using RamanujanGraphs using LinearAlgebra using Nemo include("src/nemo_utils.jl") const p = try @assert length(ARGS) == 2 && ARGS[1] == "-p" p = parse(Int, ARGS[2]) RamanujanGraphs.Primes.isprime(p) @assert p % 4 == 1 catch ex @error "You need to provide a prime `-p` which is congruent to 1 mod 4." rethrow(ex) end const CC = AcbField(256) SL2p = let if p == 109 a,b = let a = SL₂{p}([ 0 1; 108 11]) b = SL₂{p}([57 2; 52 42]) @assert isone(a^10) @assert isone(b^10) a, b end elseif p == 131 a,b = let a = SL₂{p}([-58 -24; -58 46]) b = SL₂{p}([0 -3; 44 -12]) @assert isone(a^10) @assert isone(b^10) a, b end else @warn "no special set of generators for prime $p" a,b = let a = SL₂{p}(1, 0, 1, 1) b = SL₂{p}(1, 1, 0, 1) a, b end end E, sizes = RamanujanGraphs.generate_balls([a,b, inv(a), inv(b)], radius=21); @assert sizes[end] == RamanujanGraphs.order(SL₂{p}) E end let Borel_cosets = Bcosets = RamanujanGraphs.CosetDecomposition(SL2p, Borel(SL₂{p})), α = RamanujanGraphs.generator(RamanujanGraphs.GF{p}(0)) for j in 0:(p-1)÷4 try h = PrincipalRepr( α => root_of_unity(CC, (p-1)÷2, j), Borel_cosets) @time adjacency = let A = matrix(CC, h(SL2p[2])) B = matrix(CC, h(SL2p[3])) sum(A^i for i in 1:4) + sum(B^i for i in 1:4) end @time ev = let evs = safe_eigvals(adjacency) _count_multiplicites(evs) end if length(ev) == 1 @info "Principal Series Representation $j" ev[1] else @info "Principal Series Representation $j" ev[1:2] ev[end] end catch ex @error "Principal Series Representation $j failed" ex ex isa InterruptException && rethrow(ex) end end end let α = RamanujanGraphs.generator(RamanujanGraphs.GF{p}(0)), β = RamanujanGraphs.generator_min(QuadraticExt(α)) for j = 1:(p-1)÷4 try h = DiscreteRepr( RamanujanGraphs.GF{p}(1) => root_of_unity(CC, p), β => root_of_unity(CC, (p+1)÷2, j*(p-1)÷4)) @time adjacency = let A = matrix(CC, h(SL2p[2])) B = matrix(CC, h(SL2p[3])) sum(A^i for i in 1:4) + sum(B^i for i in 1:4) end @time ev = let evs = safe_eigvals(adjacency) _count_multiplicites(evs) end @info "Discrete Series Representation $j" ev[1:2] ev[end] catch ex @error "Discrete Series Representation $j : failed" ex ex isa InterruptException && rethrow(ex) end end end # using RamanujanGraphs.LightGraphs # using Arpack # # Γ, eigenvalues = let q = 109 # a = RamanujanGraphs.PSL₂{q}([ 0 1 # 108 11]) # b = RamanujanGraphs.PSL₂{q}([57 2 # 52 42]) # # S = unique([[a^i for i in 1:4]; [b^i for i in 1:4]]) # # @info "Generating set S of $(eltype(S))" S # @time Γ, verts, vlabels, elabels = RamanujanGraphs.cayley_graph((q^3 - q)÷2, S) # @assert all(Γ,i) == length(S) for i in vertices(Γ)) # A = adjacency_matrix(Γ) # @time eigenvalues, _ = eigs(A, nev=5) # @show Γ eigenvalues # Γ, eigenvalues # end