rework balls generation for AutFN

This commit is contained in:
kalmar 2017-04-10 21:43:56 +02:00
parent 88d2e2549b
commit dc9cd4c9ac

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@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ function hashed_product{T}(image::T, B, images_dict::Dict{T, Int})
return column return column
end end
function create_product_matrix(basis::Vector{AutWord}, images) function create_product_matrix(images, basis::Vector{AutWord})
n = length(basis) n = length(basis)
product_matrix = zeros(Int, (n, n)); product_matrix = zeros(Int, (n, n));
print("Creating hashtable of images...") print("Creating hashtable of images...")
@ -129,41 +129,36 @@ function create_product_matrix(basis::Vector{AutWord}, images)
return product_matrix return product_matrix
end end
function ΔandSDPconstraints(identity::AutWord, S::Vector{AutWord}) function generate_balls{T}(S::Vector{T}, Id::T; radius=4)
sizes = Vector{Int}()
println("Generating Balls of increasing radius...") S = vcat([Id], S)
@time B₁ = vcat([identity], S) B = [Id]
@time B₂ = products(B₁,B₁); for i in 1:radius
@show length(B₂) B = products(B, S);
if length(B₂) != length(B₁) push!(sizes, length(B))
@time B₃ = products(B₁, B₂)
@show length(B₃)
if length(B₃) != length(B₂)
@time B₄_images = products_images(B₁, B₃)
B₄_images = unique([f(domain) for f in B₃])
B₃ = B₂
B₄ = B₂
B₄_images = unique([f(domain) for f in B₃])
end end
return B, sizes
@show length(B₄_images)
function ΔandSDPconstraints(Id::AutWord, S::Vector{AutWord}, r::Int=2)
B, sizes = generate_balls(S, Id, radius=2*r)
basis = B[1:sizes[r]]
B_images = unique([f(domain) for f in B])
println("Generated balls of sizes $sizes")
println("Creating product matrix...") println("Creating product matrix...")
@time pm = create_product_matrix(B₂, B₄_images) @time pm = create_product_matrix(B_images, basis)
println("Creating sdp_constratints...") println("Creating sdp_constratints...")
@time sdp_constraints = PropertyT.constraints_from_pm(pm) @time sdp_constraints = PropertyT.constraints_from_pm(pm)
L_coeff = PropertyT.splaplacian_coeff(S, B₂, length(B₄_images)) L_coeff = PropertyT.splaplacian_coeff(S, basis, length(B_images))
Δ = PropertyT.GroupAlgebraElement(L_coeff, Array{Int,2}(pm)) Δ = PropertyT.GroupAlgebraElement(L_coeff, Array{Int,2}(pm))
return Δ, sdp_constraints return Δ, sdp_constraints
end end
ΔandSDPconstraints(identity::AutWord, S::Vector{AutWord}, r::Int) = ΔandSDPconstraints(identity, S)
const symbols = [FGSymbol("x₁",1), FGSymbol("x₂",1), FGSymbol("x₃",1), FGSymbol("x₄",1), FGSymbol("x₅",1), FGSymbol("x₆",1)] const symbols = [FGSymbol("x₁",1), FGSymbol("x₂",1), FGSymbol("x₃",1), FGSymbol("x₄",1), FGSymbol("x₅",1), FGSymbol("x₆",1)]
const TOL=1e-8 const TOL=1e-8