import Primes: isprime using Mods function SL_generatingset(n::Int) indexing = [(i,j) for i in 1:n for j in 1:n if i≠j] S = [E(i,j,N=n) for (i,j) in indexing]; S = vcat(S, [convert(Array{Int,2},x') for x in S]); S = vcat(S, [convert(Array{Int,2},inv(x)) for x in S]); return unique(S) end function E(i::Int, j::Int; val=1, N::Int=3, mod=Inf) @assert i≠j m = eye(Int, N) m[i,j] = val if mod == Inf return m else return [Mod(x,mod) for x in m] end end function cofactor(i,j,M) z1 = ones(Bool,size(M,1)) z1[i] = false z2 = ones(Bool,size(M,2)) z2[j] = false return M[z1,z2] end import Base.LinAlg.det function det(M::Array{Mod,2}) if size(M,1) ≠ size(M,2) d = Mod(0,M[1,1].mod) elseif size(M,1) == 2 d = M[1,1]*M[2,2] - M[1,2]*M[2,1] else d = zero(eltype(M)) for i in 1:size(M,1) d += (-1)^(i+1)*M[i,1]*det(cofactor(i,1,M)) end end # @show (M, d) return d end function adjugate(M) K = similar(M) for i in 1:size(M,1), j in 1:size(M,2) K[j,i] = (-1)^(i+j)*det(cofactor(i,j,M)) end return K end import Base: inv, one, zero, * one(::Type{Mod}) = 1 zero(::Type{Mod}) = 0 zero(x::Mod) = Mod(x.mod) function inv(M::Array{Mod,2}) d = det(M) d ≠ 0*d || thow(ArgumentError("Matrix is not invertible!")) return inv(det(M))*adjugate(M) return adjugate(M) end function SL_generatingset(n::Int, p::Int) (p > 1 && n > 1) || throw(ArgumentError("Both n and p should be integers!")) isprime(p) || throw(ArgumentError("p should be a prime number!")) indexing = [(i,j) for i in 1:n for j in 1:n if i≠j] S = [E(i,j, N=n, mod=p) for (i,j) in indexing] S = vcat(S, [inv(s) for s in S]) S = vcat(S, [permutedims(x, [2,1]) for x in S]); return unique(S) end function products{T}(U::AbstractVector{T}, V::AbstractVector{T}) result = Vector{T}() for u in U for v in V push!(result, u*v) end end return unique(result) end function ΔandSDPconstraints(identity, S) B₁ = vcat([identity], S) B₂ = products(B₁, B₁); B₃ = products(B₁, B₂); B₄ = products(B₁, B₃); @assert B₄[1:length(B₂)] == B₂ product_matrix = create_product_matrix(B₄,length(B₂)); sdp_constraints = constraints_from_pm(product_matrix, length(B₄)) L_coeff = splaplacian_coeff(S, B₂, length(B₄)); Δ = GroupAlgebraElement(L_coeff, product_matrix) return Δ, sdp_constraints end @everywhere push!(LOAD_PATH, "./") using GroupAlgebras include("property(T).jl") const N = 3 const name = "SL$(N)Z" const ID = eye(Int, N) S() = SL_generatingset(N) const upper_bound=0.27 # const p = 7 # const upper_bound=0.738 # (N,p) = (3,7) # const name = "SL($N,$p)" # const ID = [Mod(x,p) for x in eye(Int,N)] # S() = SL_generatingset(N, p) BLAS.set_num_threads(4) @time check_property_T(name, ID, S; verbose=true, tol=1e-10, upper_bound=upper_bound)