Symmetrise := function(elts) return Unique(Concatenation(elts, List(elts, Inverse))); end; MYAllProducts := function(elts1, elts2) local products, elt; products := []; for elt in elts1 do products := Concatenation(products, elt*elts2); od; return products; end; Products := function(elts, n) local products, i; if n<=0 then return [ ]; elif n = 1 then return elts; else products := elts; for i in [2..n] do products := MYAllProducts(elts, products); od; return products; fi; end; IsSupportedOn := function(basis, elt) local elt_supp, x; elt_supp := Support(elt); for x in elt_supp do if not x in basis then return false; fi; od; return true; end; Laplacian := function(G, generating_set) local QG, emb, result, S, g, elt; QG := GroupRing(Rationals, G);; emb := Embedding(G,QG);; S := generating_set; result := Length(S)*One(QG); for g in S do result := result - g^emb; od; return result; end; Vectorise := function(elt, basis) local result, l, i, g, coeff, axis; Assert(0, IsSupportedOn(basis, elt), "AssertionError: Element of interest is not supported on the basis!"); result := List(0*[1..Length(basis)]); l := CoefficientsAndMagmaElements(elt); for i in [1..Length(l)/2] do g := l[2*i-1]; coeff := l[2*i]; axis := Position(basis, g); result[axis] := result[axis] + coeff; od; return result; end; Constraints := function(basis) local result, i, j, pos; result := []; for i in [1..Length(basis)] do Add(result,[]); od; for i in [1..Length(basis)] do for j in [1..Length(basis)] do pos := Position(basis, Inverse(basis[i])*basis[j]); if not pos = fail then Add(result[pos], [i,j]); fi; od; od; return result; end; SDPGenerateAll := function(G, S, basis, name) local QG, emb, delta, delta_sq, delta_vec, delta_sq_vec, product_constr; QG := GroupRing(Rationals, G);; emb := Embedding(G,QG);; delta := Laplacian(G, S);; delta_sq := delta^2;; if not IsSupportedOn(basis, delta_sq) then # Print("delta_sq is not supported on basis\n"); return fail; else PrintTo(Concatenation("./basis.", name), basis); Print("Written basis to ", Concatenation("./basis.", name), "\n"); delta_vec := Vectorise(delta, basis);; PrintTo(Concatenation("./delta.", name), delta_vec); Print("Written delta to ", Concatenation("./delta.", name), "\n"); delta_sq_vec := Vectorise(delta_sq, basis);; PrintTo(Concatenation("./delta_sq.", name), delta_sq_vec); Print("Written delta_sq to ", Concatenation("./delta_sq.", name), "\n"); product_constr := Constraints(basis);; PrintTo(Concatenation("./constraints.", name), product_constr); Print("Written Matrix Constraints to ", Concatenation("./Constraints.", name), "\n"); return "Done!"; fi; end;;