if n == 0 return reduce!(W) elseif n == 1 if check @assert issubsymbol(toreplace.symbols[1], W.symbols[index]) end first = change_pow(W.symbols[index], W.symbols[index].pow - toreplace.symbols[1].pow) last = change_pow(W.symbols[index], 0) else if check @assert issubsymbol(toreplace.symbols[1], W.symbols[index]) @assert W.symbols[index+1:index+n-2] == toreplace.symbols[2:end-1] @assert issubsymbol(toreplace.symbols[end], W.symbols[index+n-1]) end first = change_pow(W.symbols[index], W.symbols[index].pow - toreplace.symbols[1].pow) last = change_pow(W.symbols[index+n-1], W.symbols[index+n-1].pow - toreplace.symbols[end].pow) end replacement = first * replacement * last splice!(W.symbols, index:index+n-1, replacement.symbols) return reduce!(W) end function replace(W::GWord, index, toreplace::GWord, replacement::GWord) replace!(deepcopy(W), index, toreplace, replacement) end function replace_all!(W::T,subst_dict::Dict{T,T}) where {T<:GWord} modified = false for toreplace in reverse!(sort!(collect(keys(subst_dict)), by=length)) replacement = subst_dict[toreplace] i = findfirst(W, toreplace) while i ≠ 0 modified = true replace!(W,i,toreplace, replacement) i = findnext(W, toreplace, i) end end return modified end function replace_all(W::T, subst_dict::Dict{T,T}) where {T<:GWord} W = deepcopy(W) replace_all!(W, subst_dict) return W end ############################################################################### # # Misc # ############################################################################### function generate_balls(S::Vector{T}, Id::T=parent(first(S))(); radius=2, op=*) where T<:GWord sizes = Int[] B = [Id] for i in 1:radius BB = [op(i,j) for (i,j) in Base.product(B,S)] B = unique([B; vec(BB)]) push!(sizes, length(B)) end return B, sizes end function generate_balls(S::Vector{T}, Id::T=one(parent(first(S))); radius=2, op=*) where {T<:RingElem} sizes = Int[] B = [Id] for i in 1:radius BB = [op(i,j) for (i,j) in Base.product(B,S)] B = unique([B; vec(BB)]) push!(sizes, length(B)) end return B, sizes end end # of module Groups