using SparseArrays @testset "Sq, Adj, Op" begin function isconstant_on_orbit(v, orb) isempty(orb) && return true k = v[first(orb)] return all(v[o] == k for o in orb) end @testset "unit tests" begin @test PropertyT.isopposite(perm"(1,2,3)(4)", perm"(1,4,2)") @test PropertyT.isadjacent(perm"(1,2,3)", perm"(1,2)(3)") @test !PropertyT.isopposite(perm"(1,2,3)", perm"(1,2)(3)") @test !PropertyT.isadjacent(perm"(1,4)", perm"(2,3)(4)") @test isconstant_on_orbit([1, 1, 1, 2, 2], [2, 3]) @test !isconstant_on_orbit([1, 1, 1, 2, 2], [2, 3, 4]) end @testset "Sq, Adj, Op in SL(4,Z)" begin N = 4 G = MatrixGroups.SpecialLinearGroup{N}(Int8) RG, S, sizes = PropertyT.group_algebra(G, halfradius=2, twisted=true) Δ = let RG = RG, S = S RG(length(S)) - sum(RG(s) for s in S) end P = PermGroup(perm"(1,2)", Perm(circshift(1:N, -1))) Σ = PropertyT.Constructions.WreathProduct(PermGroup(perm"(1,2)"), P) act = PropertyT.action_by_conjugation(G, Σ) wd = WedderburnDecomposition( Float64, Σ, act, basis(RG), StarAlgebras.Basis{UInt16}(@view basis(RG)[1:sizes[2]]), ) ivs = SymbolicWedderburn.invariant_vectors(wd) sq, adj, op = PropertyT.SqAdjOp(RG, N) @test all( isconstant_on_orbit(sq, SparseArrays.nonzeroinds(iv)) for iv in ivs ) @test all( isconstant_on_orbit(adj, SparseArrays.nonzeroinds(iv)) for iv in ivs ) @test all( isconstant_on_orbit(op, SparseArrays.nonzeroinds(iv)) for iv in ivs ) e = one(G) g = G([alphabet(G)[MatrixGroups.ElementaryMatrix{N}(1, 2, Int8(1))]]) h = G([alphabet(G)[MatrixGroups.ElementaryMatrix{N}(1, 3, Int8(1))]]) k = G([alphabet(G)[MatrixGroups.ElementaryMatrix{N}(3, 4, Int8(1))]]) @test sq[e] == 120 @test sq[g] == sq[h] == -8 @test sq[g^2] == sq[h^2] == 1 @test sq[g*h] == sq[h*g] == 0 @test adj[e] == 384 @test adj[g] == adj[h] == -32 @test adj[g^2] == adj[h^2] == 0 @test adj[g*h] == adj[h*g] == 2 @test adj[k*h] == adj[h*k] == 1 @test op[e] == 96 @test op[g] == op[h] == -8 @test op[g^2] == op[h^2] == 0 @test op[g*h] == op[h*g] == 0 @test op[g*k] == op[k*g] == 2 @test op[h*k] == op[k*h] == 0 end @testset "SAut(F₃)" begin n = 3 G = SpecialAutomorphismGroup(FreeGroup(n)) RG, S, sizes = PropertyT.group_algebra(G, halfradius=2, twisted=true) sq, adj, op = PropertyT.SqAdjOp(RG, n) @test sq(one(G)) == 216 @test all(sq(g) == -16 for g in gens(G)) @test adj(one(G)) == 384 @test all(adj(g) == -32 for g in gens(G)) @test iszero(op) end end @testset "1812.03456 examples" begin @testset "SL(3,Z)" begin n = 3 G = MatrixGroups.SpecialLinearGroup{n}(Int8) RG, S, sizes = PropertyT.group_algebra(G, halfradius=2, twisted=true) Δ = RG(length(S)) - sum(RG(s) for s in S) P = PermGroup(perm"(1,2)", Perm(circshift(1:n, -1))) Σ = PropertyT.Constructions.WreathProduct(PermGroup(perm"(1,2)"), P) act = PropertyT.action_by_conjugation(G, Σ) wd = SymbolicWedderburn.WedderburnDecomposition( Float64, Σ, act, basis(RG), StarAlgebras.Basis{UInt16}(@view basis(RG)[1:sizes[2]]), ) sq, adj, op = PropertyT.SqAdjOp(RG, n) @testset "Sq₃ is SOS" begin elt = sq UB = Inf # λ ≈ 0.1040844 status, certified, λ_cert = check_positivity( elt, Δ, wd, upper_bound=UB, halfradius=2, optimizer=cosmo_optimizer(accel=50, alpha=1.9) ) @test status == JuMP.OPTIMAL @test certified @test λ_cert > 104 // 1000 end @testset "Adj₃ is SOS" begin elt = adj UB = Inf # λ ≈ 0.15858018 status, certified, λ_cert = check_positivity( elt, Δ, wd, upper_bound=UB, halfradius=2, optimizer=cosmo_optimizer(accel=50, alpha=1.9) ) @test status == JuMP.OPTIMAL @test certified @test λ_cert > 1585 // 10000 end @testset "Op₃ is empty, so can not be certified" begin elt = op UB = Inf status, certified, λ_cert = check_positivity( elt, Δ, wd, upper_bound=UB, halfradius=2, optimizer=cosmo_optimizer(accel=50, alpha=1.9) ) @test status == JuMP.OPTIMAL @test !certified @test λ_cert < 0 end end @testset "SL(4,Z)" begin n = 4 G = MatrixGroups.SpecialLinearGroup{n}(Int8) RG, S, sizes = PropertyT.group_algebra(G, halfradius=2, twisted=true) Δ = RG(length(S)) - sum(RG(s) for s in S) P = PermGroup(perm"(1,2)", Perm(circshift(1:n, -1))) Σ = PropertyT.Constructions.WreathProduct(PermGroup(perm"(1,2)"), P) act = PropertyT.action_by_conjugation(G, Σ) wd = SymbolicWedderburn.WedderburnDecomposition( Float64, Σ, act, basis(RG), StarAlgebras.Basis{UInt16}(@view basis(RG)[1:sizes[2]]), ) sq, adj, op = PropertyT.SqAdjOp(RG, n) @testset "Sq is SOS" begin elt = sq UB = Inf # λ ≈ 0.31670 status, certified, λ_cert = check_positivity( elt, Δ, wd, upper_bound=UB, halfradius=2, optimizer=cosmo_optimizer(accel=50, alpha=1.9) ) @test status == JuMP.OPTIMAL @test certified @test λ_cert > 316 // 1000 end @testset "Adj is SOS" begin elt = adj UB = 0.541 # λ ≈ 0.545710 status, certified, λ_cert = check_positivity( elt, Δ, wd, upper_bound=UB, halfradius=2, optimizer=cosmo_optimizer(accel=50, alpha=1.9) ) @test status == JuMP.OPTIMAL @test certified @test λ_cert > 54 // 100 end @testset "Op is a sum of squares, but not an order unit" begin elt = op UB = Inf status, certified, λ_cert = check_positivity( elt, Δ, wd, upper_bound=UB, halfradius=2, optimizer=cosmo_optimizer(accel=50, alpha=1.9) ) @test status == JuMP.OPTIMAL @test !certified @test -1e-2 < λ_cert < 0 end end end