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Maria Marchwicka 2019-10-18 11:28:00 +02:00
parent 3682a71808
commit 4f78b04d97
6 changed files with 0 additions and 1288 deletions

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A knot $K$ in $S^3$ is a smooth (PL - smooth) embedding of a circle $S^1$ in $S^3$:
\varphi: S^1 \hookrightarrow S^3
Usually we think about a knot as an image of an embedding: $K = \varphi(S^1)$.
\includegraphics[width=0.08\textwidth]{unknot.png} (unknot),
\includegraphics[width=0.08\textwidth]{trefoil.png} (trefoil).
Not knots:
(it is not an injection),
(it is not smooth).
Two knots $K_0 = \varphi_0(S^1)$, $K_1 = \varphi_1(S^1)$ are equivalent if the embeddings $\varphi_0$ and $\varphi_1$ are isotopic, that is there exists a continues function
&\Phi: S^1 \times [0, 1] \hookrightarrow S^3 \\
&\Phi(x, t) = \Phi_t(x)
such that $\Phi_t$ is an embedding for any $t \in [0,1]$, $\Phi_0 = \varphi_0$ and
$\Phi_1 = \varphi_1$.
Two knots $K_0$ and $K_1$ are isotopic if and only if they are ambient isotopic, i.e. there exists a family of self-diffeomorphisms $\Psi = \{\psi_t: t \in [0, 1]\}$ such that:
&\psi(t) = \psi_t \text{ is continius on $t\in [0,1]$}\\
&\psi_t: S^3 \hookrightarrow S^3,\\
& \psi_0 = id ,\\
& \psi_1(K_0) = K_1.
A knot is trivial (unknot) if it is equivalent to an embedding $\varphi(t) = (\cos t, \sin t, 0)$, where $t \in [0, 2 \pi] $ is a parametrisation of $S^1$.
A link with k - components is a (smooth) embedding of $\overbrace{S^1 \sqcup \ldots \sqcup S^1}^k$ in $S^3$
a trivial link with $3$ components:
a hopf link: \includegraphics[width=0.13\textwidth]{Hopf.png},
a Whitehead link:
Borromean link:
A link diagram $D_{\pi}$ is a picture over projection $\pi$ of a link $L$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$($S^3$) to $\mathbb{R}^2$ ($S^2$) such that:
$D_{\pi |_L}$ is non degenerate: \includegraphics[width=0.05\textwidth]{LinkDiagram1.png},
\item the double points are not degenerate: \includegraphics[width=0.03\textwidth]{LinkDiagram2.png},
\item there are no triple point: \includegraphics[width=0.05\textwidth]{LinkDiagram3.png}.
There are under- and overcrossings (tunnels and bridges) on a link diagrams with an obvious meaning.\\
Every link admits a link diagram.
Let $D$ be a diagram of an oriented link (to each component of a link we add an arrow in the diagram).\\
We can distinguish two types of crossings: right-handed
$\left(\PICorientpluscross\right)$, called a positive crossing, and left-handed $\left(\PICorientminuscross\right)$, called a negative crossing.
\subsection{Reidemeister moves}
A Reidemeister move is one of the three types of operation on a link diagram as shown below:
\begin{theorem} [Reidemeister, 1927 ]
Two diagrams of the same link can be
deformed into each other by a finite sequence of Reidemeister moves (and isotopy of the plane).
%The number of Reidemeister Moves Needed for Unknotting
%Joel Hass, Jeffrey C. Lagarias
%(Submitted on 2 Jul 1998)
% Piotr Sumata, praca magisterska
% proof - transversality theorem (Thom)
%Singularities of Differentiable Maps
%Authors: Arnold, V.I., Varchenko, Alexander, Gusein-Zade, S.M.
\subsection{Seifert surface}
Let $D$ be an oriented diagram of a link $L$. We change the diagram by smoothing each crossing:
\PICorientpluscross \mapsto \PICorientLRsplit\\
\PICorientminuscross \mapsto \PICorientLRsplit
We smooth all the crossings, so we get a disjoint union of circles on the plane. Each circle bounds a disks in $\mathbb{R}^3$ (we choose disks that don't intersect). For each smoothed crossing we add a twisted band: right-handed for a positive and left-handed for a negative one. We get an orientable surface $\Sigma$ such that $\partial \Sigma = L$.\\
\caption{Constructing a Seifert surface.}
Note: the obtained surface isn't unique and in general doesn't need to be connected, but by taking connected sum of all components we can easily get a connected surface (i.e. we take two disconnected components and cut a disk in each of them: $D_1$ and $D_2$; now we glue both components on the boundaries: $\partial D_1$ and $\partial D_2$.
\caption{Connecting two surfaces.}
Every link in $S^3$ bounds a surface $\Sigma$ that is compact, connected and orientable. Such a surface is called a Seifert surface.
\caption{Genus of an orientable surface.}
The three genus $g_3(K)$ ($g(K)$) of a knot $K$ is the minimal genus of a Seifert surface $\Sigma$ for $K$.
A knot $K$ is trivial if and only $g_3(K) = 0$.
Remark: there are knots that admit non isotopic Seifert surfaces of minimal genus (András Juhász, 2008).
Suppose $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are two simple closed curves in $\mathbb{R}^3$.
On a diagram $L$ consider all crossings between $\alpha$ and $\beta$. Let $N_+$ be the number of positive crossings, $N_-$ - negative. Then the linking number: $\Lk(\alpha, \beta) = \frac{1}{2}(N_+ - N_-)$.
Let $\alpha$ and $\beta$ be two disjoint simple cross curves in $S^3$.
Let $\nu(\beta)$ be a tubular neighbourhood of $\beta$. The linking number can be interpreted via first homology group, where $\Lk(\alpha, \beta)$ is equal to evaluation of $\alpha$ as element of first homology group of the complement of $\beta$:
\alpha \in H_1(S^3 \setminus \nu(\beta), \mathbb{Z}) \cong \mathbb{Z}.\]
Hopf link:
$T(6, 2)$ link:
g_3(\Sigma) = \frac{1}{2} b_1 (\Sigma) =
\frac{1}{2} \dim_{\mathbb{R}}H_1(\Sigma, \mathbb{R}),
where $b_1$ is first Betti number of $\Sigma$.
\subsection{Seifert matrix}
Let $L$ be a link and $\Sigma$ be an oriented Seifert surface for $L$. Choose a basis for $H_1(\Sigma, \mathbb{Z})$ consisting of simple closed $\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n$.
Let $\alpha_1^+, \dots \alpha_n^+$ be copies of $\alpha_i$ lifted up off the surface (push up along a vector field normal to $\Sigma$). Note that elements $\alpha_i$ are contained in the Seifert surface while all $\alpha_i^+$ are don't intersect the surface.
Let $\Lk(\alpha_i, \alpha_j^+) = \{a_{ij}\}$. Then the matrix $S = \{a_{ij}\}_{i, j =1}^n$ is called a Seifert matrix for $L$. Note that by choosing a different basis we get a different matrix.
The Seifert matrices $S_1$ and $S_2$ for the same link $L$ are S-equivalent, that is, $S_2$ can be obtained from $S_1$ by a sequence of following moves:
$V \rightarrow AVA^T$, where $A$ is a matrix with integer coefficients,
$V \rightarrow
V &
\ast & 0 \\
\sdots & \sdots\\
\ast & 0
\end{matrix} \\
\ast & \dots & \ast\\
0 & \dots & 0
0 & 0\\
1 & 0
\end{pmatrix} \quad$
V \rightarrow
V &
\ast & 0 \\
\sdots & \sdots\\
\ast & 0
\end{matrix} \\
\ast & \dots & \ast\\
0 & \dots & 0
0 & 1\\
0 & 0
inverse of (2)

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\subsection{Existence of Seifert surface - second proof}
%For any knot $K \subset S^3$ there exists a connected, compact and orientable surface $\Sigma(K)$ such that $\partial \Sigma(K) = K$
\begin{proof}(Theorem \ref{theo:Seifert})\\
Let $K \in S^3$ be a knot and $N = \nu(K)$ be its tubular neighbourhood. Because $K$ and $N$ are homotopy equivalent, we get:
H^1(S^3 \setminus N ) \cong H^1(S^3 \setminus K).
Let us consider a long exact sequence of cohomology of a pair $(S^3, S^3 \setminus N)$ with integer coefficients:
column sep=0cm, fill=none,
row sep=small,
ar symbol/.style =%
{draw=none,"\textstyle#1" description,sloped},
isomorphic/.style = {ar symbol={\cong}},
& H^0(S^3) \ar[u,isomorphic] \to
&H^0(S^3 \setminus N) \to
\to H^1(S^3, S^3 \setminus N) \to
& H^1(S^3) \to
& H^1(S^3\setminus N) \to
& 0 \ar[u,isomorphic]&
\to H^2(S^3, S^3 \setminus N) \to
& H^2(S^3) \ar[u,isomorphic] \to
& H^2(S^3\setminus N) \to
\to H^3(S^3, S^3\setminus N)\to
& H^3(S) \to
& 0
& \mathbb{Z} \ar[u,isomorphic] &\\
N \cong & D^2 \times S^1\\
\partial N \cong & S^1 \times S^1\\
H^1(N, \partial N) \cong & \mathbb{Z} \oplus \mathbb{Z}
H^* (S^3, S^3 \setminus N) &\cong H^* (N, \partial N)\\
H^ 1 (S^3\setminus N) &\cong H^1(S^3\setminus K) \cong \mathbb{Z}
\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=huge]
H^1(S^3 \setminus K) \arrow[r,] \arrow[d,"\widetilde{\Theta}"] &
H^1(N \setminus K) \arrow[d,"\Theta"] \\
{[S^3 \setminus K, S^1]} \arrow[r,]&
{[N \setminus K, S^1]}
$\Sigma = \widetilde{\Theta}^{-1}(X)$ is a surface, such that $\partial \Sigma = K$, so it is a Seifert surface.
% Thom isomorphism,
\subsection{Alexander polynomial}
Let $S$ be a Seifert matrix for a knot $K$. The Alexander polynomial $\Delta_K(t)$ is a Laurent polynomial:
\Delta_K(t) := \det (tS - S^T) \in
\mathbb{Z}[t, t^{-1}] \cong \mathbb{Z}[\mathbb{Z}]
$\Delta_K(t)$ is well defined up to multiplication by $\pm t^k$, for $k \in \mathbb{Z}$.
We need to show that $\Delta_K(t)$ doesn't depend on $S$-equivalence relation.
\item Suppose $S\prime = CSC^T$, $C \in \Gl(n, \mathbb{Z})$ (matrices invertible over $\mathbb{Z}$). Then $\det C = 1$ and:
&\det(tS\prime - S\prime^T) =
\det(tCSC^T - (CSC^T)^T) =\\
&\det(tCSC^T - CS^TC^T) =
\det C(tS - S^T)C^T =
\det(tS - S^T)
Let \\
$ A := t
S &
\ast & 0 \\
\sdots & \sdots\\
\ast & 0
\end{matrix} \\
\ast & \dots & \ast\\
0 & \dots & 0
0 & 0\\
1 & 0
S^T &
\ast & 0 \\
\sdots & \sdots\\
\ast & 0
\end{matrix} \\
\ast & \dots & \ast\\
0 & \dots & 0
0 & 1\\
0 & 0
tS - S^T &
\ast & 0 \\
\sdots & \sdots\\
\ast & 0
\end{matrix} \\
\ast & \dots & \ast\\
0 & \dots & 0
0 & -1\\
t & 0
Using the Laplace expansion we get $\det A = \pm t \det(tS - S^T)$.
If $K$ is a trefoil then we can take
$S = \begin{pmatrix}
-1 & -1 \\
0 & -1
\end{pmatrix}$. Then
\Delta_K(t) = \det
-t + 1 & -t\\
1 & -t +1
= (t -1)^2 + t = t^2 - t +1 \ne 1
\Rightarrow \text{trefoil is not trivial.}
$\Delta_K(t)$ is symmetric.
Let $S$ be an $n \times n$ matrix.
&\Delta_K(t^{-1}) = \det (t^{-1}S - S^T) = (-t)^{-n} \det(tS^T - S) = \\
&(-t)^{-n} \det (tS - S^T) = (-t)^{-n} \Delta_K(t)
If $K$ is a knot, then $n$ is necessarily even, and so $\Delta_K(t^{-1}) = t^{-n} \Delta_K(t)$.
\frac{1}{2} \deg \Delta_K(t) \leq g_3(K),
\text{ where } deg (a_n t^n + \dots + a_1 t^l )= k - l.
If $\Sigma$ is a genus $g$ - Seifert surface for $K$ then $H_1(\Sigma) = \mathbb{Z}^{2g}$, so $S$ is an $2g \times 2g$ matrix. Therefore $\det (tS - S^T)$ is a polynomial of degree at most $2g$.
There are not trivial knots with Alexander polynomial equal $1$, for example:
$\Delta_{11n34} \equiv 1$.
\subsection{Decomposition of $3$-sphere}
We know that $3$ - sphere can be obtained by gluing two solid tori:
S^3 = \partial D^4 = \partial (D^2 \times D^2) = (D^2 \times S^1) \cup (S^1 \times D^2).
So the complement of solid torus in $S^3$ is another solid torus.\\
Analytically it can be describes as follow. \\
Take $(z_1, z_2) \in \mathbb{C}$ such that ${\max(\vert z_1 \vert, \vert z_2\vert) = 1.}
Define following sets:
S_1 = \{ (z_1, z_2) \in S^3: \vert z_1 \vert = 0\} \cong S^1 \times D^2 ,\\
S_2 = \{(z_1, z_2) \in S ^3: \vert z_2 \vert = 1 \} \cong D^2 \times S^1.
The intersection
$S_1 \cap S_2 = \{(z_1, z_2): \vert z_1 \vert = \vert z_2 \vert = 1 \} \cong S^1 \times S^1$.
\caption{The complement of solid torus in $S^3$ is another solid torus.}
\subsection{Dehn lemma and sphere theorem}
%removing one disk from surface doesn't change $H_1$ (only $H_2$)
Let $M$ be a $3$-manifold and $D^2 \overset{f} \rightarrow M^3$ be a map of a disk such that $f\big|_{\partial D^2}$ is an embedding. Then there exists an embedding
${D^2 \overset{g}\longhookrightarrow M}$ such that:
g\big|_{\partial D^2} = f\big|_{\partial D^2.}
Remark: Dehn lemma doesn't hold for dimension four.\\
Let $M$ be connected, compact three manifold with boundary.
Suppose $\pi_1(\partial M) \longrightarrow \pi_1(M)$ has non-trivial kernel. Then there exists a map $f: (D^2, \partial D^2) \longrightarrow (M, \partial M)$ such that $f\big|_{\partial D^2}$ is non-trivial loop in $\partial M$.
\begin{theorem}[Sphere theorem]
Suppose $\pi_1(M) \ne 0$. Then there exists an embedding $f: S^2 \hookrightarrow M$ that is homotopy non-trivial.
Prove that $S^3 \ K$ is EilenbergMacLane space of type $K(\pi, 1)$.
Suppose $K \subset S^3$ and $\pi_1(S^3 \setminus K)$ is infinite cyclic ($\mathbb{Z})$. Then $K$ is trivial.
Let $N$ be a tubular neighbourhood of a knot $K$ and $M = S^3 \setminus N$ its complement. Then $\partial M = S^1 \times S^1$. Let $f : \pi_1(\partial M ) \longrightarrow \pi_1(M)$.
If $\pi_1(M)$ is infinite cyclic group then the map $f$ is non-trivial. Suppose ${\lambda \in \ker (\pi_1(S^1 \times S^1) \longrightarrow \pi_1(M)}$.
There is a map $g: (D^2, \partial D^2) \longrightarrow (M, \partial M)$ such that $g(\partial D^2) = \lambda$.\\
By Dehn's lemma there exists an embedding ${h: (D^2, \partial D^2) \longhookrightarrow (M, \partial M)}$ such that
$h\big|_{\partial D^2} = f \big|_{\partial D^2}$ and $h(\partial D^2) = \lambda$.
Let $\Sigma$ be a union of the annulus and the image of $\partial D^2$.
\\???? $g_3$?\\
If $g(\Sigma) = 0$, then $K$ is trivial. \\
Now we should proof that:
H_1(M) \cong \mathbb{Z} \Longrightarrow \lambda \in \ker ( \pi_1(S^1 \times S^1) \longrightarrow \pi_1(M)).
\caption{$\mu$ is a meridian and $\lambda$ is a longitude.}
Choose a meridian $\mu$ such that $\Lk (\mu, K) = 1$. Recall the definition of linking number via homology group (Definition \ref{def:lk_via_homo}).
$[\mu]$ represents the generator of $H_1(S^3\setminus K, \mathbb{Z})$. From definition of $\lambda$ we know that $\lambda$ is trivial in $H_1(M)$ ($\Lk(\lambda, K) =0$, therefore $[\lambda]$ was trivial in $pi_1(M)$). If $K$ is non-trivial then $\lambda$ is non-trivial in $\pi_1(M)$, but it is trivial in $H_1(M)$.

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\subsection{Algebraic knots}
Suppose $F: \mathbb{C}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{C}$ is a polynomial and $F(0) = 0$. Let take small small sphere $S^3$ around zero. This sphere intersect set of roots of $F$ (zero set of $F$) transversally and by the implicit function theorem the intersection is a manifold.
The dimension of sphere is $3$ and $F^{-1}(0)$ has codimension $2$.
So there is a subspace $L$ - compact one dimensional manifold without boundary.
That means that $L$ is a link in $S^3$.
\caption{The intersection of a sphere $S^3$ and zero set of polynomial $F$ is a link $L$.}
%ref: Milnor Singular Points of Complex Hypersurfaces
$L$ is an unknot if and only if
zero is a smooth point, i.e.
$\bigtriangledown F(0) \neq 0$ (provided $S^3$ has a sufficiently small radius).
Remark: if $S^3$ is large it can happen that $L$ is unlink, but $F^{-1}(0) \cap B^4$ is "complicated". \\
%Kyle M. Ormsby
In other words: if we take sufficiently small sphere, the link is non-trivial if and only if the point $0$ is singular and the isotopy type of the link doesn't depend on the radius of the sphere.
A link obtained is such a way is called an
algebraic link (in older books on knot theory there is another notion of algebraic link with another meaning).
%ref: Eisenbud, D., Neumann, W.
Let $p$ and $q$ be coprime numbers such that $p<q$ and $p,q>1$. \\
Zero is an isolated singular point ($\bigtriangledown F(0) = 0$). $F$ is quasi - homogeneous polynomial, so the isotopy class of the link doesn't depend on the choice of a sphere.
Consider $S^3 = \{ (z, w) \in \mathbb{C} : \max( \vert z \vert, \vert w \vert )\} = \varepsilon$.
The intersection
$F^{-1}(0) \cap S^3$ is a torus $T(p, q)$.
$F(z, w) = z^p - w^q$\\
$F^{-1}(0) = \{t = t^q, w = t^p\}.$ For unknot $t = \max (\vert t\vert ^p, \vert t \vert^q) = \varepsilon$.
as a corollary we see that $K_T^{n, }$ ???? \\
is not slice unless $m=0$. \\
$t = re^{i \Theta}, \Theta \in [0, 2\pi], r = \varepsilon^{\frac{i}{p}}$
Suppose $L$ is an algebraic link. $L = F^{-1}(0) \cap S^3$. Let
&\varphi : S^3 \setminus L \longrightarrow S^1 \\
&\varphi(z, w) =\frac{F(z, w)}{\vert F(z, w) \vert}\in S^1, \quad (z, w) \notin F^{-1}(0).
The map $\varphi$ is a locally trivial fibration.
$ rh D \varphi \equiv 1$
A map $\Pi : E \longrightarrow B$ is locally trivial fibration with fiber $F$ if for any $b \in B$, there is a neighbourhood $U \subset B$ such that $\Pi^{-1}(U) \cong U \times $ \\
????????????\\ $\Gamma$ ?????????????\\
The map $j: \mathscr{C} \longrightarrow \mathbb{Z}^{\infty}$ is a surjection that maps ${K_n}$ to a linear independent set. Moreover $\mathscr{C} \cong \mathbb{Z}$
In general $h$ is defined only up to homotopy, but this means that
h_* : H_1 (F, \mathbb{Z}) \longrightarrow H_1 (F, \mathbb{Z})
is well defined \\
???????????\\ map.
Suppose $S$ is a Seifert matrix associated with $F$ then $h = S^{-1}S^T$.
%see Arnold Varchenko vol II
%Picard - Lefschetz formula
%Nemeth (Real Seifert forms
the Alexander polynomial is the characteristic polynomial of $h$:
\Delta_L (t) = \det (h - t I d)
In particular $\Delta_L $ is monic (i.e. the top coefficient is $\pm 1$),
S is invertible,
$F$ minimize the genus (i.e. $F$ is minimal genus Seifert surface).
A link $L$ is fibered if there exists a map ${\phi: S^3\setminus L \longrightarrow S^1}$ which is locally trivial fibration.
If $L$ is fibered then Theorem \ref{thm:F_as_S} holds and all its consequences.
If $K_1$ and $K_2$ are fibered knots, then also $K_1 \# K_2$ is fibered.
Prove that connected sum is well defined:\\
$\Delta_{K_1 \# K_2} =
\Delta_{K_1} + \Delta_{K_2}$ and
$g_3(K_1 \# K_2) = g_3(K_1) + g_3(K_2)$.
\caption{Whitehead double satellite knot.\\
The pattern knot embedded non-trivially in an unknotted solid torus $T$ (e.i. $K \not\subset S^3\subset T$) on the left and the pattern in a companion knot - trefoil - on the right.}
\subsection{Alternating knot}
A knot (link) is called alternating if it admits an alternating diagram.
\caption{Example: figure eight knot is an alternating knot.}
A reducible crossing in a knot diagram is a crossing for which we can find a circle such that its intersection with a knot diagram is exactly that crossing. A knot diagram without reducible crossing is called reduced.
Any reduced alternating diagram has minimal number of crossings.
The writhe of the diagram is the difference between the number of positive and negative crossings.
Any two diagrams of the same alternating knot have the same writhe.
An alternating knot has Alexander polynomial of the form:
a_1t^{n_1} + a_2t^{n_2} + \dots + a_s t^{n_s}
$, where $n_1 < n_2 < \dots < n_s$ and $a_ia_{i+1} < 0$.
What is the minimal $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$ such that if $z$ is a root of the Alexander polynomial of an alternating knot, then $\Re(z) > \alpha$.\\
Remark: alternating knots have very simple knot homologies.
If $T_{p, q}$ is a torus knot, $p < q$, then it is alternating if and only if $p=2$.

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Two knots $K$ and $K^{\prime}$ are called (smoothly) concordant if there exists an annulus $A$ that is smoothly embedded in ${S^3 \times [0, 1]}$ such that
\partial A = K^{\prime} \times \{1\} \; \sqcup \; K \times \{0\}.
A knot $K$ is called (smoothly) slice if $K$ is smoothly concordant to an unknot. \\
Put differently: a knot $K$ is smoothly slice if and only if $K$ bounds a smoothly embedded disk in $B^4$.
Let $m(K)$ denote a mirror image of a knot $K$.
For any $K$, $K \# m(K)$ is slice.
Concordance is an equivalence relation.
If $K_1 \sim {K_1}^{\prime}$ and $K_2 \sim {K_2}^{\prime}$, then
$K_1 \# K_2 \sim {K_1}^{\prime} \# {K_2}^{\prime}$.
\caption{Sketch for Fact \ref{fact:concordance_connected}.}
$K \# m(K) \sim $ the unknot.
Let $\mathscr{C}$ denote a set of all equivalent classes for knots and $[0]$ denote class of all knots concordant to a trivial knot.
$\mathscr{C}$ is a group under taking connected sums. The neutral element in the group is $[0]$ and the inverse element of an element $[K]\in \mathscr{C}$ is $-[K] = [mK]$.
The figure eight knot is a torsion element in $\mathscr{C}$ ($2K \sim $ the unknot).
Are there in concordance group torsion elements that are not $2$ torsion elements?
Remark: $K \sim K^{\prime} \Leftrightarrow K \# -K^{\prime}$ is slice.
\caption{$Y = F \cup \Sigma$ is a smooth closed surface.}
Pontryagin-Thom construction tells us that there exists a compact oriented three - manifold $\Omega \subset B^4$ such that $\partial \Omega = Y$.
Suppose $\Sigma$ is a Seifert surface and $V$ a Seifert form defined on $\Sigma$: ${(\alpha, \beta) \mapsto \Lk(\alpha, \beta^+)}$. Suppose $\alpha, \beta \in H_1(\Sigma, \mathbb{Z})$, i.e. there are cycles and
$\alpha, \beta \in \ker (H_1(\Sigma, \mathbb{Z}) \longrightarrow H_1(\Omega, \mathbb{Z}))$. Then there are two cycles $A, B \in \Omega$ such that $\partial A = \alpha$ and $\partial B = \beta$.
Let $B^+$ be a push off of $B$ in the positive normal direction such that
$\partial B^+ = \beta^+$.
$\Lk(\alpha, \beta^+) = A \cdot B^+$. But $A$ and $B$ are disjoint, so $\Lk(\alpha, \beta^+) = 0$. Then the Seifert form is zero.
Let us consider following maps:
\Sigma \overset{\phi} \longhookrightarrow Y \overset{\psi} \longhookrightarrow \Omega.
Let $\phi_*$ and $\psi_*$ be induced maps on the homology group. If an element $\gamma \in \ker (H_1(\Sigma, \mathbb{Z}) \longrightarrow H_1(\Omega, \mathbb{Z}))$, then $\gamma \in \ker \phi_*$ or $\gamma \in \ker \psi_*$.
\dim \ker (H_1(Y, \mathbb{Z}) \longrightarrow H_1(\Omega, \mathbb{Z})) = \frac{1}{2} b_1(Y),
where $b_1$ is first Betti number.
Consider the following long exact sequence for a pair $(\Omega, Y)$:
& 0 \to H_3(\Omega) \to H_3(\Omega, Y) \to
\to & H_2(Y) \to H_2(\Omega) \to H_2(\Omega, Y) \to \\
\to & H_1(Y) \to H_1(\Omega) \to H_1(\Omega, Y) \to \\
\to & H_0(Y) \to H_0(\Omega) \to 0
By Poincar\'e duality we know that:
H_3(\Omega, Y) &\cong H^0(\Omega),\\
H_2(Y) &\cong H^0(Y),\\
H_2(\Omega) &\cong H^1(\Omega, Y),\\
H_1(\Omega, Y) &\cong H^1(\Omega).
Therefore $\dim_{\mathbb{Q}} \quot{H_1(Y)}{V}
= \dim_{\mathbb{Q}} V
Suppose $g(K) = 0$ ($K$ is slice). Then $H_1(\Sigma, \mathbb{Z}) \cong H_1(Y, \mathbb{Z})$. Let $g_{\Sigma}$ be the genus of $\Sigma$, $\dim H_1(Y, \mathbb{Z}) = 2g_{\Sigma}$. Then the Seifert form $V$ on a $K$
has a subspace of dimension $g_{\Sigma}$ on which it is zero:
\begin{matrix} #2 \end{matrix}}}^{\mbox{$#1$}}}}#2}
\begin{matrix} #2 \end{matrix}}}_{\mbox{$#1$}}}}#2}
#1\left\{\vphantom{\begin{matrix} #2 \end{matrix}}\right.}
\left.\vphantom{\begin{matrix} #1 \end{matrix}}\right\}#2}
\vphantom{% phantom stuff for correct box dimensions
\overbrace{XYZ}^{\mbox{$R$}}\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\
V =
\begin{matrix}% matrix for left braces
\coolleftbrace{g_{\Sigma}}{ \\ \\ \\}
\\ \\ \\ \\
\coolover{g_{\Sigma}}{0 & \dots & 0 } & * & \dots & *\\
\sdots & & \sdots & \sdots & & \sdots \\
0 & \dots & 0 & * & \dots & *\\
* & \dots & * & * & \dots & *\\
\sdots & & \sdots & \sdots & & \sdots \\
* & \dots & * & * & \dots & *
\end{pmatrix}_{2g_{\Sigma} \times 2g_{\Sigma}}
Let $V =
0 & A\\
B & C
\det (tV - V^T) = \det (tA - B^T) - \det(tB - A^T)
If $K$ is a slice knot then there exists $f \in \mathbb{Z}[t^{\pm 1}]$ such that $\Delta_K(t) = f(t) \cdot f(t^{-1})$.
Figure eight knot is not slice.
If $K$ is slice, then the signature $\sigma(K) \equiv 0$.

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\subsection{Slice knots and metabolic form}
If $K$ is slice,
then $\sigma_K(t)
= \sign ( (1 - t)S +(1 - \bar{t})S^T)$
is zero except possibly of finitely many points and $\sigma_K(-1) = \sign(S + S^T) \neq 0$.
If $V$ is a Hermitian matrix ($\bar{V} = V^T$), $V$ is of size $2n \times 2n$,
V = \begin{pmatrix}
0 & A \\
\bar{A}^T & B
$ and $\det V \neq 0$ then $\sigma(V) = 0$.
A Hermitian form $V$ is metabolic if $V$ has structure
0 & A\\
\bar{A}^T & B
\end{pmatrix}$ with half-dimensional null-space.
Theorem \ref{the:sign_slice} can be also express as follow:
non-degenerate metabolic hermitian form has vanishing signature.
We note that $\det(S + S^T) \neq 0$. Hence $\det ( (1 - t) S + (1 - \bar{t})S^T)$ is not identically zero on $S^1$, so it is non-zero except possibly at finitely many points. We apply the Lemma \ref{lem:metabolic}.
Let $t \in S^1 \setminus \{1\}$.
\det((1 - t) S + (1 - \bar{t}) S^T) =&
\det((1 - t) S + (t\bar{t} - \bar{t}) S^T) =\\
&\det((1 - t) (S - \bar{t} - S^T)) =
\det((1 -t)(S - \bar{t} S^T)).
As $\det (S + S^T) \neq 0$, so $S - \bar{t}S^T \neq 0$.
If $K \sim K^\prime$ then for all but finitely many $t \in S^1 \setminus \{1\}: \sigma_K(t) = -\sigma_{K^\prime}(t)$.
If $ K \sim K^\prime$ then $K \# K^\prime$ is slice.
\sigma_{-K^\prime}(t) = -\sigma_{K^\prime}(t)
The signature gives a homomorphism from the concordance group to $\mathbb{Z}$.
Remark: if $t \in S^1$ is not algebraic over $\mathbb{Z}$, then $\sigma_K(t) \neq 0$
(we can use the argument that $\mathscr{C} \longrightarrow \mathbb{Z}$ as well).
\subsection{Four genus}
\caption{$K$ and $K^\prime$ are connected by a genus $g$ surface.}\label{fig:genus_2_bordism}
\begin{proposition}[Kawauchi inequality]
If there exists a genus $g$ surface as in Figure \ref{fig:genus_2_bordism}
then for almost all
$t \in S^1 \setminus \{1\}$ we have
\sigma_K(t) - \sigma_{K^\prime}(t)
\vert \leq 2 g$.
% Kawauchi Chapter 12 ???
% Borodzik 2010 Morse theory for plane algebraic curves
If $K$ bounds a genus $g$ surface $X \in B^4$ and $S$ is a Seifert form then ${S \in M_{2n \times 2n}}$ has a block structure $\begin{pmatrix}
0 & A\\
B & C
\end{pmatrix}$, where $0$ is $(n - g) \times (n - g)$ submatrix.
\caption{There exists a $3$ - manifold $\Omega$ such that $\partial \Omega = X \cup \Sigma$.}\label{fig:omega_in_B_4}
Let $K$ be a knot and $\Sigma$ its Seifert surface as in Figure \ref{fig:omega_in_B_4}.
There exists a $3$ - submanifold
$\Omega$ such that
$\partial \Omega = Y = X \cup \Sigma$
(by Thom-Pontryagin construction).
If $\alpha, \beta \in \ker (H_1(\Sigma) \longrightarrow H_1(\Omega))$,
then ${\Lk(\alpha, \beta^+) = 0}$. Now we have to determine the size of the kernel. We know that
${\dim H_1(\Sigma) = 2 n}$. When we glue $\Sigma$ (genus $n$) and $X$ (genus $g$) along a circle we get a surface of genus $n + g$. Therefore $\dim H_1 (Y) = 2 n + 2 g$. Then:
\dim (\ker (H_1(Y) \longrightarrow H_1(\Omega)) = n + g.
So we have $H_1(W)$ of dimension
$2 n + 2 g$
- the image of $H_1(Y)$
with a subspace
corresponding to the image of $H_1(\Sigma)$ with dimension $2 n$ and a subspace corresponding to the kernel
of $H_1(Y) \longrightarrow H_1(\Omega)$ of size $n + g$.
We consider minimal possible intersection of this subspaces that corresponds to the kernel of the composition $H_1(\Sigma) \longrightarrow H_1(Y) \longrightarrow H_1(\Omega)$. As the first map is injective, elements of the kernel of the composition have to be in the kernel of the second map.
So we can calculate:
\dim \ker (H_1(\Sigma) \longrightarrow H_1(\Omega)) = 2 n + n + g -2 n - 2 g = n - g.
If $t$ is not a root of
$\det (tS - S^T) $, then
$\vert \sigma_K(t) \vert \leq 2g$.
If there exists cobordism of genus $g$ between $K$ and $K^\prime$ like shown in Figure \ref{fig:proof_for_bound_disk}, then $K \# -K^\prime$ bounds a surface of genus $g$ in $B^4$.
\caption{If $K$ and $K^\prime$ are connected by a genus $g$ surface, then $K \# -K^\prime$ bounds a genus $g$ surface.}\label{fig:proof_for_bound_disk}
The (smooth) four genus $g_4(K)$ is the minimal genus of the surface $\Sigma \in B^4$ such that $\Sigma$ is compact, orientable and $\partial \Sigma = K$.
$3$ - genus is additive under taking connected sum, but $4$ - genus is not,
for any knot $K$ we have $g_4(K) \leq g_3(K)$.
\item Let $K = T(2, 3)$. $\sigma(K) = -2$, therefore $T(2, 3)$ isn't a slice knot.
\item Let $K$ be a trefoil and $K^\prime$ a mirror of a trefoil. $g_4(K^\prime) = 1$, but $g_4(K \# K^\prime) = 0$, so we see that $4$-genus isn't additive,
the equality:
g_4(T(p, q) ) = \frac{1}{2} (p - 1) (g -1)
was conjecture in the '70 and proved by P. Kronheimer and T. Mrówka (1994).
$g_4 (T(p, q) \# -T(r, s))$ is in general hopelessly unknown.
Supremum of the signature function of the knot is bounded almost everywhere by two times $4$ - genus:
\ess \sup \vert \sigma_K(t) \vert \leq 2 g_4(K).
\subsection{Topological genus}
A knot $K$ is called topologically slice if $K$ bounds a topological locally flat disc in $B^4$ (i.e. the disk has tubular neighbourhood).
\begin{theorem}[Freedman, '82]
If $\Delta_K(t) = 1$, then $K$ is topologically slice (but not necessarily smoothly slice).
\begin{theorem}[Powell, 2015]
If $K$ is genus $g$
(topologically flat)
cobordant to $K^\prime$,
\vert \sigma_K(t) - \sigma_{K^\prime}(t) \vert \leq 2 g
if $g_4^{\mytop}(K) \geq \ess \sup \vert \sigma_K(t) \vert$.
The proof for smooth category was based on following equality:
\dim \ker (H_1 (Y) \longrightarrow H_1(\Omega)) = \frac{1}{2} \dim H_1(Y).
For this equality we assumed that there exists a $3$ - dimensional manifold $\Omega$ (as shown in Figure \ref{fig:omega_in_B_4}) which was guaranteed by Pontryagin-Thom Construction.\\
Pontryagin-Thom Construction relays on taking $\Omega$ as preimage of regular value:
H^1 (B^4 \setminus Y, \mathbb{Z}) = [B^4 \setminus Y, S^1],
what relies on Sard's theorem, that the set of regular values has positive measure. But Sard's theorem doesn't work for topologically locally flat category. So there was a gap in the proof for topological locally flat category - the existence of $\Omega$.\\
Remark: unless $p=2$ or $p = 3 \wedge q = 4$:
g_4^{\mytop} (T(p, q)) < q_4(T(p, q)).
% Wilczyński '93
%Feller 2014
%Baoder 2017
From the category of cobordant knots (or topologically cobordant knots) there exists a map to $\mathbb{Z}$ given by signature function. To any element $K$ we can associate a form
(1 - t)S + (1 - \bar{t})S^T) \in W(\mathbb{Z}[t, t^{-1}]).
\] This association is not well define because id depends on the choice of Seifert form. However, different choices lead ever to congruent forms ($S \mapsto CSC^T$) or induced the change on the form by adding or subtracting a hyperbolic element.
The Witt group $W$ of $\mathbb{Z}[t, t^{-1}]$ elements are classes of non-degenerate
forms over $\mathbb{Z}[t, t^{-1}]$ under the equivalence relation $V \sim W$ if $V \oplus - W$ is metabolic.
If $S$ differs from $S^\prime$ by a row extension, then
$(1 - t) S + (1 - \bar{t}^{-1}) S^T$ is Witt equivalence to $(1 - t) S^\prime + (1 - t^{-1})S^T$.
A form is meant as hermitian with respect to this involution: $A^T = A: (a, b) = \bar{(a, b)}$.
W(\mathbb{Z}_p) = \mathbb{Z}_2 \oplus
\mathbb{Z}_2$ or
$\sum a_gt^j \longrightarrow \sum a_g t^{-1}$\\
\begin{theorem}[Levine '68]
W(\mathbb{Z}[t^{\pm 1}])
\longrightarrow \mathbb{Z}_2^\infty \oplus
\mathbb{Z}_4^\infty \oplus

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$X$ is a closed orientable four-manifold. Assume $\pi_1(X) = 0$ (it is not needed to define the intersection form). In particular $H_1(X) = 0$.
$H_2$ is free (exercise).
H_2(X, \mathbb{Z}) \xrightarrow{\text{Poincar\'e duality}} H^2(X, \mathbb{Z} ) \xrightarrow{\text{evaluation}}\Hom(H_2(X, \mathbb{Z}), \mathbb{Z})
Intersection form:
$H_2(X, \mathbb{Z}) \times
H_2(X, \mathbb{Z}) \longrightarrow \mathbb{Z}$ is symmetric and non singular.
Let $A$ and $B$ be closed, oriented surfaces in $X$.
\caption{$T_X A + T_X B = T_X X$
x \in A \cap B\\
T_XA \oplus T_X B = T_X X\\
\{\epsilon_1, \dots , \epsilon_n \} = A \cap C\\
A \cdot B = \sum^n_{i=1} \epsilon_i
Intersection form $A \cdot B$ doesn't depend of choice of $A$ and $B$ in their homology classes:
[A], [B] \in H_2(X, \mathbb{Z}).
If $M$ is an $m$ - dimensional close, connected and orientable manifold, then $H_m(M, \mathbb{Z})$ and the orientation if $M$ determined a cycle $[M] \in H_m(M, \mathbb{Z})$, called the fundamental cycle.
If $\omega$ is an $m$ - form then:
\int_M \omega = [\omega]([M]), \quad [\omega] \in H^m_\Omega(M), \ [M] \in H_m(M).
\caption{$\beta$ cross $3$ times the disk bounded by $\alpha$.
$T_X \alpha + T_X \beta = T_X \Sigma$
Let $X = S^2 \times S^2$.
We know that:
&H_2(S^2, \mathbb{Z}) =\mathbb{Z}\\
&H_1(S^2, \mathbb{Z}) = 0\\
&H_0(S^2, \mathbb{Z}) =\mathbb{Z}
We can construct a long exact sequence for a pair:
&H_2(\partial X) \to H_2(X)
\to H_2(X, \partial X) \to \\
\to &H_1(\partial X) \to H_1(X) \to H_1(X, \partial X) \to
Simple case $H_1(\partial X)$ \\????????????\\
is torsion.
$H_2(\partial X)$ is torsion free (by universal coefficient theorem),\\
therefore it is $0$.
We know that $b_1(X) = b_2(X)$. Therefore by Poincar\'e duality:
b_1(X) =
\dim_{\mathbb{Q}} H_1(X, \mathbb{Q})
\dim_{\mathbb{Q}} H^2(X, \mathbb{Q}) =
\dim_{\mathbb{Q}} H_2(X, \mathbb{Q}) = b_2(X)
$H_2(X, \mathbb{Z})$ is torsion free and
$H_2(X_1, \mathbb{Q}) = 0$, therefore $H_2(X, \mathbb{Z}) = 0$.
The map
$H_2(X, \mathbb{Z}) \longrightarrow H_2(X, \partial X, \mathbb{Z})$ is a monomorphism. \\??????????\\ (because it is an isomorphism after tensoring by $\mathbb{Q}$.
Suppose $\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n$ is a basis of $H_2(X, \mathbb{Z})$.
Let $A$ be the intersection matrix in this basis. Then:
A has integer coefficients,
$\det A \neq 0$,
$\vert \det A \vert =
\vert H_1 (\partial X, \mathbb{Z}) \vert =
\vert \coker H_2(X) \longrightarrow H_2(X, \partial X) \vert$.
If $CVC^T = W$, then for
$\binom{a}{b} = C^{-1} \binom{1}{0}$ we have $\binom{a}{b} $ \\
$\omega \binom{a}{b} = \binom{1}{0} u \binom{1}{0} = 1$.
Any non-degenerate form
A : \mathbb{Z}^4 \times \mathbb{Z}^4 \longrightarrow \mathbb{Z}
can be realized as an intersection form of a simple connected $4$-dimensional manifold.
\begin{theorem}[Donaldson, 1982]
If $A$ is an even definite intersection form of a smooth $4$-manifold then it is diagonalizable over $\mathbb{Z}$.
even define
Suppose $X$ us $4$ -manifold with a boundary such that $H_1(X) = 0$.
%$A \cdot B$ gives the pairing as ??
\[H_1(\partial X, \mathbb{Z}) = \coker H_2(X) \longrightarrow H_2(X, \partial X) = \quot{H_2(X, \partial X)}{H_2(X)}.
Let $A$ be an $n \times n$ matrix. $A$ determines a \\
\mathbb{Z}^n \longrightarrow \Hom (\mathbb{Z}^n, \mathbb{Z})\\
a \mapsto (b \mapsto b^T A a)\\
\vert \coker A \vert = \vert \det A \vert
all homomorphisms $b = (b_1, \dots, b_n) $???????\\?????????\\