mirror of https://github.com/kalmarek/SmallHyperbolic synced 2024-07-27 21:10:31 +02:00
kalmarek b34bba4f09
fix: computation of the Kazhdan constant and radius in certification
the latter is set to 10, which still might not be correct for all cases
2020-02-26 14:50:32 +01:00

87 lines
2.3 KiB

function check_propertyT(G::FPGroup, name::AbstractString,
halfradius::Integer=2, upper_bound=Inf, reduction=KnuthBendix, with_optimizer=with_SCS(), kwargs...)
@info "GAP code defining group:\n $(GAP_code(G))"
S = gens(G)
S = unique([S; inv.(S)])
sett = PropertyT.Settings(name, G, S, with_optimizer;
halfradius=halfradius, upper_bound=upper_bound, force_compute=true)
fp = PropertyT.fullpath(sett)
isdir(fp) || mkpath(fp)
# runs kbmag through GAP:
prepare_pm_delta(reduction, G, PropertyT.prepath(sett), halfradius; kwargs...)
return check_propertyT(sett)
function check_propertyT(sett::PropertyT.Settings)
@info sett
fp = PropertyT.fullpath(sett)
isdir(fp) || mkpath(fp)
if isfile(PropertyT.filename(sett,))
# cached
@info "Loading precomputed Δ..."
Δ = PropertyT.loadGRElem(PropertyT.filename(sett,), sett.G)
@error "You need to run GAP on your group first, or provide Δ in
RG = parent(Δ)
load_basis!(RG, sett)
S = gens(RG.group)
S = unique!([S; inv.(S)])
@assert length(S) == 6
Δ = RG(length(S)) - sum(RG(s) for s in S) # small Laplacian
@info "Checking the positivity of" Δ
@assert iszero(aug(Δ))
ELT = 100*(Δ^2);
ELT_NAME = "100Δ²"
λ, P = PropertyT.approximate_by_SOS(sett, ELT, Δ,
solverlog=PropertyT.filename(sett, :solverlog))
P .= (P.+P')./2
Q = real(sqrt(P))
Q .= (Q.+Q')./2
save(PropertyT.filename(sett, :solution), "λ", λ, "P", P, "Q", Q)
certified_λ = PropertyT.certify_SOS_decomposition(ELT, Δ, λ, Q, R=10)
PropertyT.interpret_results(sett.name, certified_λ/100, length(S))
return certified_λ/100, λ
function load_basis!(RG::GroupRing, sett::PropertyT.Settings)
basis_fn = joinpath(PropertyT.prepath(sett), "B_$(2sett.halfradius).csv")
return load_basis!(RG, basis_fn)
function load_basis!(RG::GroupRing, basis_file)
G = RG.group;
words = split(readline(basis_file), ", ")[2:end]
basis_ex = [Meta.parse(w) for w in words]
basis = [@eval begin a,b,c = $(gens(G)); $b_ex end for b_ex in basis_ex]
basis = pushfirst!(basis, one(G))
basis_dict = GroupRings.reverse_dict(basis)
RG.basis = basis
RG.basis_dict = basis_dict
return RG