############################################################################### # # Laplacians # ############################################################################### function spLaplacian(RG::GroupRing, S, T::Type=Float64) result = RG(T) result[RG.group()] = T(length(S)) for s in S result[s] -= one(T) end return result end function spLaplacian(RG::GroupRing{R}, S, T::Type=Float64) where {R<:Ring} result = RG(T) result[one(RG.group)] = T(length(S)) for s in S result[s] -= one(T) end return result end function computeLaplacian(S::Vector{E}, radius) where E<:AbstractAlgebra.RingElem R = parent(first(S)) return computeLaplacian(S, one(R), radius) end function computeLaplacian(S::Vector{E}, radius) where E<:AbstractAlgebra.GroupElem G = parent(first(S)) return computeLaplacian(S, G(), radius) end function computeLaplacian(S, Id, radius) info("Generating metric ball of radius $radius...") @time E_R, sizes = Groups.generate_balls(S, Id, radius=2radius) info("Generated balls of sizes $sizes.") info("Creating product matrix...") @time pm = GroupRings.create_pm(E_R, GroupRings.reverse_dict(E_R), sizes[radius]; twisted=true) RG = GroupRing(parent(Id), E_R, pm) Δ = spLaplacian(RG, S) return Δ end function loadLaplacian(name::String, G::Group) if exists(filename(name, :Δ)) && exists(filename(name, :pm)) info("Loading precomputed Δ...") RG = GroupRing(G, load(filename(name, :pm), "pm")) Δ = GroupRingElem(load(filename(name, :Δ), "Δ")[:, 1], RG) else throw("You need to precompute $(filename(name, :pm)) and $(filename(name, :Δ)) to load it!") end return Δ end