mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 09:12:13 +01:00
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ matrix:
fast_finish: true
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name = "PropertyT"
uuid = "03b72c93-0167-51e2-8a1e-eb4ff1fb940d"
uuid = "03b72c93-0167-51e2-8a1e-eb4ff1fb940d"
authors = ["Marek Kaluba <kalmar@amu.edu.pl>"]
authors = ["Marek Kaluba <kalmar@amu.edu.pl>"]
version = "0.3.0"
version = "0.3.1"
AbstractAlgebra = "c3fe647b-3220-5bb0-a1ea-a7954cac585d"
AbstractAlgebra = "c3fe647b-3220-5bb0-a1ea-a7954cac585d"
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SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
AbstractAlgebra = "^0.7.0"
GroupRings = "^0.3.0"
GroupRings = "^0.3.0"
Groups = "^0.2.1"
Groups = "^0.3.0"
julia = "≥ 1.1.0"
julia = "≥ 1.1.0"
@ -1 +1,15 @@
# Property(T)
# Property(T)
This package is concerned with sum of squares decompositions in group rings of finitely presented groups.
Please have a look into [test](https://github.com/kalmarek/GroupRings.jl/blob/master/test/runtests.jl) directory to see how to use this package. For an example applications have a look at our papers:
[1703.09680](https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.09680), [1712.07167](https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.07167) and [1812.03456](https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.03456).
The package depends on
* [AbstractAlgebra](https://github.com/Nemocas/AbstractAlgebra.jl),
* [Groups](https://github.com/kalmarek/Groups.jl)
* [GroupRings](https://github.com/kalmarek/GroupRings.jl)
* [JuMP](https://github.com/JuliaOpt/JuMP.jl)
* [scs](https://github.com/JuliaOpt/SCS.jl) [solver](https://github.com/cvxgrp/scs)
@ -33,43 +33,43 @@ end
function Settings(name::String,
function Settings(name::String,
G::Union{Group, NCRing}, S::AbstractVector{El}, solver::JuMP.OptimizerFactory;
G::Union{Group, NCRing}, S::AbstractVector{El}, solver::JuMP.OptimizerFactory;
halfradius::Integer=2, upper_bound::Float64=1.0, force_compute=false) where El <: Union{GroupElem, NCRingElem}
halfradius=2, upper_bound=1.0, force_compute=false) where El <: Union{GroupElem, NCRingElem}
return Naive(name, G, S, halfradius, upper_bound, solver, force_compute)
return Naive(name, G, S, halfradius, upper_bound, solver, force_compute)
function Settings(name::String,
function Settings(name::String,
G::Union{Group, NCRing}, S::AbstractVector{El}, autS::Group, solver::JuMP.OptimizerFactory;
G::Union{Group, NCRing}, S::AbstractVector{El}, autS::Group, solver::JuMP.OptimizerFactory;
halfradius::Integer=2, upper_bound::Float64=1.0, force_compute=false) where El <: Union{GroupElem, NCRingElem}
halfradius=2, upper_bound=1.0, force_compute=false) where El <: Union{GroupElem, NCRingElem}
return Symmetrized(name, G, S, autS, halfradius, upper_bound, solver, force_compute)
return Symmetrized(name, G, S, autS, halfradius, upper_bound, solver, force_compute)
prefix(s::Naive) = s.name
prefix(s::Symmetrized) = "o"*s.name
suffix(s::Settings) = "$(s.upper_bound)"
suffix(s::Settings) = "$(s.upper_bound)"
prepath(s::Settings) = prefix(s)
prepath(s::Settings) = s.name
fullpath(s::Settings) = joinpath(prefix(s), suffix(s))
fullpath(s::Settings) = joinpath(prepath(s), suffix(s))
filename(sett::Settings, s::Symbol; kwargs...) = filename(sett, Val{s}; kwargs...)
filename(sett::Settings, s::Symbol; kwargs...) = filename(sett, Val{s}; kwargs...)
filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:fulllog}}) =
filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:fulllog}}; kwargs...) =
joinpath(fullpath(sett), "full_$(string(now())).log")
filename(fullpath(sett), "full", "log", suffix=Dates.now(); kwargs...)
filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:solverlog}}) =
filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:solverlog}}; kwargs...) =
joinpath(fullpath(sett), "solver_$(string(now())).log")
filename(fullpath(sett), "solver", "log", suffix=Dates.now(); kwargs...)
filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:Δ}}) =
filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:Δ}}; kwargs...) =
joinpath(prepath(sett), "delta.jld")
filename(prepath(sett), "delta", "jld"; kwargs...)
filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:OrbitData}}) =
filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:OrbitData}}; kwargs...) =
joinpath(prepath(sett), "OrbitData.jld")
filename(prepath(sett), "OrbitData", "jld"; kwargs...)
filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:solution}}) =
filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:solution}}; kwargs...) =
joinpath(fullpath(sett), "solution.jld")
filename(fullpath(sett), "solution", "jld"; kwargs...)
function filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:warmstart}}; date=false)
function filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:warmstart}}; kwargs...)
if date
filename(fullpath(sett), "warmstart", "jld"; kwargs...)
return joinpath(fullpath(sett), "warmstart_$(Dates.now()).jld")
return joinpath(fullpath(sett), "warmstart.jld")
function filename(path::String, name, extension; prefix=nothing, suffix=nothing)
pre = isnothing(prefix) ? "" : "$(prefix)_"
suf = isnothing(suffix) ? "" : "_$(suffix)"
return joinpath(path, "$pre$name$suf.$extension")
@ -109,13 +109,13 @@ function approximate_by_SOS(sett::Naive,
P = value.(SDP_problem[:P])
P = value.(SDP_problem[:P])
λ = value(SDP_problem[:λ])
λ = value(SDP_problem[:λ])
if any(isnan.(P))
if any(isnan, P)
@warn "The solution seems to contain NaNs. Not overriding warmstart.jld"
@warn "The solution seems to contain NaNs. Not overriding warmstart.jld"
save(filename(sett, :warmstart), "warmstart", (ws.primal, ws.dual, ws.slack), "P", P, "λ", λ)
save(filename(sett, :warmstart), "warmstart", (ws.primal, ws.dual, ws.slack), "P", P, "λ", λ)
save(filename(sett, :warmstart, date=true),
save(filename(sett, :warmstart, suffix=Dates.now()),
"warmstart", (ws.primal, ws.dual, ws.slack), "P", P, "λ", λ)
"warmstart", (ws.primal, ws.dual, ws.slack), "P", P, "λ", λ)
return λ, P
return λ, P
@ -155,13 +155,13 @@ function approximate_by_SOS(sett::Symmetrized,
λ = value(SDP_problem[:λ])
λ = value(SDP_problem[:λ])
Ps = [value.(P) for P in varP]
Ps = [value.(P) for P in varP]
if any(any(isnan.(P)) for P in Ps)
if any(any(isnan, P) for P in Ps)
@warn "The solution seems to contain NaNs. Not overriding warmstart.jld"
@warn "The solution seems to contain NaNs. Not overriding warmstart.jld"
save(filename(sett, :warmstart), "warmstart", (ws.primal, ws.dual, ws.slack), "Ps", Ps, "λ", λ)
save(filename(sett, :warmstart), "warmstart", (ws.primal, ws.dual, ws.slack), "Ps", Ps, "λ", λ)
save(filename(sett, :warmstart, date=true),
save(filename(sett, :warmstart, suffix=Dates.now()),
"warmstart", (ws.primal, ws.dual, ws.slack), "Ps", Ps, "λ", λ)
"warmstart", (ws.primal, ws.dual, ws.slack), "Ps", Ps, "λ", λ)
@info "Reconstructing P..."
@info "Reconstructing P..."
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ function certify_SOS_decomposition(elt::GroupRingElem, orderunit::GroupRingElem,
@info("Projecting columns of Q to the augmentation ideal...")
@info("Projecting columns of Q to the augmentation ideal...")
@time Q, check = augIdproj(Interval, Q)
@time Q, check = augIdproj(Interval, Q)
@info "Checking that sum of every column contains 0.0..." check_augmented=check
@info "Checking that sum of every column contains 0.0..." check_augmented=check
check || @warn("The following numbers are meaningless!")
check || @error("The following numbers are meaningless!")
@info("Computing sum of squares decomposition...")
@info("Computing sum of squares decomposition...")
@time residual = eoi - compute_SOS(parent(eoi), Q)
@time residual = eoi - compute_SOS(parent(eoi), Q)
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ function certify_SOS_decomposition(elt::GroupRingElem, orderunit::GroupRingElem,
"Interval aritmetic (certified) λ ∈"]
"Interval aritmetic (certified) λ ∈"]
@info join(info_strs, "\n") certified_λ
@info join(info_strs, "\n") certified_λ
return certified_λ.lo
return certified_λ
function spectral_gap(Δ::GroupRingElem, λ::Number, Q::AbstractMatrix; R::Int=2)
function spectral_gap(Δ::GroupRingElem, λ::Number, Q::AbstractMatrix; R::Int=2)
@ -236,7 +236,8 @@ end
Kazhdan(λ::Number, N::Integer) = sqrt(2*λ/N)
Kazhdan_constant(λ::Number, N::Integer) = sqrt(2*λ/N)
Kazhdan_constant(λ::Interval, N::Integer) = IntervalArithmetic.inf(sqrt(2*λ/N))
function check_property_T(sett::Settings)
function check_property_T(sett::Settings)
@info sett
@info sett
@ -257,21 +258,24 @@ function Base.show(io::IO, sett::Settings)
print(io, join(info_strs, "\n"))
print(io, join(info_strs, "\n"))
function interpret_results(sett::Settings, sgap::Number)
function interpret_results(name::String, sgap::Number, N::Integer)
if sgap > 0
if sgap > 0
Kazhdan_κ = Kazhdan(sgap, length(sett.S))
κ = Kazhdan_constant(sgap, N)
if Kazhdan_κ > 0
@info "κ($name, S) ≥ $κ: Group HAS property (T)!"
@info "κ($(sett.name), S) ≥ $Kazhdan_κ: Group HAS property (T)!"
return true
return true
info_strs = ["The certified lower bound on the spectral gap is negative:",
info_strs = [
"λ($(sett.name), S) ≥ 0.0 > $sgap",
"The certified lower bound on the spectral gap is negative:",
"This tells us nothing about property (T)"]
"λ($name, S) ≥ 0.0 > $sgap",
"This tells us nothing about property (T)",
@info join(info_strs, "\n")
@info join(info_strs, "\n")
return false
return false
interpret_results(sett::Settings, sgap::Number) =
interpret_results(sett.name, sgap, length(sett.S))
function spectral_gap(sett::Settings)
function spectral_gap(sett::Settings)
fp = PropertyT.fullpath(sett)
fp = PropertyT.fullpath(sett)
isdir(fp) || mkpath(fp)
isdir(fp) || mkpath(fp)
@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ import AbstractAlgebra: Group, NCRing
import MathProgBase.SolverInterface.AbstractMathProgSolver
import MathProgBase.SolverInterface.AbstractMathProgSolver
AbstractAlgebra.one(G::Group) = G()
@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
@testset "1712.07167 Examples" begin
@testset "1712.07167 Examples" begin
@testset "oSL(3,Z)" begin
@testset "SL(3,Z)" begin
N = 3
N = 3
G = MatrixAlgebra(zz, N)
G = MatrixAlgebra(zz, N)
S = PropertyT.generating_set(G)
S = PropertyT.generating_set(G)
autS = WreathProduct(PermGroup(2), PermGroup(N))
autS = WreathProduct(PermGroup(2), PermGroup(N))
rm("oSL($N,Z)", recursive=true, force=true)
NAME = "SL($N,Z)_orbit"
sett = PropertyT.Settings("SL($N,Z)", G, S, autS, with_SCS(2000, accel=20);
rm(NAME, recursive=true, force=true)
sett = PropertyT.Settings(NAME, G, S, autS, with_SCS(1000, accel=20);
upper_bound=0.27, force_compute=false)
upper_bound=0.27, force_compute=false)
@info sett
@info sett
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@
@test λ == PropertyT.spectral_gap(sett)
@test λ == PropertyT.spectral_gap(sett)
@test PropertyT.check_property_T(sett) == false
@test PropertyT.check_property_T(sett) == false
sett = PropertyT.Settings("SL($N,Z)", G, S, autS, with_SCS(4000, accel=20);
sett = PropertyT.Settings(NAME, G, S, autS, with_SCS(4000, accel=20);
upper_bound=0.27, force_compute=true)
upper_bound=0.27, force_compute=true)
@info sett
@info sett
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@
# Symmetrizing by PermGroup(3):
# Symmetrizing by PermGroup(3):
sett = PropertyT.Settings("SL($N,Z)", G, S, PermGroup(N), with_SCS(4000, accel=20, warm_start=false);
sett = PropertyT.Settings(NAME, G, S, PermGroup(N), with_SCS(4000, accel=20, warm_start=false);
upper_bound=0.27, force_compute=true)
upper_bound=0.27, force_compute=true)
@info sett
@info sett
@ -46,14 +48,16 @@
@test PropertyT.interpret_results(sett, λ) == true
@test PropertyT.interpret_results(sett, λ) == true
@testset "oSL(4,Z)" begin
@testset "SL(4,Z)" begin
N = 4
N = 4
G = MatrixAlgebra(zz, N)
G = MatrixAlgebra(zz, N)
S = PropertyT.generating_set(G)
S = PropertyT.generating_set(G)
autS = WreathProduct(PermGroup(2), PermGroup(N))
autS = WreathProduct(PermGroup(2), PermGroup(N))
rm("oSL($N,Z)", recursive=true, force=true)
NAME = "SL($N,Z)_orbit"
sett = PropertyT.Settings("SL($N,Z)", G, S, autS, with_SCS(2000, accel=20);
rm(NAME, recursive=true, force=true)
sett = PropertyT.Settings(NAME, G, S, autS, with_SCS(2000, accel=20);
upper_bound=1.3, force_compute=false)
upper_bound=1.3, force_compute=false)
@info sett
@info sett
@ -66,7 +70,7 @@
@test λ == PropertyT.spectral_gap(sett)
@test λ == PropertyT.spectral_gap(sett)
@test PropertyT.check_property_T(sett) == false
@test PropertyT.check_property_T(sett) == false
sett = PropertyT.Settings("SL($N,Z)", G, S, autS, with_SCS(15000, accel=20, warm_start=true);
sett = PropertyT.Settings(NAME, G, S, autS, with_SCS(15000, accel=20, warm_start=true);
upper_bound=1.3, force_compute=true)
upper_bound=1.3, force_compute=true)
@info sett
@info sett
@ -86,9 +90,11 @@
S = PropertyT.generating_set(G)
S = PropertyT.generating_set(G)
autS = WreathProduct(PermGroup(2), PermGroup(N))
autS = WreathProduct(PermGroup(2), PermGroup(N))
rm("oSAut(F$N)", recursive=true, force=true)
NAME = "SAut(F$N)_orbit"
sett = PropertyT.Settings("SAut(F$N)", G, S, autS, with_SCS(1000);
rm(NAME, recursive=true, force=true)
sett = PropertyT.Settings(NAME, G, S, autS, with_SCS(1000);
@info sett
@info sett
@ -27,17 +27,17 @@
@info "$NAME:\nDifference in l₁-norm between square and hpc sos decompositions:" norm(eoi-sos_sqr,1) norm(eoi-sos_hpc,1) norm(sos_sqr - sos_hpc, 1)
@info "$NAME:\nDifference in l₁-norm between square and hpc sos decompositions:" norm(eoi-sos_sqr,1) norm(eoi-sos_hpc,1) norm(sos_sqr - sos_hpc, 1)
NAME = "oSL(3,Z)"
NAME = "SL(3,Z)_orbit"
eoi, pm, Q = prepare(NAME, 0.27, 3*2*2)
eoi, pm, Q = prepare(NAME, 0.27, 3*2*2)
@time sos_sqr = PropertyT.compute_SOS_square(pm, Q)
@time sos_sqr = PropertyT.compute_SOS_square(pm, Q)
@time sos_hpc = PropertyT.compute_SOS(pm, Q)
@time sos_hpc = PropertyT.compute_SOS(pm, Q)
@test norm(sos_sqr - sos_hpc, 1) < 4e-12
@test norm(sos_sqr - sos_hpc, 1) < 5e-12
@info "$NAME:\nDifference in l₁-norm between square and hpc sos decompositions:" norm(eoi-sos_sqr,1) norm(eoi-sos_hpc,1) norm(sos_sqr - sos_hpc, 1)
@info "$NAME:\nDifference in l₁-norm between square and hpc sos decompositions:" norm(eoi-sos_sqr,1) norm(eoi-sos_hpc,1) norm(sos_sqr - sos_hpc, 1)
NAME = "oSL(4,Z)"
NAME = "SL(4,Z)_orbit"
eoi, pm, Q = prepare(NAME, 1.3, 4*3*2)
eoi, pm, Q = prepare(NAME, 1.3, 4*3*2)
@time sos_sqr = PropertyT.compute_SOS_square(pm, Q)
@time sos_sqr = PropertyT.compute_SOS_square(pm, Q)
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
@info "$NAME:\nDifference in l₁-norm between square and hpc sos decompositions:" norm(eoi-sos_sqr,1) norm(eoi-sos_hpc,1) norm(sos_sqr - sos_hpc, 1)
@info "$NAME:\nDifference in l₁-norm between square and hpc sos decompositions:" norm(eoi-sos_sqr,1) norm(eoi-sos_hpc,1) norm(sos_sqr - sos_hpc, 1)
NAME = "oSAut(F3)"
NAME = "SAut(F3)_orbit"
eoi, pm, Q = prepare(NAME, 0.15, 4*3*2*2)
eoi, pm, Q = prepare(NAME, 0.15, 4*3*2*2)
@time sos_sqr = PropertyT.compute_SOS_square(pm, Q)
@time sos_sqr = PropertyT.compute_SOS_square(pm, Q)
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