using Printf ############################################################################### # # Settings and filenames # ############################################################################### abstract type Settings end struct Naive{El} <: Settings name::String G::Union{Group, NCRing} S::Vector{El} halfradius::Int upper_bound::Float64 solver::JuMP.OptimizerFactory force_compute::Bool end struct Symmetrized{El} <: Settings name::String G::Union{Group, NCRing} S::Vector{El} autS::Group halfradius::Int upper_bound::Float64 solver::JuMP.OptimizerFactory force_compute::Bool end function Settings(name::String, G::Union{Group, NCRing}, S::AbstractVector{El}, solver::JuMP.OptimizerFactory; halfradius::Integer=2, upper_bound::Float64=1.0, force_compute=false) where El <: Union{GroupElem, NCRingElem} return Naive(name, G, S, halfradius, upper_bound, solver, force_compute) end function Settings(name::String, G::Union{Group, NCRing}, S::AbstractVector{El}, autS::Group, solver::JuMP.OptimizerFactory; halfradius::Integer=2, upper_bound::Float64=1.0, force_compute=false) where El <: Union{GroupElem, NCRingElem} return Symmetrized(name, G, S, autS, halfradius, upper_bound, solver, force_compute) end prefix(s::Naive) = prefix(s::Symmetrized) = "o"* suffix(s::Settings) = "$(s.upper_bound)" prepath(s::Settings) = prefix(s) fullpath(s::Settings) = joinpath(prefix(s), suffix(s)) filename(sett::Settings, s::Symbol; kwargs...) = filename(sett, Val{s}; kwargs...) filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:fulllog}}) = joinpath(fullpath(sett), "full_$(string(now())).log") filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:solverlog}}) = joinpath(fullpath(sett), "solver_$(string(now())).log") filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:Δ}}) = joinpath(prepath(sett), "delta.jld") filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:OrbitData}}) = joinpath(prepath(sett), "OrbitData.jld") filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:solution}}) = joinpath(fullpath(sett), "solution.jld") function filename(sett::Settings, ::Type{Val{:warmstart}}; date=false) if date return joinpath(fullpath(sett), "warmstart_$(") else return joinpath(fullpath(sett), "warmstart.jld") end end ############################################################################### # # Approximation by SOS (logged & warmstarted) # ############################################################################### function warmstart(sett::Settings) warmstart_fname = filename(sett, :warmstart) try ws = load(warmstart_fname, "warmstart") @info "Loaded $warmstart_fname." return ws catch ex @warn "$(ex.msg). Could not provide a warmstart to the solver." return nothing end end function approximate_by_SOS(sett::Naive, elt::GroupRingElem, orderunit::GroupRingElem; solverlog=tempname()*".log") isdir(fullpath(sett)) || mkpath(fullpath(sett)) @info "Creating SDP problem..." SDP_problem = SOS_problem(elt, orderunit, upper_bound=sett.upper_bound) @info Base.repr(SDP_problem) @info "Logging solver's progress into $solverlog" ws = warmstart(sett) @time status, ws = PropertyT.solve(solverlog, SDP_problem, sett.solver, ws) @info "Optimization finished:" status P = value.(SDP_problem[:P]) λ = value(SDP_problem[:λ]) if any(isnan.(P)) @warn "The solution seems to contain NaNs. Not overriding warmstart.jld" else save(filename(sett, :warmstart), "warmstart", (ws.primal, ws.dual, ws.slack), "P", P, "λ", λ) end save(filename(sett, :warmstart, date=true), "warmstart", (ws.primal, ws.dual, ws.slack), "P", P, "λ", λ) return λ, P end function approximate_by_SOS(sett::Symmetrized, elt::GroupRingElem, orderunit::GroupRingElem; solverlog=tempname()*".log") isdir(fullpath(sett)) || mkpath(fullpath(sett)) orbit_data = try orbit_data = load(filename(sett, :OrbitData), "OrbitData") @info "Loaded orbit data." orbit_data catch ex @warn ex.msg isdefined(parent(orderunit), :basis) || throw("You need to define basis of Group Ring to compute orbit decomposition!") @info "Computing orbit and Wedderburn decomposition..." orbit_data = OrbitData(parent(orderunit), sett.autS) save(filename(sett, :OrbitData), "OrbitData", orbit_data) orbit_data end orbit_data = decimate(orbit_data) @info "Creating SDP problem..." SDP_problem, varP = SOS_problem(elt, orderunit, orbit_data, upper_bound=sett.upper_bound) @info Base.repr(SDP_problem) @info "Logging solver's progress into $solverlog" ws = warmstart(sett) @time status, ws = PropertyT.solve(solverlog, SDP_problem, sett.solver, ws) @info "Optimization finished:" status λ = value(SDP_problem[:λ]) Ps = [value.(P) for P in varP] if any(any(isnan.(P)) for P in Ps) @warn "The solution seems to contain NaNs. Not overriding warmstart.jld" else save(filename(sett, :warmstart), "warmstart", (ws.primal, ws.dual, ws.slack), "Ps", Ps, "λ", λ) end save(filename(sett, :warmstart, date=true), "warmstart", (ws.primal, ws.dual, ws.slack), "Ps", Ps, "λ", λ) @info "Reconstructing P..." @time P = reconstruct(Ps, orbit_data) return λ, P end ############################################################################### # # Checking solution # ############################################################################### function certify_SOS_decomposition(elt::GroupRingElem, orderunit::GroupRingElem, λ::Number, Q::AbstractMatrix; R::Int=2) separator = "-"^76 @info "$separator\nChecking in floating-point arithmetic..." λ eoi = elt - λ*orderunit @info("Computing sum of squares decomposition...") @time residual = eoi - compute_SOS(parent(eoi), augIdproj(Q)) L1_norm = norm(residual,1) floatingpoint_λ = λ - 2.0^(2ceil(log2(R)))*L1_norm info_strs = ["Numerical metrics of the obtained SOS:", "ɛ(elt - λu - ∑ξᵢ*ξᵢ) ≈ $(aug(residual))", "‖elt - λu - ∑ξᵢ*ξᵢ‖₁ ≈ $(L1_norm)", "Floating point (NOT certified) λ ≈"] @info join(info_strs, "\n") floatingpoint_λ if floatingpoint_λ ≤ 0 return floatingpoint_λ end λ = @interval(λ) info_strs = [separator, "Checking in interval arithmetic...", "λ ∈ $λ"] @info(join(info_strs, "\n")) eoi = elt - λ*orderunit @info("Projecting columns of Q to the augmentation ideal...") @time Q, check = augIdproj(Interval, Q) @info "Checking that sum of every column contains 0.0..." check_augmented=check check || @warn("The following numbers are meaningless!") @info("Computing sum of squares decomposition...") @time residual = eoi - compute_SOS(parent(eoi), Q) L1_norm = norm(residual,1) certified_λ = λ - 2.0^(2ceil(log2(R)))*L1_norm info_strs = ["Numerical metrics of the obtained SOS:", "ɛ(elt - λu - ∑ξᵢ*ξᵢ) ∈ $(aug(residual))", "‖elt - λu - ∑ξᵢ*ξᵢ‖₁ ∈ $(L1_norm)", "Interval aritmetic (certified) λ ∈"] @info join(info_strs, "\n") certified_λ return certified_λ.lo end function spectral_gap(Δ::GroupRingElem, λ::Number, Q::AbstractMatrix; R::Int=2) @info "elt = Δ², u = Δ" return certify_SOS_decomposition(Δ^2, Δ, λ, Q, R=R) end ############################################################################### # # Interpreting the numerical results # ############################################################################### Kazhdan(λ::Number, N::Integer) = sqrt(2*λ/N) function check_property_T(sett::Settings) @info sett certified_sgap = spectral_gap(sett) return interpret_results(sett, certified_sgap) end function, sett::Settings) info_strs = ["PropertyT Settings:", "Group: $(", "Upper bound for λ: $(sett.upper_bound), on halfradius $(sett.halfradius).", "Force computations: $(sett.force_compute);", "Results will be stored in ./$(PropertyT.prepath(sett));", "Solver: $(typeof(sett.solver()))", "Solvers options: "] append!(info_strs, [rpad(" $k", 30)* "→ \t$v" for (k,v) in sett.solver().options]) push!(info_strs, "="^76) print(io, join(info_strs, "\n")) end function interpret_results(sett::Settings, sgap::Number) if sgap > 0 Kazhdan_κ = Kazhdan(sgap, length(sett.S)) if Kazhdan_κ > 0 @info "κ($(, S) ≥ $Kazhdan_κ: Group HAS property (T)!" return true end end info_strs = ["The certified lower bound on the spectral gap is negative:", "λ($(, S) ≥ 0.0 > $sgap", "This tells us nothing about property (T)"] @info join(info_strs, "\n") return false end function spectral_gap(sett::Settings) fp = PropertyT.fullpath(sett) isdir(fp) || mkpath(fp) Δ = try Δ = loadGRElem(filename(sett,:Δ), sett.G) @info "Loaded precomputed Δ." Δ catch ex @warn ex.msg @info "Computing Δ..." Δ = Laplacian(sett.S, sett.halfradius) saveGRElem(filename(sett, :Δ), Δ) Δ end function compute(sett, Δ) @info "Computing λ and P..." λ, P = approximate_by_SOS(sett, Δ^2, Δ; solverlog=filename(sett, :solverlog)) save(filename(sett, :solution), "λ", λ, "P", P) λ < 0 && @warn "Solver did not produce a valid solution!" return λ, P end if sett.force_compute λ, P = compute(sett, Δ) else λ, P =try λ, P = load(filename(sett, :solution), "λ", "P") @info "Loaded existing λ and P." λ, P catch ex @warn ex.msg compute(sett, Δ) end end info_strs = ["Numerical metrics of matrix solution:", "sum(P) = $(sum(P))", "maximum(P) = $(maximum(P))", "minimum(P) = $(minimum(P))"] @info join(info_strs, "\n") isapprox(eigvals(P), abs.(eigvals(P))) || @warn "The solution matrix doesn't seem to be positive definite!" @time Q = real(sqrt(Symmetric( (P.+ P')./2 ))) certified_sgap = spectral_gap(Δ, λ, Q, R=sett.halfradius) return certified_sgap end