const morphisms_url = new URL("") async function fetch_json(url) { try { let response = await fetch(url); let json = await response.json(); return json; } catch (err) { console.log("Error while fetching json:" + err); } }; async function place_svg(svg) {"div.canvas") .append("div") .attr("class", "container-fluid") .attr("class", "svg-container") .node() .appendChild(svg.node()) ; }; async function add_search() { let input_grp ="div.canvas") .append("div") .classed("search-field", true) .append("div") .classed("container", true) ; let input = input_grp.insert("input") .attr("class", "form-control") .attr("list", "datalistOptions") .attr("id", "groupSearch") .attr("placeholder", "Type to search...") ; input_grp.insert("datalist") .attr("id", "datalistOptions") ; input_grp.insert("div") .classed("form-text", true) .text("Or click to highlight descendants") ; } async function switch_katex(toggle=true) { let math_objects = document.getElementsByClassName("math"); for (let elt of math_objects) { toggleKaTeX(elt, toggle); let fObj = elt.parentElement; let rect = elt.getElementsByClassName("math-tex")[0].getBoundingClientRect(); fObj.setAttribute("width", rect.width+4); fObj.setAttribute("height", rect.height+4); } }; add_search() fetch_json(morphisms_url) // .then(async (data) => { console.log(data); return data;}) .then(async (data) => { return create_svg(data, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight); }) // .then(async (data) => { console.log(data); return data; }) .then(place_svg) .then(switch_katex) // .then(add_search) ;