function cpuinfo_physicalcores() maxcore = -1 for line in eachline("/proc/cpuinfo") if startswith(line, "core id") maxcore = max(maxcore, parse(Int, split(line, ':')[2])) end end maxcore < 0 && error("failure to read core ids from /proc/cpuinfo") return maxcore + 1 end function set_parallel_mthread(parsed_args) if parsed_args["cpus"] == nothing N = cpuinfo_physicalcores() else N = parsed_args["cpus"] if N > cpuinfo_physicalcores() warn("Number of specified cores exceeds the physical core count. Performance may suffer.") end end info("Using $N cpus in @parallel code.") info("Using $(Threads.nthreads()) threads in @threads code.") addprocs(N) BLAS.set_num_threads(N) return N end