using LinearAlgebra BLAS.set_num_threads(1) ENV["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = 4 using MKL_jll include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "../test/optimizers.jl")) using Groups import Groups.MatrixGroups using PropertyT using SymbolicWedderburn using SymbolicWedderburn.StarAlgebras using PermutationGroups include(joinpath(@__DIR__, "G₂_gens.jl")) G, roots, Weyl = G₂_roots_weyl() const HALFRADIUS = 2 const UPPER_BOUND = Inf RG, S, sizes = @time PropertyT.group_algebra(G, halfradius = HALFRADIUS) Δ = RG(length(S)) - sum(RG(s) for s in S) wd = let Σ = Weyl, RG = RG act = PropertyT.AlphabetPermutation{eltype(Σ),Int64}( Dict(g => PermutationGroups.perm(g) for g in Σ), ) @time SymbolicWedderburn.WedderburnDecomposition( Float64, Σ, act, basis(RG), StarAlgebras.Basis{UInt16}(@view basis(RG)[1:sizes[HALFRADIUS]]), semisimple = false, ) end elt = Δ^2 unit = Δ @time model, varP = PropertyT.sos_problem_primal( elt, unit, wd; upper_bound = UPPER_BOUND, augmented = true, show_progress = true, ) warm = nothing begin @time status, warm = PropertyT.solve( model, scs_optimizer(; linear_solver = SCS.MKLDirectSolver, eps = 1e-10, max_iters = 20_000, accel = 50, alpha = 1.95, ), warm, ) @info "reconstructing the solution" Q = @time begin wd = wd Ps = [JuMP.value.(P) for P in varP] if any(any(isnan, P) for P in Ps) throw("solver was probably interrupted, no valid solution available") end Qs = real.(sqrt.(Ps)) PropertyT.reconstruct(Qs, wd) end P = Q' * Q @info "certifying the solution" @time certified, λ = PropertyT.certify_solution( elt, unit, JuMP.objective_value(model), Q; halfradius = HALFRADIUS, augmented = true, ) end ### grading below function desubscriptify(symbol::Symbol) digits = [ Int(l) - 0x2080 for l in reverse(string(symbol)) if 0 ≤ Int(l) - 0x2080 ≤ 9 ] res = 0 for (i, d) in enumerate(digits) res += 10^(i - 1) * d end return res end function PropertyT.grading(g::MatrixGroups.MatrixElt, roots = roots) id = desubscriptify( return roots[id] end Δs = PropertyT.laplacians( RG, S, x -> (gx = PropertyT.grading(x); Set([gx, -gx])), ) elt = PropertyT.Adj(Δs) elt == Δ^2 - PropertyT.Sq(Δs) unit = Δ @time model, varP = PropertyT.sos_problem_primal( elt, unit, wd; upper_bound = UPPER_BOUND, augmented = true, ) warm = nothing begin @time status, warm = PropertyT.solve( model, scs_optimizer(; linear_solver = SCS.MKLDirectSolver, eps = 1e-10, max_iters = 50_000, accel = 50, alpha = 1.95, ), warm, ) @info "reconstructing the solution" Q = @time begin wd = wd Ps = [JuMP.value.(P) for P in varP] if any(any(isnan, P) for P in Ps) throw("solver was probably interrupted, no valid solution available") end Qs = real.(sqrt.(Ps)) PropertyT.reconstruct(Qs, wd) end P = Q' * Q @info "certifying the solution" @time certified, λ = PropertyT.certify_solution( elt, unit, JuMP.objective_value(model), Q; halfradius = HALFRADIUS, augmented = true, ) end # Δ² - 1 / 1 · Sq → -0.8818044647162608 # Δ² - 2 / 3 · Sq → -0.1031738 # Δ² - 1 / 2 · Sq → 0.228296213895906 # Δ² - 1 / 3 · Sq → 0.520 # Δ² - 0 / 1 · Sq → 0.9676851592000731 # Sq → 0.333423 # vals = [ # 1.0 -0.8818 # 2/3 -0.1032 # 1/2 0.2282 # 1/3 0.520 # 0 0.9677 # ]