""" ConstraintMatrix{T,I} <: AbstractMatrix{T} Special type of sparse matrix used to store constraints in SOS problems. This matrix has in general very few non-zero values which also are multiples of each other. The constructor accepts * `nzeros` - a vector of non-zero indices; negative values are used to signify negative values; repetitions are allowed * `n`, `m` - the size of matrix * `val` - the greatest common factor of the values To iterate efficiently over `A::ConstraintMatrix` use [`nzpairs(A)`](@ref). # Examples ```julia-repl julia> ConstraintMatrix{Float64}([-1,2,-1,1,4,2,6], 3,2, π) 3×2 ConstraintMatrix{Float64, Int64}: -3.14159 3.14159 6.28319 0.0 0.0 3.14159 ``` """ struct ConstraintMatrix{T,I} <: AbstractMatrix{T} pos::Vector{I} # list of positive indices neg::Vector{I} # list of negative indices size::Tuple{Int,Int} val::T function ConstraintMatrix{T}(nzeros::AbstractArray{<:Integer}, n, m, val) where {T} @assert n ≥ 1 @assert m ≥ 1 if !isempty(nzeros) sort!(nzeros) a, b = first(nzeros), last(nzeros) @assert 1 ≤ abs(a) ≤ n * m @assert 1 ≤ abs(b) ≤ n * m end k = searchsortedlast(nzeros, 0) neg = @view nzeros[begin:k] pos = @view nzeros[k+1:end] return new{T,eltype(nzeros)}(pos, -neg, (n, m), val) end end ConstraintMatrix(nzeros::AbstractArray{<:Integer}, n, m, val::T) where {T} = ConstraintMatrix{T}(nzeros, n, m, val) Base.size(cm::ConstraintMatrix) = cm.size function __get_positive(cm::ConstraintMatrix, idx::Integer) return convert(eltype(cm), cm.val * length(searchsorted(cm.pos, idx))) end function __get_negative(cm::ConstraintMatrix, idx::Integer) return convert( eltype(cm), cm.val * length(searchsorted(cm.neg, idx; rev = true)), ) end Base.@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex( cm::ConstraintMatrix, i::Integer, j::Integer, ) li = LinearIndices(cm) idx = li[i, j] pos = __get_positive(cm, idx) neg = __get_negative(cm, idx) return pos - neg end struct NZPairsIter{T} m::ConstraintMatrix{T} end Base.eltype(::Type{NZPairsIter{T}}) where {T} = Pair{Int,T} Base.IteratorSize(::Type{<:NZPairsIter}) = Base.SizeUnknown() # TODO: iterate over (idx=>val) pairs combining vals function Base.iterate(itr::NZPairsIter, state::Tuple{Int,Int}=(1, 1)) k = iterate(itr.m.pos, state[1]) isnothing(k) && return iterate(itr, state[2]) idx, st = k return idx => itr.m.val, (st, 1) end function Base.iterate(itr::NZPairsIter, state::Int) k = iterate(itr.m.neg, state[1]) isnothing(k) && return nothing idx, st = k return idx => -itr.m.val, st end """ nzpairs(cm::ConstraintMatrix) Efficiently iterate over non-zero `(idx=>value)` pairs. If the `cm` was created with repetitions (or contains negative values) there will be repetitions in the returned sequence of pairs. # Examples ```julia julia> ConstraintMatrix{Float64}([-1,2,-1,1,4,2,6], 3,2, π) 3×2 ConstraintMatrix{Float64, Int64}: -3.14159 3.14159 6.28319 0.0 0.0 3.14159 julia> collect(nzpairs(M)) 7-element Vector{Pair{Int64, Float64}}: 1 => 3.141592653589793 2 => 3.141592653589793 2 => 3.141592653589793 4 => 3.141592653589793 6 => 3.141592653589793 1 => -3.141592653589793 1 => -3.141592653589793 ``` """ nzpairs(cm::ConstraintMatrix) = NZPairsIter(cm) function LinearAlgebra.dot(cm::ConstraintMatrix, m::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T} if isempty(cm.pos) && isempty(cm.neg) isempty(m) && return zero(T) return zero(first(m) + first(m)) end pos = isempty(cm.pos) ? zero(first(m)) : sum(@view m[cm.pos]) neg = isempty(cm.neg) ? zero(first(m)) : sum(@view m[cm.neg]) return convert(eltype(cm), cm.val) * (pos - neg) end