module PropertyT using LinearAlgebra using SparseArrays using JuMP using Groups import GroupsCore import PermutationGroups as PG import SymbolicWedderburn as SW import StarAlgebras as SA include("constraint_matrix.jl") include("sos_sdps.jl") include("solve.jl") include("reconstruct.jl") include("certify.jl") include("sqadjop.jl") include("roots.jl") import .Roots include("gradings.jl") include("actions/actions.jl") function group_algebra(G::Groups.Group, S = gens(G); halfradius::Integer) S = union!(S, inv.(S)) @info "generating wl-metric ball of radius $(2halfradius)" @time E, sizes = Groups.wlmetric_ball(S; radius = 2halfradius) @info "sizes = $(sizes)" @info "computing the *-algebra structure for G" @time RG = SA.StarAlgebra( G, SA.Basis{UInt32}(E), (sizes[halfradius], sizes[halfradius]); precompute = false, ) return RG, S, sizes end end # module Property(T)