mirror of https://github.com/kalmarek/PropertyT.jl.git synced 2024-12-27 18:55:30 +01:00

correct columns of Q directly to intervals

hopefully containing 0
This commit is contained in:
kalmarek 2017-08-27 18:46:31 +02:00
parent 9840268250
commit 56d944e8af

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@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ function compute_SOS(sqrt_matrix, elt::GroupRingElem)
return GroupRingElem(result, parent(elt))
function correct_to_augmentation_ideal!{T<:Rational}(sqrt_matrix::Array{T,2})
function correct_to_augmentation_ideal{T<:Rational}(sqrt_matrix::Array{T,2})
l = size(sqrt_matrix, 2)
sqrt_corrected = sqrt_matrix
sqrt_corrected = Array{Interval{Float64}}(l,l)
Threads.@threads for j in 1:l
col = sum(view(sqrt_matrix, :,j))//l
for i in 1:l
sqrt_corrected[i,j] -= col
sqrt_corrected[i,j] = (Float64(sqrt_matrix[i,j]) - Float64(col)) ± eps(0.0)
return sqrt_corrected
@ -120,14 +120,13 @@ function rationalize_and_project{T}(Q::AbstractArray{T}, δ::T, logger)
info(logger, timed_msg(t))
info(logger, "Projecting columns of the rationalized Q to the augmentation ideal...")
t = @timed Q_ℚω = correct_to_augmentation_ideal!(Q_)
t = @timed Q_int = correct_to_augmentation_ideal(Q_)
info(logger, timed_msg(t))
info(logger, "Intervalizing Q")
t = @timed Q_ω_int = Float64.(Q_ω) ± 10*eps(δ)
info(logger, timed_msg(t))
check = all([0.0 in sum(view(Q_int, :, i)) for i in 1:size(Q_int, 2)])
@assert check
return Q_ω_int
return Q_int
function check_distance_to_positive_cone(Δ::GroupRingElem, λ, Q, wlen;