using JuMP import MathProgBase: AbstractMathProgSolver function constraints(pm, total_length=maximum(pm)) n = size(pm,1) constraints = [Vector{Tuple{Int,Int}}() for _ in 1:total_length] for j in 1:n for i in 1:n idx = pm[i,j] push!(constraints[idx], (i,j)) end end return constraints end function splaplacian(RG::GroupRing, S, T::Type=Float64) result = RG(T) result[] = T(length(S)) for s in S result[s] -= one(T) end return result end function splaplacian{TT<:Ring}(RG::GroupRing{TT}, S, T::Type=Float64) result = RG(T) result[one(] = T(length(S)) for s in S result[s] -= one(T) end return result end function create_SDP_problem(Δ::GroupRingElem, matrix_constraints; upper_bound=Inf) N = size(parent(Δ).pm, 1) Δ² = Δ*Δ @assert length(Δ.coeffs) == length(matrix_constraints) m = JuMP.Model(); JuMP.@variable(m, P[1:N, 1:N]) JuMP.@SDconstraint(m, P >= 0) JuMP.@constraint(m, sum(P[i] for i in eachindex(P)) == 0) if upper_bound < Inf JuMP.@variable(m, 0.0 <= λ <= upper_bound) else JuMP.@variable(m, λ >= 0) end for (pairs, δ², δ) in zip(matrix_constraints, Δ².coeffs, Δ.coeffs) JuMP.@constraint(m, sum(P[i,j] for (i,j) in pairs) == δ² - λ*δ) end JuMP.@objective(m, Max, λ) return m, λ, P end function solve_SDP(SDP_problem) info(LOGGER, Base.repr(SDP_problem)) o = redirect_stdout(LOGGER_SOLVER.handlers["solver_log"].io) Base.Libc.flush_cstdio() @logtime LOGGER solution_status = MathProgBase.optimize!(SDP_problem.internalModel) Base.Libc.flush_cstdio() redirect_stdout(o) if solution_status != :Optimal warn(LOGGER, "The solver did not solve the problem successfully!") end info(LOGGER, solution_status) return 0 end function fillfrominternal!(m::JuMP.Model, traits) # Copied from JuMP/src/solvers.jl:178 stat::Symbol = MathProgBase.status(m.internalModel) numRows, numCols = length(m.linconstr), m.numCols m.objBound = NaN m.objVal = NaN m.colVal = fill(NaN, numCols) m.linconstrDuals = Array{Float64}(0) discrete = ( || traits.sos) if stat == :Optimal # If we think dual information might be available, try to get it # If not, return an array of the correct length if discrete m.redCosts = fill(NaN, numCols) m.linconstrDuals = fill(NaN, numRows) else if !traits.conic m.redCosts = try MathProgBase.getreducedcosts(m.internalModel)[1:numCols] catch fill(NaN, numCols) end m.linconstrDuals = try MathProgBase.getconstrduals(m.internalModel)[1:numRows] catch fill(NaN, numRows) end elseif !traits.qp && !traits.qc JuMP.fillConicDuals(m) end end else # Problem was not solved to optimality, attempt to extract useful # information anyway if traits.lin if stat == :Infeasible m.linconstrDuals = try infray = MathProgBase.getinfeasibilityray(m.internalModel) @assert length(infray) == numRows infray catch suppress_warnings || warn("Infeasibility ray (Farkas proof) not available") fill(NaN, numRows) end elseif stat == :Unbounded m.colVal = try unbdray = MathProgBase.getunboundedray(m.internalModel) @assert length(unbdray) == numCols unbdray catch suppress_warnings || warn("Unbounded ray not available") fill(NaN, numCols) end end end # conic duals (currently, SOC and SDP only) if !discrete && traits.conic && !traits.qp && !traits.qc if stat == :Infeasible JuMP.fillConicDuals(m) end end end # If the problem was solved, or if it terminated prematurely, try # to extract a solution anyway. This commonly occurs when a time # limit or tolerance is set (:UserLimit) if !(stat == :Infeasible || stat == :Unbounded) try # Do a separate try since getobjval could work while getobjbound does not and vice versa objBound = MathProgBase.getobjbound(m.internalModel) + m.obj.aff.constant m.objBound = objBound end try objVal = MathProgBase.getobjval(m.internalModel) + m.obj.aff.constant colVal = MathProgBase.getsolution(m.internalModel)[1:numCols] # Rescale off-diagonal terms of SDP variables if traits.sdp offdiagvars = JuMP.offdiagsdpvars(m) colVal[offdiagvars] /= sqrt(2) end # Don't corrupt the answers if one of the above two calls fails m.objVal = objVal m.colVal = colVal end end return stat end