from pathlib import Path import sys import pandas as pd from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize import re import random class LineContent: def __init__(self, _text, _intents, _slots, _tokens): self.text = _text self.intent = _intents self.slots = _slots self.tokens = _tokens def process_file(file): def get_intents(intent_row): intents = re.sub('\(+.*?\)+', '', intent_row) intents = intents.split('&') intents = [intent.strip() for intent in intents] intents = ' '.join(intents) return intents def get_slots(intent_row): intent_row = intent_row.split('&') intent_row = [intent.strip() for intent in intent_row] slots = [] for intent in intent_row: intent = intent.replace("'", '') intent = intent.replace("\"", '') try: intent_content ='\(+.*?\)+', intent).group() except: intent_content = '' if '=' in intent_content: slots_count = intent_content.count('=') intent_content = intent_content.replace('(', '') intent_content = intent_content.replace(')', '') if slots_count > 1: intent_content = intent_content.split(',') intent_content = [slot.strip() for slot in intent_content] else: intent_content = [intent_content] slots = [slot for slot in intent_content if slot[-1] != '='] for slot in slots: if slot.count('=') > 1: slots.remove(slot) slot = re.sub('^.*?=', '', slot) slots.append(slot) slots = [slot.split('=') for slot in slots if len(slot.split('=')) == 2] slots = [[slot[0].split()[-1], slot[1]] if ',' in slot[0] else slot for slot in slots] # ? return slots def get_tokens(text, intents, slots): def tokenize(text): email ="[^ ]+@[^ ]+", text) if email: email_address = text = text.replace(email_address, '@') tokens = word_tokenize(text) tokens = [token.replace('@', email_address) for token in tokens] else: tokens = word_tokenize(text) return tokens text_tokens = tokenize(text) for slot in slots: slot[-1] = tokenize(slot[-1]) formatted_tokens = [] for index, text_token in enumerate(text_tokens): slot = 'NoLabel' formatted_token = [str(index + 1), text_token, intents, slot] formatted_tokens.append(formatted_token) for slot in slots: value_len = len(slot[-1]) for i in range(len(formatted_tokens) - value_len + 1): if slot[-1][0].lower() == formatted_tokens[i][1].lower(): found = True for j in range(1, value_len): if slot[-1][0 + j].lower() != formatted_tokens[i + j][1].lower(): found = False if found: formatted_tokens[i][3] = f'B-{slot[0]}' for k in range(1, value_len): formatted_tokens[i + k][3] = f'I-{slot[0]}' return formatted_tokens print('Processed: ', df = pd.read_csv(file, sep='\t', header=None) lines_contents = [] for _, row in df.iterrows(): if row[0] == 'user' and row[1]: # if row[1]: text = row[1] intents = get_intents(row[2]) slots = get_slots(row[2]) tokens = get_tokens(text, intents, slots) line_content = LineContent(text, intents, slots, tokens) lines_contents.append(line_content) return lines_contents def write_to_files(lines_contents): format_slots = lambda slots: ','.join( [':'.join((lambda x: [x[0], ''.join(x[-1])])(slot)[::-1]) if len(slot) > 0 else '' for slot in slots]) format_tokens = lambda tokens: '\n'.join([f"{token[0]}\t{token[1]}\t{token[2].replace(' ', '_')}\t{token[3]}" for token in tokens]) # f"{(token[3] + ' ' + token[2]).replace(' ', '_')}" for token in tokens]) format_content = lambda \ content: f"# text: {content.text}\n# intent: {content.intent}\n# slots: {format_slots(content.slots)}\n{format_tokens(content.tokens)}\n\n" random.shuffle(lines_contents) l = (len(lines_contents) / 10) * 8 contents_train = lines_contents[:int(l)] contents_test = lines_contents[int(l):] with open('train-pl.conllu', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as train_f, open('test-pl.conllu', 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as \ test_f: for content in contents_train: formatted = format_content(content) formatted = re.sub('NoLabel.+', 'NoLabel', formatted) train_f.write(formatted) for content in contents_test: formatted = format_content(content) formatted = re.sub('NoLabel.+', 'NoLabel\n\n', formatted) test_f.write(formatted) def main(): path = sys.argv[1] dir = Path(rf'{path}') for file in dir.glob('*'): processed_contents = process_file(file) write_to_files(processed_contents) if __name__ == '__main__': main()