using IntervalArithmetic IntervalArithmetic.setrounding(Interval, :tight) IntervalArithmetic.setformat(sigfigs=12) function groupring_square(pm, vect::AbstractVector) zzz = zeros(eltype(vect), maximum(pm)) return GroupRings.mul!(zzz, vect, vect, pm) end function compute_SOS(pm::Array{I,2}, Q::AbstractArray) where I<:Integer # result = zeros(eltype(Q), maximum(pm)) # r = similar(result) # for i in 1:size(Q,2) # print(" $i") # result += GroupRings.mul!(r, view(Q,:,i), view(Q,:,i), pm) # end @everywhere groupring_square = PropertyT.groupring_square result = @parallel (+) for i in 1:size(Q,2) groupring_square(pm, Q[:,i]) end return result end function compute_SOS(RG::GroupRing, Q::AbstractArray) result = compute_SOS(, Q) return GroupRingElem(result, RG) end function augIdproj(Q::AbstractArray{T,2}) where {T<:Real} result = zeros(Interval{T}, size(Q)) l = size(Q, 2) Threads.@threads for j in 1:l col = sum(view(Q, :,j))/l for i in 1:size(Q, 1) result[i,j] = @interval(Q[i,j] - col) end end return result end function distance_to_cone(Δ::GroupRingElem, λ, Q; wlen::Int=4) info("------------------------------------------------------------") info("Checking in floating-point arithmetic...") info("λ = $λ") @time sos = compute_SOS(parent(Δ), Q) residue = Δ^2-λ*Δ - sos info("ɛ(Δ² - λΔ - ∑ξᵢ*ξᵢ) ≈ $(@sprintf("%.10f", aug(residue)))") L1_norm = norm(residue,1) info("‖Δ² - λΔ - ∑ξᵢ*ξᵢ‖₁ ≈ $(@sprintf("%.10f", L1_norm))") distance = λ - 2^(wlen-1)*L1_norm info("Floating point distance (to positive cone) ≈") info("$(@sprintf("%.10f", distance))") info("") if distance ≤ 0 return distance end info("------------------------------------------------------------") info("Checking in interval arithmetic...") info("λ ∈ $λ") λ = @interval(λ) eoi = Δ^2 - λ*Δ info("Projecting columns of Q to the augmentation ideal...") T = eltype(Q) @time Q = augIdproj(Q) info("Checking that sum of every column contains 0.0... ") check = all([zero(T) in sum(view(Q, :, i)) for i in 1:size(Q, 2)]) info((check? "They do." : "FAILED!")) @assert check @time sos = compute_SOS(parent(Δ), Q) residue = Δ^2-λ*Δ - sos info("ɛ(∑ξᵢ*ξᵢ) ∈ $(aug(residue))") L1_norm = norm(residue,1) info("‖Δ² - λΔ - ∑ξᵢ*ξᵢ‖₁ ∈ $(L1_norm)") distance = λ - 2^(wlen-1)*L1_norm info("The Augmentation-projected distance (to positive cone) ∈") info("$(distance)") info("") return distance.lo end