using ArgParse function parse_commandline() args = ArgParseSettings() @add_arg_table args begin "--tol" help = "set numerical tolerance for the SDP solver" arg_type = Float64 default = 1e-14 "--iterations" help = "set maximal number of iterations for the SDP solver (default: 20000)" arg_type = Int default = 60000 "--upper-bound" help = "Set an upper bound for the spectral gap" arg_type = Float64 default = Inf "--cpus" help = "Set number of cpus used by solver (default: auto)" arg_type = Int required = false "-N" help = "Consider mapping class group of surface of genus N" arg_type = Int default = 2 "--radius" help = "Radius of ball B_r(e,S) to find solution over" arg_type = Int default = 2 "--warmstart" help = "Use warmstart.jl as the initial guess for SCS" action = :store_true end return parse_args(args) end const PARSEDARGS = parse_commandline() include("CPUselect.jl") set_parallel_mthread(PARSEDARGS, workers=false) using Nemo using SCS.SCSSolver using PropertyT using Groups include("FPGroups_GAP.jl") include("groups/mappingclassgroup.jl") function main(GROUP, parsed_args) radius = parsed_args["radius"] tol = parsed_args["tol"] iterations = parsed_args["iterations"] upper_bound = parsed_args["upper-bound"] warm = parsed_args["warmstart"] name, N = GROUP.groupname(parsed_args) isdir(name) || mkdir(name) G, S = GROUP.generatingset(N) relations = [k*inv(v) for (k,v) in G.rels] prepare_pm_delta(name, GAP_groupcode(S, relations), radius) S = unique([S; inv.(S)]) Id = G() logger = PropertyT.setup_logging(joinpath(name, "$(upper_bound)")) info(logger, "Group: $name") info(logger, "Iterations: $iterations") info(logger, "Precision: $tol") info(logger, "Upper bound: $upper_bound") info(logger, "Radius: $radius") info(logger, G) info(logger, "Symmetric generating set of size $(length(S))") info(logger, "Threads: $(Threads.nthreads())") info(logger, "Workers: $(workers())") solver = SCSSolver(eps=tol, max_iters=iterations, linearsolver=SCS.Direct, alpha=1.95, acceleration_lookback=1) PropertyT.check_property_T(name, S, Id, solver, upper_bound, tol, radius, warm) return 0 end main(MappingClassGroups, PARSEDARGS)