module SemiDirectProduct import Base: convert, show, isequal, ==, size, inv import Base: +, -, *, // export SemiDirectProductElement, matrix_repr """ Implements elements of a semidirect product of groups H and N, where N is normal in the product. Usually written as H ⋉ N. The multiplication inside semidirect product is defined as (h₁, n₁) ⋅ (h₂, n₂) = (h₁h₂, n₁φ(h₁)(n₂)), where φ:H → Aut(N) is a homomorphism. In the case below we implement H = GL(n,K) and N = Kⁿ, the Affine Group (i.e. GL(n,K) ⋉ Kⁿ) where elements of GL(n,K) act on vectors in Kⁿ via matrix multiplication. # Arguments: * `h::Array{T,2}` : square invertible matrix (element of GL(n,K)) * `n::Vector{T,1}` : vector in Kⁿ * `φ = φ(h,n) = φ(h)(n)` :2-argument function which defines the action of GL(n,K) on Kⁿ; matrix-vector multiplication by default. """ immutable SemiDirectProductElement{T<:Number} h::Array{T,2} n::Vector{T} φ::Function function SemiDirectProductElement(h::Array{T,2},n::Vector{T},φ::Function) # size(h,1) == size(h,2)|| throw(ArgumentError("h has to be square matrix")) det(h) ≠ 0 || throw(ArgumentError("h has to be invertible!")) new(h,n,φ) end end SemiDirectProductElement{T}(h::Array{T,2}, n::Vector{T}, φ) = SemiDirectProductElement{T}(h,n,φ) SemiDirectProductElement{T}(h::Array{T,2}, n::Vector{T}) = SemiDirectProductElement(h,n,*) SemiDirectProductElement{T}(h::Array{T,2}) = SemiDirectProductElement(h,zeros(h[:,1])) SemiDirectProductElement{T}(n::Vector{T}) = SemiDirectProductElement(eye(eltype(n), n)) convert{T<:Number}(::Type{T}, X::SemiDirectProductElement) = SemiDirectProductElement(convert(Array{T,2},X.h), convert(Vector{T},X.n), X.φ) size(X::SemiDirectProductElement) = (size(X.h), size(X.n)) matrix_repr{T}(X::SemiDirectProductElement{T}) = [X.h X.n; zeros(T, 1, size(X.h,2)) [1]] show{T}(io::IO, X::SemiDirectProductElement{T}) = print(io, "Element of SemiDirectProduct over $T of size $(size(X)):\n", matrix_repr(X)) function isequal{T}(X::SemiDirectProductElement{T}, Y::SemiDirectProductElement{T}) X.h == Y.h || return false X.n == Y.n || return false X.φ == Y.φ || return false return true end function isequal{T,S}(X::SemiDirectProductElement{T}, Y::SemiDirectProductElement{S}) W = promote_type(T,S) warn("Comparing elements with different coefficients! trying to promoting to $W") X = convert(W, X) Y = convert(W, Y) return isequal(X,Y) end (==)(X::SemiDirectProductElement, Y::SemiDirectProductElement) = isequal(X, Y) function semidirect_multiplication{T}(X::SemiDirectProductElement{T}, Y::SemiDirectProductElement{T}) size(X) == size(Y) || throw(ArgumentError("trying to multiply elements from different groups!")) return SemiDirectProductElement(X.h*Y.h, X.n + X.φ(X.h, Y.n)) end (*){T}(X::SemiDirectProductElement{T}, Y::SemiDirectProductElement{T}) = semidirect_multiplication(X,Y) inv{T}(X::SemiDirectProductElement{T}) = SemiDirectProductElement(inv(X.h), X.φ(inv(X.h), -X.n)) end