module Roots using StaticArrays using LinearAlgebra export Root, isproportional, isorthogonal, ~, ⟂ abstract type AbstractRoot{N,T} end ℓ₂length(r::AbstractRoot) = norm(r, 2) ambient_dim(r::AbstractRoot) = length(r) Base.:*(r::AbstractRoot, a::Number) = a * r cos_angle(a, b) = dot(a, b) / (norm(a) * norm(b)) function isproportional(α::AbstractRoot, β::AbstractRoot) ambient_dim(α) == ambient_dim(β) || return false val = abs(cos_angle(α, β)) return isapprox(val, one(val); atol = eps(one(val))) end function isorthogonal(α::AbstractRoot, β::AbstractRoot) ambient_dim(α) == ambient_dim(β) || return false val = cos_angle(α, β) return isapprox(val, zero(val); atol = eps(one(val))) end function positive(roots::AbstractVector{<:AbstractRoot}) isempty(roots) && return empty(roots) pd = _positive_direction(first(roots)) return filter(α -> dot(α, pd) > 0.0, roots) end function, r::AbstractRoot) return print(io, "Root $(r.coord)") end function, ::MIME"text/plain", r::AbstractRoot) l₂l = ℓ₂length(r) l = isinteger(l₂l) ? "$(l₂l)" : "√$(l₂l^2)" return print(io, "Root in ℝ^$N of length $l\n", r.coord) end function reflection(α::AbstractRoot, β::AbstractRoot) return β - Int(2dot(α, β) // dot(α, α)) * α end function cartan(α::AbstractRoot, β::AbstractRoot) ambient_dim(α) == ambient_dim(β) || throw("incompatible ambient dimensions") return [ ℓ₂length(reflection(a, b) - b) / ℓ₂length(a) for a in (α, β), b in (α, β) ] end """ classify_root_system(α, β) Return the symbol of smallest system generated by roots `α` and `β`. The classification is based only on roots length, proportionality/orthogonality and Cartan matrix. """ function classify_root_system( α::AbstractRoot, β::AbstractRoot, long::Tuple{Bool,Bool}, ) if isproportional(α, β) if all(long) return :C₁ elseif all(.!long) # both short return :A₁ else @error "Proportional roots of different length" error("Unknown root system ⟨α, β⟩:\n α = $α\n β = $β") end elseif isorthogonal(α, β) if all(long) return Symbol("C₁×C₁") elseif all(.!long) # both short return Symbol("A₁×A₁") elseif any(long) return Symbol("A₁×C₁") end else # ⟨α, β⟩ is 2-dimensional, but they're not orthogonal a, b, c, d = abs.(cartan(α, β)) @assert a == d == 2 b, c = b < c ? (b, c) : (c, b) if b == c == 1 return :A₂ elseif b == 1 && c == 2 return :C₂ elseif b == 1 && c == 3 @warn ":G₂? really?" return :G₂ else @error a, b, c, d error("Unknown root system ⟨α, β⟩:\n α = $α\n β = $β") end end end function proportional_root_from_system( Ω::AbstractVector{<:AbstractRoot}, α::AbstractRoot, ) k = findfirst(v -> isproportional(α, v), Ω) if isnothing(k) error("Line L_α not contained in root system Ω:\n α = $α\n Ω = $Ω") end return Ω[k] end struct Plane{R<:AbstractRoot} v1::R v2::R vectors::Vector{R} end function Plane(α::AbstractRoot, β::AbstractRoot) return Plane(α, β, [a * α + b * β for a in -3:3 for b in -3:3]) end function, plane::Plane) return any(isproportional(r, v) for v in plane.vectors) end function _islong(α::AbstractRoot, Ω) lα = ℓ₂length(α) return any(r -> lα - ℓ₂length(r) > eps(lα), Ω) end function classify_sub_root_system( Ω::AbstractVector{<:AbstractRoot{N}}, α::AbstractRoot{N}, β::AbstractRoot{N}, ) where {N} @assert 1 ≤ length(unique(ℓ₂length, Ω)) ≤ 2 v = proportional_root_from_system(Ω, α) w = proportional_root_from_system(Ω, β) subsystem = filter(ω -> ω in Plane(v, w), Ω) @assert length(subsystem) > 0 subsystem = positive(union(subsystem, -1 .* subsystem)) l = length(subsystem) if l == 1 x = first(subsystem) long = _islong(x, Ω) return classify_root_system(x, -x, (long, long)) elseif l == 2 x, y = subsystem return classify_root_system(x, y, (_islong(x, Ω), _islong(y, Ω))) elseif l == 3 x, y, z = subsystem l1, l2, l3 = _islong(x, Ω), _islong(y, Ω), _islong(z, Ω) a = classify_root_system(x, y, (l1, l2)) b = classify_root_system(y, z, (l2, l3)) c = classify_root_system(x, z, (l1, l3)) if :A₂ == a == b == c # it's only A₂ return a end throw("Unknown subroot system! $((x,y,z))") elseif l == 4 subtypes = [ classify_root_system(x, y, (_islong(x, Ω), _islong(y, Ω))) for x in subsystem for y in subsystem if x ≠ y ] if :C₂ in subtypes return :C₂ end end @error "Unknown root subsystem generated by" α β throw("Unknown root system: $subsystem") end ## concrete implementation: struct Root{N,T} <: AbstractRoot{N,T} coord::SVector{N,T} end Root(a) = Root(SVector(a...)) # convienience constructors 𝕖(N, i) = Root(ntuple(k -> k == i ? 1 : 0, N)) 𝕆(N, ::Type{T}) where {T} = Root(ntuple(_ -> zero(T), N)) function Base.:(==)(r::Root{N}, s::Root{M}) where {M,N} M == N || return false r.coord == s.coord || return false return true end Base.hash(r::Root, h::UInt) = hash(r.coord, hash(Root, h)) function Base.:+(r::Root, s::Root) ambient_dim(r) == ambient_dim(s) || throw("incompatible ambient dimensions") return Root(r.coord + s.coord) end function Base.:-(r::Root, s::Root) ambient_dim(r) == ambient_dim(s) || throw("incompatible ambient dimensions") return Root(r.coord - s.coord) end Base.:-(r::Root) = Root(-r.coord) Base.:*(a::Number, r::Root) = Root(a * r.coord) Base.length(r::Root) = length(r.coord) LinearAlgebra.norm(r::Root, p::Real = 2) = norm(r.coord, p), s::Root) = dot(r.coord, s.coord) function _positive_direction(α::Root{N}) where {N} v = α.coord + 1 / (N * 100) * rand(N) return Root{N,Float64}(v / norm(v, 2)) end end # of module Roots