import IntervalArithmetic import IntervalMatrices function augment_columns!(Q::AbstractMatrix) for c in eachcol(Q) c .-= sum(c) ./ length(c) end return Q end function __sos_via_sqr!( res::SA.AlgebraElement, P::AbstractMatrix; augmented::Bool, id = (b = SA.basis(parent(res)); b[one(first(b))]), ) A = parent(res) mstr = A.mstructure @assert size(mstr) == size(P)!(res) for j in axes(mstr, 2) for i in axes(mstr, 1) p = P[i, j] x_star_y = mstr[-i, j] res[x_star_y] += p # either result += P[x,y]*(x'*y) if augmented # or result += P[x,y]*(1-x)'*(1-y) == P[x,y]*(1-x'-y+x'y) res[id] += p x_star, y = mstr[-i, id], j res[x_star] -= p res[y] -= p end end end return res end function __sos_via_cnstr!( res::SA.AlgebraElement, Q²::AbstractMatrix, cnstrs, )!(res) for (g, A_g) in cnstrs res[g] = dot(A_g, Q²) end return res end function compute_sos( A::SA.StarAlgebra, Q::AbstractMatrix; augmented::Bool, ) Q² = Q' * Q res = SA.AlgebraElement(zeros(eltype(Q²), length(SA.basis(A))), A) res = __sos_via_sqr!(res, Q²; augmented = augmented) return res end function sufficient_λ(residual::SA.AlgebraElement, λ; halfradius) L1_norm = norm(residual, 1) suff_λ = λ - 2.0^(2ceil(log2(halfradius))) * L1_norm eq_sign = let T = eltype(residual) if T <: IntervalArithmetic.Interval "∈" elseif T <: Union{Rational,Integer} "=" else # if T <: AbstractFloat "≈" end end info_strs = [ "Numerical metrics of the obtained SOS:", "ɛ(elt - λu - ∑ξᵢ*ξᵢ) $eq_sign " * sprint(show, SA.aug(residual); context = :compact => true), "‖elt - λu - ∑ξᵢ*ξᵢ‖₁ $eq_sign " * sprint(show, L1_norm; context = :compact => true), " λ $eq_sign $suff_λ", ] @info join(info_strs, "\n") return suff_λ end function sufficient_λ( elt::SA.AlgebraElement, order_unit::SA.AlgebraElement, λ, sos::SA.AlgebraElement; halfradius, ) @assert parent(elt) === parent(order_unit) == parent(sos) residual = (elt - λ * order_unit) - sos return sufficient_λ(residual, λ; halfradius = halfradius) end function certify_solution( elt::SA.AlgebraElement, orderunit::SA.AlgebraElement, λ, Q::AbstractMatrix{<:AbstractFloat}; halfradius, augmented = iszero(SA.aug(elt)) && iszero(SA.aug(orderunit)), ) should_we_augment = !augmented && SA.aug(elt) == SA.aug(orderunit) == 0 Q = should_we_augment ? augment_columns!(Q) : Q @time sos = compute_sos(parent(elt), Q; augmented = augmented) @info "Checking in $(eltype(sos)) arithmetic with" λ λ_flpoint = sufficient_λ(elt, orderunit, λ, sos; halfradius = halfradius) if λ_flpoint ≤ 0 return false, λ_flpoint end λ_int = IntervalArithmetic.interval(λ) Q_int = IntervalMatrices.IntervalMatrix(IntervalArithmetic.interval.(Q)) check, sos_int = @time if should_we_augment @info("Projecting columns of Q to the augmentation ideal...") Q_int = augment_columns!(Q_int) @info "Checking that sum of every column contains 0.0..." check_augmented = all(0 ∈ sum(c) for c in eachcol(Q_int)) check_augmented || @error( "Augmentation failed! The following numbers are not certified!" ) sos_int = compute_sos(parent(elt), Q_int; augmented = augmented) check_augmented, sos_int else true, compute_sos(parent(elt), Q_int; augmented = augmented) end @info "Checking in $(eltype(sos_int)) arithmetic with" λ_int λ_certified = sufficient_λ(elt, orderunit, λ_int, sos_int; halfradius = halfradius) return check && IntervalArithmetic.inf(λ_certified) > 0.0, λ_certified end