using PropertyT using SCS.SCSSolver # using Mosek # using CSDP # using SDPA scs_solver(tol, iterations) = SCSSolver(eps=tol, max_iters=iterations, linearsolver=SCS.Direct, alpha=1.95, acceleration_lookback=1) # solver = Mosek.MosekSolver( # MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_CO_TOL_REL_GAP=tol, # MSK_IPAR_INTPNT_MAX_ITERATIONS=iterations, # QUIET=false) # solver = CSDP.CSDPSolver(axtol=tol, atytol=tol, objtol=tol, minstepp=tol*10.0^-1, minstepd=tol*10.0^-1) # solver = SDPA.SDPASolver(epsilonStar=tol, epsilonDash=tol) include("FPGroups_GAP.jl") include("groups/Allgroups.jl") using PropertyTGroups function summarize(groupdir, iterations, tol, upper_bound, radius, G, S) info("Group: $groupdir") info("Iterations: $iterations") info("Precision: $tol") info("Upper bound: $upper_bound") info("Radius: $radius") info("Threads: $(Threads.nthreads())") info("Workers: $(workers())") info(string(G)) info("with generating set of size $(length(S))") end function params(Gr::PropertyTGroup) radius = Gr.args["radius"] tol = Gr.args["tol"] iterations = Gr.args["iterations"] upper_bound = Gr.args["upper-bound"] warm = Gr.args["warmstart"] return radius, tol, iterations, upper_bound, warm end function Settings(Gr::PropertyTGroup) r = Gr.args["radius"] ub = Gr.args["upper-bound"] groupdir = "$($r" radius, tol, iterations, upper_bound, warm = params(Gr) G = S = PropertyTGroups.generatingset(Gr) summarize(groupdir, iterations, tol, upper_bound, radius, G, S) solver = scs_solver(tol, iterations) return PropertyT.Settings(groupdir, G, S, radius, solver, upper_bound, tol, warm) end function main(Gr::SymmetrizedGroup) sett = Settings(Gr) isdir(PropertyT.fullpath(sett)) || mkpath(PropertyT.fullpath(sett)) if Gr.args["nosymmetry"] return PropertyT.check_property_T(PropertyT.Naive, sett) else autS = PropertyTGroups.autS(Gr) info("Symmetrising with $(autS)") sett.autS = autS return PropertyT.check_property_T(PropertyT.Symmetrize, sett) end end function main(Gr::GAPGroup) sett = Settings(Gr) S = [s for s in sett.S if s.symbols[1].pow == 1] relations = [k*inv(v) for (k,v) in sett.G.rels] prepare_pm_delta(PropertyT.prepath(sett), GAP_groupcode(S, relations), sett.radius) return PropertyT.check_property_T(PropertyT.Naive, sett) end