22 KiB
Ekstrakcja informacji
6. Klasyfikacja [ćwiczenia]
Jakub Pokrywka (2021)
Zajęcia klasyfikacja
Zbiór kleister
import pathlib
from collections import Counter
from sklearn.metrics import *
KLEISTER_PATH = pathlib.Path('/home/kuba/kleister-nda')
Czy jurysdykcja musi być zapisana explicite w umowie?
def get_expected_jurisdiction(filepath):
dataset_expected_jurisdiction = []
with open(filepath,'r') as train_expected_file:
for line in train_expected_file:
key_values = line.rstrip('\n').split(' ')
jurisdiction = None
for key_value in key_values:
key, value = key_value.split('=')
if key == 'jurisdiction':
jurisdiction = value
if jurisdiction is None:
jurisdiction = 'NONE'
return dataset_expected_jurisdiction
train_expected_jurisdiction = get_expected_jurisdiction(KLEISTER_PATH/'train'/'expected.tsv')
dev_expected_jurisdiction = get_expected_jurisdiction(KLEISTER_PATH/'dev-0'/'expected.tsv')
'NONE' in train_expected_jurisdiction
Czy wszystkie stany muszą występować w zbiorze trenującym w zbiorze kleister?
Jaki jest baseline?
train_counter = Counter(train_expected_jurisdiction)
[('New_York', 43), ('Delaware', 39), ('California', 32), ('Massachusetts', 15), ('Texas', 13), ('Illinois', 10), ('Oregon', 9), ('Florida', 9), ('Pennsylvania', 9), ('Missouri', 9), ('Ohio', 8), ('New_Jersey', 7), ('Georgia', 6), ('Indiana', 5), ('Nevada', 5), ('Colorado', 4), ('Virginia', 4), ('Washington', 4), ('Michigan', 3), ('Minnesota', 3), ('Connecticut', 2), ('Wisconsin', 2), ('Maine', 2), ('North_Carolina', 2), ('Kansas', 2), ('Utah', 2), ('Iowa', 1), ('Idaho', 1), ('South_Dakota', 1), ('South_Carolina', 1), ('Rhode_Island', 1)]
most_common_answer = train_counter.most_common(100)[0][0]
dev_predictions_jurisdiction = [most_common_answer] * len(dev_expected_jurisdiction)
['New_York', 'New_York', 'Delaware', 'Massachusetts', 'Delaware', 'Washington', 'Delaware', 'New_Jersey', 'New_York', 'NONE', 'NONE', 'Delaware', 'Delaware', 'Delaware', 'New_York', 'Massachusetts', 'Minnesota', 'California', 'New_York', 'California', 'Iowa', 'California', 'Virginia', 'North_Carolina', 'Arizona', 'Indiana', 'New_Jersey', 'California', 'Delaware', 'Georgia', 'New_York', 'New_York', 'California', 'Minnesota', 'California', 'Kentucky', 'Minnesota', 'Ohio', 'Michigan', 'California', 'Minnesota', 'California', 'Delaware', 'Illinois', 'Minnesota', 'Texas', 'New_Jersey', 'Delaware', 'Washington', 'NONE', 'Delaware', 'Oregon', 'Delaware', 'Delaware', 'Delaware', 'Massachusetts', 'California', 'NONE', 'Delaware', 'Illinois', 'Idaho', 'Washington', 'New_York', 'New_York', 'California', 'Utah', 'Delaware', 'Washington', 'Virginia', 'New_York', 'New_York', 'Illinois', 'California', 'Delaware', 'NONE', 'Texas', 'California', 'Washington', 'Delaware', 'Washington', 'New_York', 'Washington', 'Illinois']
counter = 0
for pred, exp in zip(dev_predictions_jurisdiction, dev_expected_jurisdiction):
if pred == exp:
counter +=1
print('accuracy: ', counter/len(dev_predictions_jurisdiction))
accuracy: 0.14457831325301204
accuracy_score(dev_predictions_jurisdiction, dev_expected_jurisdiction)
Co jeżeli nazwy klas nie występują explicite w zbiorach?
jaki jest baseline dla sport classification ball?
zcat $SPORT_TRAIN | awk '{print $1}' | wc -l
zcat $SPORT_TRAIN | awk '{print $1}' | grep 1 | wc -l
cat $SPORT_DEV_EXP | wc -l
grep 1 $SPORT_DEV_EXP | wc -l
Sprytne podejście do klasyfikacji tekstu? Naiwny bayess
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
# https://scikit-learn.org/0.19/datasets/twenty_newsgroups.html
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
import numpy as np
import sklearn.metrics
import gensim
newsgroups = fetch_20newsgroups()
newsgroups_text = newsgroups['data']
newsgroups_text_tokenized = [list(set(gensim.utils.tokenize(x, lowercase = True))) for x in newsgroups_text]
From: lerxst@wam.umd.edu (where's my thing) Subject: WHAT car is this!? Nntp-Posting-Host: rac3.wam.umd.edu Organization: University of Maryland, College Park Lines: 15 I was wondering if anyone out there could enlighten me on this car I saw the other day. It was a 2-door sports car, looked to be from the late 60s/ early 70s. It was called a Bricklin. The doors were really small. In addition, the front bumper was separate from the rest of the body. This is all I know. If anyone can tellme a model name, engine specs, years of production, where this car is made, history, or whatever info you have on this funky looking car, please e-mail. Thanks, - IL ---- brought to you by your neighborhood Lerxst ----
['s', 'day', 'was', 'it', 'know', 'is', 'where', 'nntp', 'on', 'body', 'i', 'my', 'il', 'wam', 'maryland', 'model', 'history', 'could', 'really', 'host', 'all', 'subject', 'wondering', 'brought', 'umd', 'edu', 'posting', 'funky', 'bumper', 'rac', 'saw', 'the', 'lines', 'what', 'doors', 'enlighten', 'early', 'out', 'thanks', 'bricklin', 'lerxst', 'front', 'were', 'production', 'other', 'neighborhood', 'late', 'please', 'to', 'rest', 'university', 'park', 'addition', 'can', 'by', 'car', 'whatever', 'tellme', 'anyone', 'sports', 'organization', 'me', 'mail', 'be', 'e', 'if', 'looking', 'years', 'door', 'in', 'separate', 'have', 'there', 'made', 'specs', 'thing', 'engine', 'info', 'you', 'of', 'college', 'small', 'or', 'your', 'called', 'name', 'from', 'a', 'this', 'looked']
Y = newsgroups['target']
array([7, 4, 4, ..., 3, 1, 8])
Y_names = newsgroups['target_names']
['alt.atheism', 'comp.graphics', 'comp.os.ms-windows.misc', 'comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware', 'comp.sys.mac.hardware', 'comp.windows.x', 'misc.forsale', 'rec.autos', 'rec.motorcycles', 'rec.sport.baseball', 'rec.sport.hockey', 'sci.crypt', 'sci.electronics', 'sci.med', 'sci.space', 'soc.religion.christian', 'talk.politics.guns', 'talk.politics.mideast', 'talk.politics.misc', 'talk.religion.misc']
$P('talk.politics.guns' | 'gun')= ?$
$P(A|B) * P(A) = P(B) * P(B|A)$
$P(A|B) = \frac{P(B) * P(B|A)}{P(A)}$
$P('talk.politics.guns' | 'gun') * P('gun') = P('gun'|'talk.politics.guns') * P('talk.politics.guns')$
$P('talk.politics.guns' | 'gun') = \frac{P('gun'|'talk.politics.guns') * P('talk.politics.guns')}{P('gun')}$
$p1 = P('gun'|'talk.politics.guns')$
$p2 = P('talk.politics.guns')$
$p3 = P('gun')$
obliczanie $p1 = P('gun'|'talk.politics.guns')$
# samodzielne wykonanie
obliczanie $p2 = P('talk.politics.guns')$
# samodzielne wykonanie
obliczanie $p3 = P('gun')$
# samodzielne wykonanie
(p1 * p2) / p3
def get_prob(index ):
talks_topic = [x for x,y in zip(newsgroups_text_tokenized,Y) if y == index]
len([x for x in talks_topic if 'gun' in x])
if len(talks_topic) == 0:
return 0.0
p1 = len([x for x in talks_topic if 'gun' in x]) / len(talks_topic)
p2 = len(talks_topic) / len(Y)
p3 = len([x for x in newsgroups_text_tokenized if 'gun' in x]) / len(Y)
if p3 == 0:
return 0.0
return (p1 * p2)/ p3
probs = []
for i in range(len(Y_names)):
print("%.5f" % get_prob(i),'\t\t', Y_names[i])
print("%.5f" % sum(probs), '\t\tsuma',)
zadanie samodzielne
def get_prob2(index, word ):
# listing dla get_prob2, słowo 'god'
założenie naiwnego bayesa
$P(class | word1, word2, word3) = \frac{P(word1, word2, word3|class) * P(class)}{P(word1, word2, word3)}$
przy założeniu o niezależności zmiennych losowych $word1$, $word2$, $word3$:
$P(word1, word2, word3|class) = P(word1|class)* P(word2|class) * P(word3|class)$
$P(class | word1, word2, word3) = \frac{P(word1|class)* P(word2|class) * P(word3|class) * P(class)}{\sum_k{P(word1|class_k)* P(word2|class_k) * P(word3|class_k) * P(class_k)}}$
zadania domowe naiwny bayes1 ręcznie
- analogicznie zaimplementować funkcję get_prob3(index, document_tokenized), argument document_tokenized ma być zbiorem słów dokumentu. funkcja ma być naiwnym klasyfikatorem bayesowskim (w przypadku wielu słów)
- odpalić powyższy listing prawdopodobieństw z funkcją get_prob3 dla dokumentów: {'i','love','guns'} oraz {'is','there','life','after' ,'death'}
- zadanie proszę zrobić w jupyterze, wygenerować pdf (kod + wyniki odpalenia) i umieścić go jako zadanie w teams
- termin 10.05, punktów: 40
zadania domowe naiwny bayes2 gotowa biblioteka
- wybrać jedno z poniższych repozytoriów i je sforkować:
- stworzyć klasyfikator bazujący na naiwnym bayessie (może być gotowa biblioteka), może też korzystać z gotowych implementacji tfidf
- stworzyć predykcje w plikach dev-0/out.tsv oraz test-A/out.tsv
- wynik accuracy sprawdzony za pomocą narzędzia geval (patrz poprzednie zadanie) powinien wynosić conajmniej 0.67
- proszę umieścić predykcję oraz skrypty generujące (w postaci tekstowej a nie jupyter) w repo, zadanie oddajemy w gonito, termin 10.05, 40 punktów