The repository contains code for running experiments for _Hyperbolic generalized triangle groups_ by [Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace](, [Marston Conder](, [Marek Kaluba]( and [Stefan Witzel]( There are two disjoint computations covered in this repository. ## Eigenvalues computations for _PSL₂(p)_ This computations uses package [RamanujanGraphs.jl]( which implements (projective, special) linear groups of degree 2 (_PSL₂(p)_, _SL₂(p)_, _PGL₂(p)_ and _GL₂(p)_) and the irreducible representations for _SL₂(p)_. The script `adj_psl2_eigvals.jl` computes a subset of irreps of _SL₂(p)_ which descend to (mostly irreducible) representations of _PSL₂(p)_ in the following fashion. ### Principal Series These representations are associated to the induced representations of _B(p)_, the _Borel subgroup_ (of upper triangular matrices) of _SL₂(p)_. All representations of the Borel subgroup come from the representations of the torus inside (i.e. diagonal matrices), hence are _1_-dimensional. Therefore to define a matrix representation of _SL₂(p)_ one needs to specify: * a complex character of 𝔽ₚ (finite field of _p_ elements) * an explicit set of representatives of _SL₂(p)/B(p)_. In code this can be specified by ```julia p = 109 # our choice of a prime ζ = root_of_unity((p-1)÷2, ...) # ζ is (p-1)÷2 -th root of unity # two particular generators of SL₂(109): a = SL₂{p}([0 1; 108 11]) b = SL₂{p}([57 2; 52 42]) S = [a, b, inv(a), inv(b)] # symmetric generating set SL2p, _ = RamanujanGraphs.generate_balls(S, radius = 21) Borel_cosets = RamanujanGraphs.CosetDecomposition(SL2p, Borel(SL₂{p})) # the generator of 𝔽ₚˣ α = RamanujanGraphs.generator(RamanujanGraphs.GF{p}(0)) ν₅ = let k = 5 # k runs from 0 to (p-1)÷4, or (p-3)÷4 depending on p (mod 4) νₖ = PrincipalRepr( α => ζ^k, # character sending α ↦ ζᵏ Borel_cosets ) end ``` ### Discrete Series These representations are associated with the action of _SL₂(p)_ (or in more generality of _GL₂(p)_) on ℂ[𝔽ₚ], the vector space of complex valued functions on 𝔽ₚˣ. There are however multiple choices how to encode such action. Let _L_ = 𝔽ₚ(√_α_) be the unique quadratic extension of 𝔽ₚ by a square of a generator _α_ of 𝔽ₚˣ. Comples characters of _Lˣ_ can be separated into _decomposable_ (the ones that take constant 1 value on the unique cyclic subgroup of order _(p+1)_ in _Lˣ_) and _nondecomposable_. Each _nondecomposable_ character corresponds to a representation of _SL₂(p)_ in discrete series. To define matrix representatives one needs to specify * _χ_:𝔽ₚ⁺ → ℂ, a complex, non-trivial character of the _additive group_ of 𝔽ₚ * _ν_:_Lˣ_ → ℂ, a complex indecomposable character of _Lˣ_ * a basis for ℂ[𝔽ₚ]. Continuing the snippet above we can write ```julia α = RamanujanGraphs.generator(RamanujanGraphs.GF{p}(0)) # a generator of 𝔽ₚˣ β = RamanujanGraphs.generator_min(QuadraticExt(α)) # a generator of _Lˣ_ of minimal "Euclidean norm" ζₚ = root_of_unity(p, ...) ζ = root_of_unity(p+1, ...) ϱ₁₇ = let k = 17 # k runs from 1 to (p-1)÷4 or (p+1)÷4 depending on p (mod 4) DiscreteRepr( RamanujanGraphs.GF{p}(1) => ζₚ, # character of the additive group of 𝔽ₚ β => ζ^k, # character of the multiplicative group of _L_ basis = [α^i for i in 1:p-1] # our choice for basis: the dual of ) ``` A priori ζ needs to be a complex _(p²-1)_-th root of unity, however one can show that a reduction to _(p+1)_-th Cyclotomic field is possible. The script computing eigenvalues should be invoked by running ```bash julia --project=. adj_psl2_eigvals.jl -p 109 ``` The results will be written into `log` directory. ## Sum of squares approach to property (T) > **NOTE**: This is mostly __unsuccessful computation__ as for none of the groups we examined the computations returned positive result (with the exception of Ronan's examples of groups acting on Ã₂-buildings). We try to find a sum of squares for various finitely presented groups using julia package [PropertyT.jl]( For full description of the method plesase refer to [1712.07167]( The groups available are in the `./data` directory in files `presentations*.txt` files (in Magma format). For example ``` G_8_40_54_2 := Group< a, b, c | a^3, b^3, c^3, b*a*b*a, (c*b^-1*c*b)^2, (c^-1*b^-1*c*b^-1)^2, c*a*c^-1*a^-1*c^-1*a*c*a^-1, (c*a*c^-1*a)^3> ``` specifies group `G_8_40_54_2` as finitely presented group. The script needs GAP to be installed on the system (one can set `GAP_EXECUTABLE` environmental variable to point to `gap` exec). and tries to find both an automatic structure and a confluent Knuth-Bendix rewriting system on the given presentation. To attempt sum of squares method for proving property (T) one can execute ```bash make 8_40_54_2 ``` One can perform those computations in bulk by e.g. calling ```bash make 2_4_4 ``` to run all examples in `presentations_2_4_4.txt` in parallel.