module Projections using AbstractAlgebra using Groups using GroupRings using Markdown export PermCharacter, DirectProdCharacter, rankOne_projections ############################################################################### # # Characters of Symmetric Group and DirectProduct # ############################################################################### abstract type AbstractCharacter end struct PermCharacter <: AbstractCharacter p::Generic.Partition end struct DirectProdCharacter{N, T<:AbstractCharacter} <: AbstractCharacter chars::NTuple{N, T} end function (chi::DirectProdCharacter)(g::DirectPowerGroupElem) res = 1 for (χ, elt) in zip(chi.chars, g.elts) res *= χ(elt) end return res end function (chi::PermCharacter)(g::Generic.perm) R = AbstractAlgebra.partitionseq(chi.p) p = Partition(Generic.permtype(g)) return Int(Generic.MN1inner(R, p, 1, Generic._charvalsTable)) end AbstractAlgebra.dim(χ::PermCharacter) = dim(YoungTableau(χ.p)) for T in [PermCharacter, DirectProdCharacter] @eval begin function (chi::$T)(X::GroupRingElem) RG = parent(X) z = zero(eltype(X)) result = z for i in 1:length(X.coeffs) if X.coeffs[i] != z result += chi(RG.basis[i])*X.coeffs[i] end end return result end end end characters(G::Generic.PermGroup) = (PermCharacter(p) for p in AllParts(G.n)) function characters(G::DirectPowerGroup{N}) where N nfold_chars = Iterators.repeated(characters(, N) return (DirectProdCharacter(idx) for idx in Iterators.product(nfold_chars...)) end ############################################################################### # # Projections # ############################################################################### function central_projection(RG::GroupRing, chi::AbstractCharacter, T::Type=Rational{Int}) result = RG(zeros(T, length(RG.basis))) dim = chi( ord = Int(order( for g in RG.basis result[g] = convert(T, (dim//ord)*chi(g)) end return result end function alternating_emb(RG::GroupRing{Gr,T}, V::Vector{T}, S::Type=Rational{Int}) where {Gr<:Generic.PermGroup, T<:GroupElem} res = RG(S) for g in V res[g] += sign(g) end return res end function idempotents(RG::GroupRing{Generic.PermGroup{S}}, T::Type=Rational{Int}) where S<:Integer if == 1 return GroupRingElem{T}[one(RG,T)] elseif == 2 Id = one(RG,T) transp = RG(perm"(1,2)", T) return GroupRingElem{T}[1//2*(Id + transp), 1//2*(Id - transp)] end projs = Vector{Vector{Generic.perm{S}}}() for l in u =[circshift([i for i in 1:l], -1); [i for i in]]) i = 0 while (l-1)*i <= v =, i)) k = inv(v)*u*v push!(projs, generateGroup([k], i += 1 end end idems = Vector{GroupRingElem{T}}() for p in projs append!(idems, [RG(p, T)//length(p), alternating_emb(RG, p, T)//length(p)]) end return unique(idems) end function rankOne_projection(chi::PermCharacter, idems::Vector{T}) where {T<:GroupRingElem} RG = parent(first(idems)) S = eltype(first(idems)) ids = [one(RG, S); idems] zzz = zero(S) for (i,j,k) in Base.product(ids, ids, ids) if chi(i) == zzz || chi(j) == zzz || chi(k) == zzz continue else elt = i*j*k if elt^2 != elt continue elseif chi(elt) == one(S) return elt # return (i,j,k) end end end throw("Couldn't find rank-one projection for $chi") end function rankOne_projections(RG::GroupRing{G}, T::Type=Rational{Int}) where G<:Generic.PermGroup if == 1 return [GroupRingElem([one(T)], RG)] end RGidems = idempotents(RG, T) min_projs = [central_projection(RG,chi)*rankOne_projection(chi,RGidems) for chi in characters(] return min_projs end function ifelsetuple(a,b, k, n) x = [repeat([a], k); repeat([b], n-k)] return tuple(x...) end function orbit_selector(n::Integer, k::Integer, chi::AbstractCharacter, psi::AbstractCharacter) return Projections.DirectProdCharacter(ifelsetuple(chi, psi, k, n)) end function rankOne_projections(RBn::GroupRing{G}, T::Type=Rational{Int}) where {G<:WreathProduct} Bn = N = Bn.P.n # projections as elements of the group rings RSₙ Sn_rankOnePr = [rankOne_projections( GroupRing(PermGroup(i), collect(PermGroup(i)))) for i in typeof(N)(1):N] # embedding into group ring of BN RN = GroupRing(Bn.N, collect(Bn.N)) sign, id = collect(characters( # Bn.N = (Z/2Z)ⁿ characters corresponding to the first k coordinates: BnN_orbits = Dict(i => orbit_selector(N, i, sign, id) for i in 0:N) Q = Dict(i => RBn(g -> Bn(g), central_projection(RN, BnN_orbits[i], T)) for i in 0:N) Q = Dict(key => GroupRings.dense(val) for (key, val) in Q) all_projs = [Q[0]*RBn(g->Bn(g), p) for p in Sn_rankOnePr[N]] r = collect(1:N) for i in 1:N-1 first_emb = g->Bn(Generic.emb!(Bn.P(), g, view(r, 1:i))) last_emb = g->Bn(Generic.emb!(Bn.P(), g, view(r, (i+1):N))) Sk_first = (RBn(first_emb, p) for p in Sn_rankOnePr[i]) Sk_last = (RBn(last_emb, p) for p in Sn_rankOnePr[N-i]) append!(all_projs, [Q[i]*p1*p2 for (p1,p2) in Base.product(Sk_first,Sk_last)]) end append!(all_projs, [Q[N]*RBn(g->Bn(g), p) for p in Sn_rankOnePr[N]]) return all_projs end ############################################################################## # # General Groups Misc # ############################################################################## @doc doc""" products(X::Vector{GroupElem}, Y::Vector{GroupElem}, op=*) > Returns a vector of all possible products (or `op(x,y)`), where $x\in X$ and > $y\in Y$ are group elements. You may specify which operation is used when > forming 'products' by adding `op` (which is `*` by default). """ function products(X::AbstractVector{T}, Y::AbstractVector{T}, op=*) where {T<:GroupElem} result = Vector{T}() seen = Set{T}() for x in X for y in Y z = op(x,y) if !in(z, seen) push!(seen, z) push!(result, z) end end end return result end @doc doc""" generateGroup(gens::Vector{GroupElem}, r=2, Id=parent(first(gens))(), op=*) > Produces all elements of a group generated by elements in `gens` in ball of > radius `r` (word-length metric induced by `gens`). > If `r(=2)` is specified the procedure will terminate after generating ball > of radius `r` in the word-length metric induced by `gens`. > The identity element `Id` and binary operation function `op` can be supplied > to e.g. take advantage of additive group structure. """ function generateGroup(gens::Vector{T}, r=2, Id::T=parent(first(gens))(), op=*) where {T<:GroupElem} n = 0 R = 1 elts = gens gens = [Id; gens] while n ≠ length(elts) && R < r # @show elts R += 1 n = length(elts) elts = products(elts, gens, op) end return elts end end # of module Projections