function (p::perm)(A::GroupRingElem) RG = parent(A) result = zero(RG, eltype(A.coeffs)) for (idx, c) in enumerate(A.coeffs) if c!= zero(eltype(A.coeffs)) result[p(RG.basis[idx])] = c end end return result end ############################################################################### # # Action of WreathProductElems on Nemo.MatElem # ############################################################################### function matrix_emb(n::DirectProductGroupElem, p::perm) Id = parent(n.elts[1])() elt = diagm([(-1)^(el == Id ? 0 : 1) for el in n.elts]) return elt[:, p.d] end function (g::WreathProductElem)(A::MatElem) g_inv = inv(g) G = matrix_emb(g.n, g_inv.p) G_inv = matrix_emb(g_inv.n, g.p) M = parent(A) return M(G)*A*M(G_inv) end import Base.* doc""" *(x::AbstractAlgebra.MatElem, P::Generic.perm) > Apply the pemutation $P$ to the rows of the matrix $x$ and return the result. """ function *(x::AbstractAlgebra.MatElem, P::Generic.perm) z = similar(x) m = rows(x) n = cols(x) for i = 1:m for j = 1:n z[i, j] = x[i,P[j]] end end return z end function (p::perm)(A::MatElem) length(p.d) == A.r == A.c || throw("Can't act via $p on matrix of size ($(A.r), $(A.c))") return p*A*inv(p) end ############################################################################### # # Action of WreathProductElems on AutGroupElem # ############################################################################### function AutFG_emb(A::AutGroup, g::WreathProductElem) isa(A.objectGroup, FreeGroup) || throw("Not an Aut(Fₙ)") parent(g).P.n == length(A.objectGroup.gens) || throw("No natural embedding of $(parent(g)) into $A") elt = A() Id = parent(g.n.elts[1])() flips = Groups.AutSymbol[Groups.flip_autsymbol(i) for i in 1:length(g.p.d) if g.n.elts[i] != Id] Groups.r_multiply!(elt, flips, reduced=false) Groups.r_multiply!(elt, [Groups.perm_autsymbol(g.p)]) return elt end function AutFG_emb(A::AutGroup, p::perm) isa(A.objectGroup, FreeGroup) || throw("Not an Aut(Fₙ)") parent(p).n == length(A.objectGroup.gens) || throw("No natural embedding of $(parent(p)) into $A") return A(Groups.perm_autsymbol(p)) end function (g::WreathProductElem)(a::Groups.Automorphism) A = parent(a) g = AutFG_emb(A,g) res = A() Groups.r_multiply!(res, g.symbols, reduced=false) Groups.r_multiply!(res, a.symbols, reduced=false) Groups.r_multiply!(res, [inv(s) for s in reverse!(g.symbols)]) return res end function (p::perm)(a::Groups.Automorphism) g = AutFG_emb(parent(a),p) return g*a*inv(g) end