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@testset "Automorphisms" begin
G = PermutationGroup(Int8(4))
@testset "AutSymbol" begin
@test_throws MethodError Groups.AutSymbol("a")
@test_throws MethodError Groups.AutSymbol("a", 1)
f = Groups.AutSymbol("a", 1, Groups.FlipAut(2))
@test isa(f, Groups.GSymbol)
@test isa(f, Groups.AutSymbol)
@test isa(Groups.perm_autsymbol(Int8.([1,2,3,4])), Groups.AutSymbol)
@test isa(Groups.rmul_autsymbol(1,2), Groups.AutSymbol)
@test isa(Groups.lmul_autsymbol(3,4), Groups.AutSymbol)
@test isa(Groups.flip_autsymbol(3), Groups.AutSymbol)
a,b,c,d = gens(FreeGroup(4))
D = NTuple{4,FreeGroupElem}([a,b,c,d])
@testset "flip_autsymbol correctness" begin
@test Groups.flip_autsymbol(1)(deepcopy(D)) == (a^-1, b,c,d)
@test Groups.flip_autsymbol(2)(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b^-1,c,d)
@test Groups.flip_autsymbol(3)(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b,c^-1,d)
@test Groups.flip_autsymbol(4)(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b,c,d^-1)
@test inv(Groups.flip_autsymbol(1))(deepcopy(D)) == (a^-1, b,c,d)
@test inv(Groups.flip_autsymbol(2))(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b^-1,c,d)
@test inv(Groups.flip_autsymbol(3))(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b,c^-1,d)
@test inv(Groups.flip_autsymbol(4))(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b,c,d^-1)
@testset "perm_autsymbol correctness" begin
σ = Groups.perm_autsymbol([1,2,3,4])
@test σ(deepcopy(D)) == deepcopy(D)
@test inv(σ)(deepcopy(D)) == deepcopy(D)
σ = Groups.perm_autsymbol([2,3,4,1])
@test σ(deepcopy(D)) == (b, c, d, a)
@test inv(σ)(deepcopy(D)) == (d, a, b, c)
σ = Groups.perm_autsymbol([2,1,4,3])
@test σ(deepcopy(D)) == (b, a, d, c)
@test inv(σ)(deepcopy(D)) == (b, a, d, c)
σ = Groups.perm_autsymbol([2,3,1,4])
@test σ(deepcopy(D)) == (b, c, a, d)
@test inv(σ)(deepcopy(D)) == (c, a, b, d)
@testset "rmul/lmul_autsymbol correctness" begin
i,j = 1,2
r = Groups.rmul_autsymbol(i,j)
l = Groups.lmul_autsymbol(i,j)
@test r(deepcopy(D)) == (a*b, b, c, d)
@test inv(r)(deepcopy(D)) == (a*b^-1,b, c, d)
@test l(deepcopy(D)) == (b*a, b, c, d)
@test inv(l)(deepcopy(D)) == (b^-1*a,b, c, d)
i,j = 3,1
r = Groups.rmul_autsymbol(i,j)
l = Groups.lmul_autsymbol(i,j)
@test r(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, c*a, d)
@test inv(r)(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, c*a^-1,d)
@test l(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, a*c, d)
@test inv(l)(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, a^-1*c,d)
i,j = 4,3
r = Groups.rmul_autsymbol(i,j)
l = Groups.lmul_autsymbol(i,j)
@test r(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, c, d*c)
@test inv(r)(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, c, d*c^-1)
@test l(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, c, c*d)
@test inv(l)(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b, c, c^-1*d)
i,j = 2,4
r = Groups.rmul_autsymbol(i,j)
l = Groups.lmul_autsymbol(i,j)
@test r(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b*d, c, d)
@test inv(r)(deepcopy(D)) == (a, b*d^-1,c, d)
@test l(deepcopy(D)) == (a, d*b, c, d)
@test inv(l)(deepcopy(D)) == (a, d^-1*b,c, d)
@testset "AutGroup/Automorphism constructors" begin
f = Groups.AutSymbol("a", 1, Groups.FlipAut(1))
@test isa(Automorphism{3}(f), Groups.GWord)
@test isa(Automorphism{3}(f), Automorphism)
@test isa(AutGroup(FreeGroup(3)), AbstractAlgebra.Group)
@test isa(AutGroup(FreeGroup(1)), Groups.AbstractFPGroup)
A = AutGroup(FreeGroup(1))
@test isa(Groups.gens(A), Vector{Automorphism{1}})
@test length(Groups.gens(A)) == 1
A = AutGroup(FreeGroup(1), special=true)
@test length(Groups.gens(A)) == 0
A = AutGroup(FreeGroup(2))
@test length(Groups.gens(A)) == 7
gens = Groups.gens(A)
@test isa(A(Groups.rmul_autsymbol(1,2)), Automorphism)
@test A(Groups.rmul_autsymbol(1,2)) in gens
@test isa(A(Groups.rmul_autsymbol(2,1)), Automorphism)
@test A(Groups.rmul_autsymbol(2,1)) in gens
@test isa(A(Groups.lmul_autsymbol(1,2)), Automorphism)
@test A(Groups.lmul_autsymbol(1,2)) in gens
@test isa(A(Groups.lmul_autsymbol(2,1)), Automorphism)
@test A(Groups.lmul_autsymbol(2,1)) in gens
@test isa(A(Groups.flip_autsymbol(1)), Automorphism)
@test A(Groups.flip_autsymbol(1)) in gens
@test isa(A(Groups.flip_autsymbol(2)), Automorphism)
@test A(Groups.flip_autsymbol(2)) in gens
@test isa(A(Groups.perm_autsymbol([2,1])), Automorphism)
@test A(Groups.perm_autsymbol([2,1])) in gens
A = AutGroup(FreeGroup(4))
@testset "eltary functions" begin
f = Groups.perm_autsymbol([2,3,4,1])
@test (Groups.change_pow(f, 2)).pow == 1
@test (Groups.change_pow(f, -2)).pow == 1
@test (inv(f)).pow == 1
f = Groups.perm_autsymbol([2,1,4,3])
@test isa(inv(f), Groups.AutSymbol)
@test_throws MethodError f*f
@test A(f)^-1 == A(inv(f))
@testset "reductions/arithmetic" begin
f = Groups.perm_autsymbol([2,3,4,1])
= Groups.r_multiply(A(f), [f], reduced=false)
@test Groups.simplifyperms!() == false
@test ^2 == A()
a = A(Groups.rmul_autsymbol(1,2))*Groups.flip_autsymbol(2)
b = Groups.flip_autsymbol(2)*A(inv(Groups.rmul_autsymbol(1,2)))
@test a*b == b*a
@test a^3 * b^3 == A()
g,h = Groups.gens(A)[[1,8]] # (g, h) = (ϱ₁₂, ϱ₃₂)
@test Groups.domain(A) == NTuple{4, FreeGroupElem}(gens(A.objectGroup))
@test (g*h)(Groups.domain(A)) == (h*g)(Groups.domain(A))
@test (g*h).savedhash == zero(UInt)
@test (h*g).savedhash == zero(UInt)
a = g*h
b = h*g
@test hash(a) != zero(UInt)
@test hash(b) == hash(a)
@test a.savedhash == b.savedhash
@test length(unique([a,b])) == 1
@test length(unique([g*h, h*g])) == 1
# Not so simple arithmetic: applying starting on the left:
# ϱ₁₂*ϱ₂₁⁻¹*λ₁₂*ε₂ == σ₂₁₃₄
g = A(Groups.rmul_autsymbol(1,2))
x1, x2, x3, x4 = Groups.domain(A)
@test g(Groups.domain(A)) == (x1*x2, x2, x3, x4)
g = g*inv(A(Groups.rmul_autsymbol(2,1)))
@test g(Groups.domain(A)) == (x1*x2, x1^-1, x3, x4)
g = g*A(Groups.lmul_autsymbol(1,2))
@test g(Groups.domain(A)) == (x2, x1^-1, x3, x4)
g = g*A(Groups.flip_autsymbol(2))
@test g(Groups.domain(A)) == (x2, x1, x3, x4)
@test g(Groups.domain(A)) == A(Groups.perm_autsymbol([2,1,3,4]))(Groups.domain(A))
@test g == A(Groups.perm_autsymbol([2,1,3,4]))
g_im = g(Groups.domain(A))
@test length(g_im[1]) == 5
@test length(g_im[2]) == 3
@test length(g_im[3]) == 1
@test length(g_im[4]) == 1
@test length.(Groups.reduce!.(g_im)) == (1,1,1,1)
@testset "specific Aut(F4) tests" begin
N = 4
G = AutGroup(FreeGroup(N))
S = G.gens
@test isa(S, Vector{Groups.AutSymbol})
S = [G(s) for s in unique(S)]
@test isa(S, Vector{Automorphism{N}})
@test S == gens(G)
@test length(S) == 51
S_inv = [S..., [inv(s) for s in S]...]
@test length(unique(S_inv)) == 75
G = AutGroup(FreeGroup(N), special=true)
S = gens(G)
S_inv = [G(), S..., [inv(s) for s in S]...]
S_inv = unique(S_inv)
B_2 = [i*j for (i,j) in Base.product(S_inv, S_inv)]
@test length(B_2) == 2401
@test length(unique(B_2)) == 1777
@testset "linear_repr tests" begin
N = 3
G = AutGroup(FreeGroup(N))
S = unique([gens(G); inv.(gens(G))])
R = 3
@test Groups.linear_repr(G()) isa Matrix{Int}
@test Groups.linear_repr(G()) == Matrix{Int}(I, N, N)
M = Matrix{Int}(I, N, N)
M[1,2] = 1
ϱ₁₂ = G(Groups.rmul_autsymbol(1,2))
λ₁₂ = G(Groups.rmul_autsymbol(1,2))
@test Groups.linear_repr(ϱ₁₂) == M
@test Groups.linear_repr(λ₁₂) == M
M[1,2] = -1
@test Groups.linear_repr(ϱ₁₂^-1) == M
@test Groups.linear_repr(λ₁₂^-1) == M
@test Groups.linear_repr(ϱ₁₂*λ₁₂^-1) == Matrix{Int}(I, N, N)
@test Groups.linear_repr(λ₁₂^-1*ϱ₁₂) == Matrix{Int}(I, N, N)
M = Matrix{Int}(I, N, N)
M[2,2] = -1
ε₂ = G(Groups.flip_autsymbol(2))
@test Groups.linear_repr(ε₂) == M
@test Groups.linear_repr(ε₂^2) == Matrix{Int}(I, N, N)
M = [0 1 0; 0 0 1; 1 0 0]
σ = G(Groups.perm_autsymbol([2,3,1]))
@test Groups.linear_repr(σ) == M
@test Groups.linear_repr(σ^3) == Matrix{Int}(I, 3, 3)
@test Groups.linear_repr(σ)^3 == Matrix{Int}(I, 3, 3)
function test_homomorphism(S, r)
for elts in Iterators.product([[g for g in S] for _ in 1:r]...)
prod(Groups.linear_repr.(elts)) == Groups.linear_repr(prod(elts)) || error("linear representaton test failed at $elts")
return 0
@test test_homomorphism(S, R) == 0