using LinearAlgebra BLAS.set_num_threads(4) ENV["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = 4 include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "../test/optimizers.jl")) using SCS_MKL_jll using Groups import Groups.MatrixGroups using PropertyT import PropertyT.SW as SW using PropertyT.PG using PropertyT.SA include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "argparse.jl")) const N = parsed_args["N"] const HALFRADIUS = parsed_args["halfradius"] const UPPER_BOUND = parsed_args["upper_bound"] G = SpecialAutomorphismGroup(FreeGroup(N)) @info "Running Δ² - λ·Δ sum of squares decomposition for " G @info "computing group algebra structure" RG, S, sizes = @time PropertyT.group_algebra(G, halfradius = HALFRADIUS) @info "computing WedderburnDecomposition" wd = let RG = RG, N = N G = StarAlgebras.object(RG) P = PermGroup(perm"(1,2)", Perm(circshift(1:N, -1))) Σ = Groups.Constructions.WreathProduct(PermGroup(perm"(1,2)"), P) act = PropertyT.action_by_conjugation(G, Σ) wdfl = @time SW.WedderburnDecomposition( Float64, Σ, act, basis(RG), StarAlgebras.Basis{UInt16}(@view basis(RG)[1:sizes[HALFRADIUS]]), ) end @info wd Δ = RG(length(S)) - sum(RG(s) for s in S) elt = Δ^2; unit = Δ; warm = nothing @info "defining optimization problem" @time model, varP = PropertyT.sos_problem_primal( elt, unit, wd; upper_bound = UPPER_BOUND, augmented = true, show_progress = true, ) let status = JuMP.OPTIMIZE_NOT_CALLED, warm = warm, eps = 1e-10 certified, λ = false, 0.0 while status ≠ JuMP.OPTIMAL @time status, warm = PropertyT.solve( model, scs_optimizer(; linear_solver = SCS.MKLDirectSolver, eps = eps, max_iters = N * 10_000, accel = 50, alpha = 1.95, ), warm, ) @info "reconstructing the solution" Q = @time let wd = wd, Ps = [JuMP.value.(P) for P in varP], eps = 1e-10 PropertyT.__droptol!.(Ps, 100eps) Qs = real.(sqrt.(Ps)) PropertyT.__droptol!.(Qs, eps) PropertyT.reconstruct(Qs, wd) end @info "certifying the solution" certified, λ = PropertyT.certify_solution( elt, unit, JuMP.objective_value(model), Q; halfradius = HALFRADIUS, augmented = true, ) end if certified && λ > 0 Κ(λ, S) = round(sqrt(2λ / length(S)), Base.RoundDown; digits = 5) @info "Certified result: $G has property (T):" N λ Κ(λ, S) else @info "Could NOT certify the result:" certified λ end end