diff --git a/periodicity.sage b/periodicity.sage
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a0626a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/periodicity.sage
@@ -0,0 +1,1413 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2018: Maria Marchwicka, Wojciech Politarczyk.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see
+import sys
+import os
+import numpy as np
+import warnings
+class MySettings(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.f_pd_knot_11_15 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "knots1115")
+ self.f_knot_up_to_10 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "knot_table.txt")
+ self.f_homfly_lm_out = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "homflypt.out")
+ self.f_homfly_lm_in = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "homflypt.input")
+ self.f_results_out = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "results.out")
+ self.f_old_results = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "old_results.input")
+ self.periods = [3, 5, 7, 9, 11]
+ self.set_to_check = self.get_set()
+ # check only knots from defined set
+ self.only_chosen = True
+ # self.only_chosen = False
+ self.debugging = True
+ # self.debugging = False
+ # only if debugging
+ self.print_matrices = True
+ # self.print_matrices = False
+ # only if only_chosen
+ self.only_periods_where_borodzik = True
+ self.only_periods_where_borodzik = False
+ # only if only_chosen
+ self.only_periods = True
+ self.only_periods = False
+ self.print_results = False
+ self.print_results = True
+ # saving HOMFLYPT polynomials into self.f_homfly_lm_out
+ self.save_homfly = True
+ # self.save_homfly = False
+ # reuse HOMFLYPT polynomials previously saved
+ self.input_file_with_homflypt = True
+ # self.input_file_with_homflypt = False
+ self.check_old_results = True
+ # self.check_old_results = False
+ if self.input_file_with_homflypt:
+ if not os.path.isfile(self.f_homfly_lm_in):
+ warnings.warn("No input file with HOMFLYPT polynomials")
+ self.input_file_with_homflypt = False
+ def get_set(self):
+ set_to_check = set()
+ periodic_burde = set(["3_1", "5_1", "7_1", "8_19", "9_1",
+ "9_35", "9_40", "9_41", "9_47", "9_49",
+ "10_3", "10_123", "10_124"])
+ # set_to_check |= periodic_burde
+ # knots that fail Borodzik criterion
+ self.fails_dict = {
+ "12a100": 3,
+ "12a348": 3,
+ "13a4648": 3,
+ "13n3659": 3,
+ "14a7583": 3,
+ "14a7948": 3,
+ "14a8670": 3,
+ "14a9356": 3,
+ "14a14971": 3,
+ "14a16311": 3,
+ "14a17173": 3,
+ "14a17260": 3,
+ "14a18647": 3,
+ "14n908": 3,
+ "14n913": 3,
+ "14n2451": 3,
+ "14n2458": 3,
+ "14n6565": 3,
+ "14n9035": 3,
+ "14n11989": 3,
+ "14n14577": 3,
+ "14n23051": 3,
+ "14n24618": 3,
+ "15a6030": 3,
+ "15a6066": 3,
+ "15a10622": 3,
+ "15a15077": 3,
+ "15a33910": 3,
+ "15a36983": 3,
+ "15a46768": 3,
+ "15a72333": 3,
+ "15a82771": 3,
+ "15n3147": 3,
+ "15n3369": 3,
+ "15n3372": 3,
+ "15n4496": 3,
+ "15n4514": 3,
+ "15n4517": 3,
+ "15n11293": 3,
+ "15n11533": 3,
+ "15n14173": 3,
+ "15n15251": 3,
+ "15n19351": 3,
+ "15n19989": 3,
+ "15n20691": 3,
+ "15n33684": 3,
+ "15n34725": 3,
+ "15n36715": 3,
+ "15n45612": 3,
+ "15n49287": 3,
+ "15n55026": 3,
+ "15n58771": 3,
+ "15n59908": 3,
+ "15n61622": 3,
+ "15n61790": 3,
+ "15n61833": 3,
+ "15n63397": 3,
+ "15n67585": 3,
+ "15n69848": 3,
+ "15n90233": 3,
+ "15n90525": 3,
+ "15n112198": 3,
+ "15n115648": 3,
+ "15n116414": 3,
+ "15n120198": 3,
+ "15n120375": 3,
+ "15n133302": 3,
+ "15n135864": 3,
+ "15n135918": 3,
+ "15n148509": 3,
+ "15n155150": 3,
+ "15n158831": 3,
+ "15n162066": 3,
+ "15n162237": 3,
+ "15n163140": 3,
+ "15n165092": 3,
+ "15n165622": 3,
+ "15n167650": 3,
+ "14n26993": 5,
+ "15a80526": 5,
+ "15n83514": 5,
+ "15n95792": 5,
+ }
+ set_to_check |= set(self.fails_dict.keys())
+ # knots that pass Borodzik criterion
+ self.success_dict = {
+ "9_40": 3,
+ "9_41": 3,
+ "9_49": 3,
+ "11a297": 3,
+ "11a321": 3,
+ "11n133": 3,
+ "12a561": 3,
+ "12a780": 3,
+ "12a1019": 3,
+ "12a1202": 3,
+ "12a1206": 3,
+ "12n706": 3,
+ "12n837": 3,
+ "12n839": 3,
+ "12n843": 3,
+ "12n844": 3,
+ "12n847": 3,
+ "12n881": 3,
+ "13n2694": 3,
+ "14a2160": 3,
+ "14a7206": 3,
+ "14a10416": 3,
+ "14a12671": 3,
+ "14a15296": 3,
+ "14a16592": 3,
+ "14a18362": 3,
+ "14n945": 3,
+ "14n3276": 3,
+ "14n3888": 3,
+ "14n4912": 3,
+ "14n9288": 3,
+ "14n10327": 3,
+ "14n11309": 3,
+ "14n11898": 3,
+ "14n13447": 3,
+ "14n13863": 3,
+ "14n14083": 3,
+ "14n14183": 3,
+ "14n14497": 3,
+ "14n16414": 3,
+ "14n16415": 3,
+ "14n16428": 3,
+ "14n16682": 3,
+ "14n17032": 3,
+ "14n17183": 3,
+ "14n17871": 3,
+ "14n17959": 3,
+ "14n21996": 3,
+ "14n23568": 3,
+ "14n24905": 3,
+ "15a8033": 3,
+ "15a15545": 3,
+ "15a20833": 3,
+ "15a22423": 3,
+ "15a23751": 3,
+ "15a24566": 3,
+ "15a24687": 3,
+ "15a33565": 3,
+ "15a35274": 3,
+ "15a39992": 3,
+ "15a40971": 3,
+ "15a54610": 3,
+ "15a74206": 3,
+ "15a74381": 3,
+ "15a77993": 3,
+ "15a81135": 3,
+ "15a81151": 3,
+ "15a81179": 3,
+ "15a81370": 3,
+ "15a81477": 3,
+ "15a81796": 3,
+ "15a82451": 3,
+ "15a82698": 3,
+ "15a83361": 3,
+ "15a83814": 3,
+ "15a85128": 3,
+ "15a85145": 3,
+ "15a85169": 3,
+ "15a85223": 3,
+ "15a85254": 3,
+ "15a85257": 3,
+ "15n15450": 3,
+ "15n15810": 3,
+ "15n17487": 3,
+ "15n17658": 3,
+ "15n18682": 3,
+ "15n20353": 3,
+ "15n28777": 3,
+ "15n29526": 3,
+ "15n31070": 3,
+ "15n33167": 3,
+ "15n39609": 3,
+ "15n39756": 3,
+ "15n39792": 3,
+ "15n39829": 3,
+ "15n39838": 3,
+ "15n39866": 3,
+ "15n40188": 3,
+ "15n40203": 3,
+ "15n45334": 3,
+ "15n47776": 3,
+ "15n48100": 3,
+ "15n50732": 3,
+ "15n52424": 3,
+ "15n52723": 3,
+ "15n55025": 3,
+ "15n59277": 3,
+ "15n59777": 3,
+ "15n59987": 3,
+ "15n60899": 3,
+ "15n61859": 3,
+ "15n62066": 3,
+ "15n68367": 3,
+ "15n68469": 3,
+ "15n72570": 3,
+ "15n75241": 3,
+ "15n77155": 3,
+ "15n78784": 3,
+ "15n78786": 3,
+ "15n81011": 3,
+ "15n84209": 3,
+ "15n85291": 3,
+ "15n93105": 3,
+ "15n95263": 3,
+ "15n95294": 3,
+ "15n98814": 3,
+ "15n99593": 3,
+ "15n100351": 3,
+ "15n105142": 3,
+ "15n122147": 3,
+ "15n126255": 3,
+ "15n127744": 3,
+ "15n132539": 3,
+ "15n134183": 3,
+ "15n134435": 3,
+ "15n135170": 3,
+ "15n137023": 3,
+ "15n142082": 3,
+ "15n145384": 3,
+ "15n146140": 3,
+ "15n147033": 3,
+ "15n151780": 3,
+ "15n152852": 3,
+ "15n153976": 3,
+ "15n154660": 3,
+ "15n154766": 3,
+ "15n159959": 3,
+ "15n160415": 3,
+ "15n160533": 3,
+ "15n165706": 3,
+ "15n165708": 3,
+ "15n165735": 3,
+ "15n165748": 3,
+ "15n166307": 3,
+ "15n167633": 3,
+ "15n167645": 3,
+ "15n168004": 3,
+ "15n168014": 3,
+ "10_123": 5,
+ "14n7478": 5,
+ "15a40549": 5,
+ "15a53966": 5,
+ "15a64035": 5,
+ "15a69121": 5,
+ "15a76651": 5,
+ "15a84903": 5,
+ "15a85262": 5,
+ "15n35157": 5,
+ "15n113162": 5,
+ "15n142117": 5,
+ "14a19470": 7,
+ "15n162490": 7,
+ "15a74206": 9,
+ "15n154766": 9,
+ "15n160415": 9,
+ "15n165706": 9,
+ }
+ set_to_check |= set(self.success_dict.keys())
+ # knots that are known to be periodic
+ self.periods_dict = {
+ "3_1": [3],
+ "5_1": [5],
+ "7_1": [7],
+ "8_19": [3],
+ "9_1": [3, 9],
+ "9_35": [3],
+ "9_40": [3],
+ "9_41": [3],
+ "9_47": [3],
+ "9_49": [3],
+ "10_3": [3],
+ "10_123": [5],
+ "10_124": [3, 5],
+ "11a367": [11],
+ "12a503": [3],
+ "12a561": [3],
+ "12a615": [3],
+ "12a1019": [3],
+ "12a1022": [3],
+ "12a1202": [3],
+ "14a19470": [7],
+ "15a64035": [5],
+ "15a84903": [5],
+ "15a85262": [5],
+ "15a85263": [5],
+ "12a100": [-3],
+ "12a348": [-3],
+ "12a376": [-3],
+ "12a1206": [-3],
+ "13a2142": [-5],
+ "13a2907": [-5],
+ "13a3010": [-5],
+ "15a23599": [-5],
+ "15a23902": [-5],
+ "15a40549": [-5],
+ "15a53966": [-5]
+ }
+ # set_to_check |= set(self.periods_dict.keys())
+ # knots that have Alexander polynomial = 1
+ self.alexander_1 = set(["11n34",
+ "11n42",
+ "12n313",
+ "12n430",
+ "13n65",
+ "13n71",
+ "13n866",
+ "13n1019",
+ "13n1496",
+ "13n1756",
+ "13n1757",
+ "13n3871",
+ "13n3872",
+ "13n3897",
+ "13n3934",
+ "13n3936",
+ "13n3938",
+ "13n4582",
+ "13n4591",
+ "14n3798",
+ "14n4425",
+ "14n5152",
+ "14n5486",
+ "14n6082",
+ "14n7469",
+ "14n7708",
+ "14n9023",
+ "14n9290",
+ "14n9684",
+ "14n9773",
+ "14n9882",
+ "14n10011",
+ "14n10119",
+ "14n10990",
+ "14n11063",
+ "14n11129",
+ "14n11515",
+ "14n11680",
+ "14n12763",
+ "14n14735",
+ "14n14833",
+ "14n15285",
+ "14n15581",
+ "14n18909",
+ "14n18911",
+ "14n21673",
+ "14n22185",
+ "14n22589",
+ "14n23325",
+ "14n23411",
+ "14n23417",
+ "14n23940",
+ "14n24036",
+ "14n24396",
+ "14n25281",
+ "15n2810",
+ "15n3240",
+ "15n4018",
+ "15n4646",
+ "15n11287",
+ "15n11296",
+ "15n11568",
+ "15n11570",
+ "15n15829",
+ "15n16056",
+ "15n17501",
+ "15n21288",
+ "15n21905",
+ "15n21939",
+ "15n21944",
+ "15n24436",
+ "15n25044",
+ "15n27582",
+ "15n27824",
+ "15n28998",
+ "15n29401",
+ "15n29559",
+ "15n29563",
+ "15n30723",
+ "15n31075",
+ "15n34773",
+ "15n36113",
+ "15n37062",
+ "15n38863",
+ "15n40132",
+ "15n40402",
+ "15n40938",
+ "15n42200",
+ "15n42279",
+ "15n42516",
+ "15n44873",
+ "15n45781",
+ "15n45782",
+ "15n46093",
+ "15n46536",
+ "15n48362",
+ "15n49081",
+ "15n49735",
+ "15n49992",
+ "15n50050",
+ "15n50051",
+ "15n50147",
+ "15n50819",
+ "15n51748",
+ "15n51847",
+ "15n52282",
+ "15n52651",
+ "15n54221",
+ "15n58433",
+ "15n58501",
+ "15n59917",
+ "15n59918",
+ "15n61482",
+ "15n62093",
+ "15n62150",
+ "15n63468",
+ "15n64468",
+ "15n65084",
+ "15n65980",
+ "15n71170",
+ "15n73226",
+ "15n74185",
+ "15n77245",
+ "15n77247",
+ "15n80534",
+ "15n82843",
+ "15n83995",
+ "15n85041",
+ "15n85314",
+ "15n87941",
+ "15n88033",
+ "15n89822",
+ "15n91092",
+ "15n91760",
+ "15n95983",
+ "15n95989",
+ "15n95995",
+ "15n96014",
+ "15n103703",
+ "15n108850",
+ "15n108966",
+ "15n110439",
+ "15n113775",
+ "15n115135",
+ "15n115375",
+ "15n117232",
+ "15n120055",
+ "15n120219",
+ "15n121343",
+ "15n121598",
+ "15n121834",
+ "15n121916",
+ "15n122603",
+ "15n123337",
+ "15n123414",
+ "15n123479",
+ "15n124496",
+ "15n124511",
+ "15n124640",
+ "15n124838",
+ "15n124849",
+ "15n125351",
+ "15n126042",
+ "15n126050",
+ "15n127500",
+ "15n128163",
+ "15n130096",
+ "15n130504",
+ "15n130528",
+ "15n131977",
+ "15n132396",
+ "15n132965",
+ "15n134216",
+ "15n135221",
+ "15n135706",
+ "15n138033",
+ "15n138051",
+ "15n139247",
+ "15n139256",
+ "15n139840",
+ "15n140327",
+ "15n140449",
+ "15n142843",
+ "15n143482",
+ "15n143825",
+ "15n143856",
+ "15n143985",
+ "15n144034",
+ "15n144436",
+ "15n144439",
+ "15n145339",
+ "15n145981",
+ "15n146982",
+ "15n151010",
+ "15n154389",
+ "15n155056",
+ "15n155464",
+ "15n156539",
+ "15n163337",
+ "15n165398",
+ ])
+ # set_to_check |= self.alexander_1
+ set_to_check = set(["10_123"])
+ return set_to_check
+class PeriodicityTester(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, pd_code, A=None, f_homfly_in=None):
+ self.results = []
+ '''
+ To results for each period q a list in following form will be appended:
+ [q, murasugi, naik_1, naik_2, borodzik, przytycki]
+ Crierion is set to be:
+ -1 if it is not applicable (details in check_naik_2, check_przytycki,
+ 1 if criterion doesn't exclude periodic,
+ 0 if criterion excludes periodicity.
+ murasugi, naik_1, naik_2 or borodzik is also set to be:
+ 2 if alexander_polynomial == 1.
+ 0 if previous criterion in the list is 0.
+ '''
+ self.name = name
+ self.pd_code = pd_code
+ self.smith = None
+ self.reset_results()
+ if pd_code is not None:
+ self.K = Link(pd_code)
+ self.seifert = self.K.seifert_matrix()
+ print self.seifert
+ else:
+ self.seifert = A
+ # delta := Alexander polynomial
+ delta = (self.seifert.transpose() - t * self.seifert).determinant()
+ self.delta = delta.shift(-delta.exponents()[0])
+ self.delta_factors = self.set_delta_factors()
+ self.przytycki_tester = self.get_przytycki_tester(f_homfly_in)
+ def reset_results(self):
+ self.murasugi = 0
+ self.naik_1 = 0
+ self.naik_2 = 0
+ self.borodzik = 0
+ self.przytycki = 0
+ self.murasugi_fulfilling = set()
+ self.naik_1_fulfilling = []
+ self.naik_2_fulfilling = []
+ def set_smith(self):
+ symetric_from_seifert = self.seifert + self.seifert.transpose()
+ assert symetric_from_seifert.determinant() != 0, \
+ "The determinant of A + A^T is zero."
+ self.smith = symetric_from_seifert.smith_form()
+ D, U, V = self.smith
+ self.diagonal = D.diagonal()
+ self.maximum_in_diagonal = max(self.diagonal)
+ C = U.inverse()
+ E_inverse = V
+ self.C_tran_E_inv_D_inv = C.transpose() * E_inverse * D.inverse()
+ self.matrix_C = C
+ self.matrix_E_inverse = E_inverse
+ def get_przytycki_tester(self, f_homfly_in):
+ if self.pd_code is not None:
+ try:
+ return PrzytyckiTester(self.K, self.name, f_homfly_in)
+ except ImportError as e:
+ if settings.debugging:
+ print "Error by checking Przytycki criterion.\n" + str(e)
+ return None
+ def get_C_tran_E_inv_D_inv(self):
+ if self.smith is None:
+ self.set_smith()
+ return self.C_tran_E_inv_D_inv
+ def get_maximum_in_diagonal(self):
+ if self.smith is None:
+ self.set_smith()
+ return self.maximum_in_diagonal
+ def set_delta_factors(self):
+ # find all delta (alexander polynomial) factors
+ lst_of_factors = [[f[0]] * f[1] for f in self.delta.factor()]
+ # flattening a list
+ lst_of_factors = [el for sublist in lst_of_factors for el in sublist]
+ delta_candidates = set()
+ for s in get_subsets(lst_of_factors):
+ d = t^0
+ for el in s:
+ d *= el
+ delta_candidates.add(d)
+ return delta_candidates
+ def check_criteria_for_period(self, q):
+ self.reset_results()
+ self.przytycki = self.check_przytycki(q)
+ if self.delta == 1:
+ self.murasugi = 2
+ self.naik_1 = 2
+ self.naik_2 = 2
+ self.borodzik = 2
+ return 2
+ self.murasugi = self.check_murasugi(q)
+ self.naik_1 = self.check_naik_1(q)
+ self.naik_2 = self.check_naik_2(q)
+ self.borodzik = self.check_borodzik(q)
+ if settings.debugging:
+ print ("\n" + "#" * 30 + " Calculations for knot " + self.name +
+ " and q = " + str(q) + " " + "#" * 30 + "\n")
+ self.print_data_for_murasugi(q)
+ self.print_data_for_naik_1(q)
+ self.print_data_for_naik_2(q)
+ self.print_data_for_borodzik(q)
+ return self.borodzik * self.przytycki
+ def check_murasugi(self, q):
+ '''
+ Select these delta factors and natural number r such that:
+ delta = delta_prime^q * (1 + t^1 + ... + t^(r-1))^(q-1) mod q
+ where "delta_prime" is a delta factor.
+ '''
+ quotient_delta = self.delta.change_ring(GF(q))
+ # Underlying polynomial of quotient_delta:
+ quotient_delta = quotient_delta.polynomial_construction()[0]
+ delta_degree = quotient_delta.degree()
+ for candidate in self.delta_factors:
+ quotient_candidate = candidate.change_ring(GF(q))
+ power_candidate = quotient_candidate^q
+ power_candidate = power_candidate.polynomial_construction()[0]
+ # (r - 1) - possible t-polynomial degree
+ r = (delta_degree - power_candidate.degree()) / (q - 1) + 1
+ if r < 1 or not r.is_integer():
+ continue
+ t_polynomial = get_t_polynomial(q, r)
+ right_side = t_polynomial * power_candidate
+ if quotient_delta != right_side and -quotient_delta != right_side:
+ continue
+ self.murasugi_fulfilling.add((candidate, r))
+ return int(bool(self.murasugi_fulfilling))
+ def check_naik_1_candidate(self, delta_prime, delta_evaluated, q):
+ t_delta = delta_evaluated / delta_prime(-1)
+ t_delta_dict = {f[0]: f[1] for f in factor(t_delta)}
+ t_delta_factors = [f for f in t_delta_dict.keys()
+ if f != 2 and gcd(q, f) == 1]
+ for f in t_delta_factors:
+ f_q = naik_number_dict.setdefault((f, q), get_naik_number(f, q))
+ if not (t_delta_dict[f] / (2 * f_q)).is_integer():
+ return None
+ return t_delta_factors
+ def check_naik_1(self, q):
+ '''
+ For each delta' find a set P of prime numbers p such that:
+ gcd(p, q) == 1, p != 2 and p| t_delta, t_delta = delta(-1)/delta'(-1).
+ Check if all p factors of t_delta has multiplicity divisible by 2*[p|q].
+ If it holds for at least one delta' candidate, set naik_1 = True.
+ '''
+ delta_evaluated = self.delta(-1)
+ for delta_prime, _ in self.murasugi_fulfilling:
+ t_delta_factors = self.check_naik_1_candidate(delta_prime,
+ delta_evaluated, q)
+ if t_delta_factors is not None:
+ self.naik_1_fulfilling.append((delta_prime, t_delta_factors))
+ return int(bool(self.naik_1_fulfilling))
+ def check_naik_2_candidate(self, q, p_list):
+ delta_prime_bases = []
+ maximum_in_diagonal = self.get_maximum_in_diagonal()
+ for p in p_list:
+ p_q = naik_number_dict[(p, q)]
+ bases_for_p_torsion = []
+ factor_power = p
+ # find all p^k torsion parts
+ while (maximum_in_diagonal / factor_power).is_integer():
+ basis_for_p_k_part = []
+ for el in self.diagonal:
+ to_be_append = el / factor_power
+ is_int = (to_be_append / p).is_integer()
+ if to_be_append.is_integer() and not is_int:
+ basis_for_p_k_part.append(to_be_append)
+ else:
+ basis_for_p_k_part.append(0)
+ len_non_zero = sum(x != 0 for x in basis_for_p_k_part)
+ # check if dimension is multiple of 2 * naik_number
+ if not (len_non_zero / (2 * p_q)).is_integer():
+ return None
+ factor_power *= p
+ bases_for_p_torsion.append(basis_for_p_k_part)
+ delta_prime_bases.append((p, bases_for_p_torsion))
+ return delta_prime_bases
+ def check_naik_2(self, q):
+ '''
+ For each delta' consider a set P of primes p such that: gcd(p, q) == 1,
+ p != 2, p| delta(-1)/delta'(-1) (self.naik_1_fulfilling) and p is not
+ a factor of delta'(-1). Check if dimension of p^k torsion part
+ is divisible by 2*[p|q] for all k and all p from P.
+ If it holds for at least one delta' candidate, we set naik_2 to be True.
+ In particular naik_2 is set to be -1 if the criterion passes,
+ but only in cases where P is an empty set.
+ '''
+ for delta_prime, p_list in self.naik_1_fulfilling:
+ delta_prime_factors = set([d[0] for d in factor(delta_prime(-1))])
+ p_list = [p for p in p_list if p not in delta_prime_factors]
+ if not p_list:
+ self.naik_2 = -1
+ self.borodzik = -1
+ continue
+ delta_prime_bases = self.check_naik_2_candidate(q, p_list)
+ if delta_prime_bases is not None:
+ self.naik_2_fulfilling.append((delta_prime,
+ delta_prime_bases))
+ if self.naik_2_fulfilling:
+ return 1
+ return self.naik_2
+ def check_borodzik(self, q):
+ '''
+ Consider all delta' that meet criterion Naik 2.
+ For all p from a set P (defined as in check_naik_2)
+ and all k consider p^k torsion part.
+ For each p^k torsion check if eta == epsilon_1 * epsilon_2
+ (see check_borodzik_candidate()).
+ If it holds for at least one delta' candidate, set borodzik to be True.
+ In particular borodzik is set to be -1 if the criterion passes,
+ but only in cases where P is an empty set.
+ '''
+ for delta_prime, delta_prime_bases in self.naik_2_fulfilling:
+ borodzik_pass = True
+ for p, bases_for_p in delta_prime_bases:
+ # if len(bases_for_p) > 1:
+ # print "HURA" # more than one p^k part - not found yet
+ if not self.check_borodzik_candidate(q, p, bases_for_p):
+ borodzik_pass = False
+ break
+ if borodzik_pass:
+ return 1
+ return self.borodzik
+ def check_borodzik_candidate(self, q, p, bases):
+ '''
+ For each p^k torsion check if eta == epsilon_1 * epsilon_2.
+ If determinant of corsesponding matrix P is square modulo p, then:
+ episilon_1 = 1, else: episilon_1 = -1.
+ If p == 3 mod(4) and a rank of p^k torsion part n == 2 mod(4), then:
+ epsilon_2 = -1, else: epsilon_2 = 1.
+ eta = naik_sign ^ d, where d = n / (2 * [p, q]).
+ If p^([p, q]) % q == 1, then: naik_sign = 1, else: naik_sign = -1.
+ '''
+ for k, p_k_basis in enumerate(bases):
+ X = np.diagflat(p_k_basis)
+ # columns that up to zero (element in diagonal is zero):
+ zero_columns = np.nonzero(X.sum(axis=0) == 0)
+ X = np.delete(X, zero_columns, axis=1)
+ n = X.shape[1]
+ X = matrix(X)
+ P = p^(k + 1) * X.transpose() * self.get_C_tran_E_inv_D_inv() * X
+ P_det = P.determinant()
+ if P_det % p == 0:
+ raise ValueError("P determinant is 0 modulo p.")
+ if p % 4 == 3 and n % 4 == 2: # epsilon_1
+ epsilon = -1
+ else:
+ epsilon = 1
+ if not mod(P_det, p).is_square():
+ epsilon *= -1 # epsilon = epsilon_1 * epsilon_2
+ p_q = naik_number_dict[(p, q)]
+ d = n / (2 * p_q)
+ # sign(p_q) - whether rest is -1 or 1
+ if sign(p_q)^d != epsilon:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def check_przytycki(self, q):
+ if self.przytycki_tester is not None and q in prime_numbers:
+ try:
+ return self.przytycki_tester.check_congruence(q)
+ except (AttributeError, OverflowError) as e:
+ pass
+ return -1
+ def save_results(self, f_out, f_homfly_out=None):
+ for result in self.results:
+ line_to_write = self.name + "," + ",".join(map(str, result))
+ if settings.check_old_results and (result[0] in [3, 5, 7, 9, 11]):
+ line = f_old_results.readline()
+ # name, q, murasugi, naik_1, naik_2, borodzik, przytycki
+ while line:
+ line = line.split(',')
+ if line[0] == self.name and line[1] == str(result[0]):
+ old_results = [int(x) for x in line[2:]]
+ # if old_results[:-1] != result[1:-1]:
+ if old_results[:] != result[1:]:
+ print ("#" * 30 + " ERROR " + line[0] + " " +
+ "#" * 30)
+ print "q = " + line[1]
+ print "result " + str(result[1:])
+ print "old_results " + str(old_results)
+ break
+ line = f_old_results.readline()
+ if not line:
+ print "No data to compare."
+ f_out.writelines(line_to_write + "\n")
+ if self.przytycki_tester is not None and f_homfly_out is not None:
+ lm_polynomial = self.przytycki_tester.homflypt_polynomial
+ line_to_write = self.name + "," + str(lm_polynomial) + "\n"
+ f_homfly_out.writelines(line_to_write)
+ def print_results(self):
+ print "\n" + "#" * 15 + " " + str(self.name) + " " + "#" * 15
+ if self.name in settings.periods_dict:
+ print "periods: " + str(settings.periods_dict[self.name])
+ for result in self.results:
+ q = result[0]
+ print
+ self.print_przytycki_result(q, result[5])
+ if result[1] == 2:
+ print "Alexander polynomial is 1"
+ continue
+ if not result[1]:
+ print "\t\tMurasugi: fail, q = " + str(q)
+ continue
+ print "Murasugi: pass, q = " + str(q)
+ if not result[2]:
+ print "\t\tNaik 1: fail, q = " + str(q)
+ continue
+ print "Naik 1: pass, q = " + str(q)
+ if not result[3]:
+ print "\t\tNaik 2: fail, q = " + str(q)
+ continue
+ if result[3] == -1:
+ print "Naik 2: not applicable, q = " + str(q)
+ continue
+ print "Naik 2: pass, q = " + str(q)
+ if not result[4]:
+ print ("\t\tBorodzik: fail, q = " + str(q))
+ continue
+ if result[4] == -1:
+ print ("Borodzik: not applicable, q = " + str(q))
+ continue
+ print ("Borodzik: pass, q = " + str(q))
+ def print_przytycki_result(self, q, result):
+ if not result:
+ print "\t\tPrzytycki: fail, q = " + str(q)
+ elif result == -1:
+ print "Przytycki: not applicable, q = " + str(q)
+ else:
+ print "Przytycki: pass, q = " + str(q)
+ def print_data_for_murasugi(self, q):
+ if self.murasugi:
+ print ("\n" + "#" * 30 + " Knot " + str(self.name) +
+ " passes Murasugi condition for q = " +
+ str(q) + " " + "#" * 30)
+ else:
+ print ("\nKnot " + str(self.name) +
+ " fails Murasugi condition for q = " + str(q))
+ quotient_delta = self.delta.change_ring(GF(q))
+ quotient_delta = quotient_delta.polynomial_construction()[0]
+ print "delta: " + str(self.delta)
+ print "delta factors: " + str(self.delta.factor())
+ print "delta mod q = " + str(quotient_delta)
+ delta_degree = quotient_delta.degree()
+ self.print_murasugi_fulfilling(q)
+ # self.print_candidates_that_fail_murasugi(q)
+ def print_murasugi_fulfilling(self, q):
+ quotient_delta = self.delta.change_ring(GF(q))
+ quotient_delta = quotient_delta.polynomial_construction()[0]
+ delta_degree = quotient_delta.degree()
+ print ("\nNumber of candidates that pass Murasugi = " +
+ str(len(self.murasugi_fulfilling)))
+ for i, (delta_prime, r) in enumerate(self.murasugi_fulfilling):
+ print "\n" + str(i + 1) + ". delta_prime:\t" + str(delta_prime)
+ t_polynomial = get_t_polynomial(q, r)
+ print "polynomial^(q-1) = " + str(t_polynomial)
+ right_side = t_polynomial * delta_prime^q
+ print "*" * 50
+ print "delta == delta_prime^q * polynomial^(q-1) mod q"
+ print "right side:\t" + str(right_side.factor())
+ print "left side:\t" + str(quotient_delta.factor())
+ def print_candidates_that_fail_murasugi(self, q):
+ quotient_delta = self.delta.change_ring(GF(q))
+ quotient_delta = quotient_delta.polynomial_construction()[0]
+ delta_degree = quotient_delta.degree()
+ for candidate in self.delta_factors:
+ quotient_candidate = candidate.change_ring(GF(q))
+ power_candidate = quotient_candidate^q
+ shifted_candidate = power_candidate.polynomial_construction()[0]
+ r = (delta_degree - shifted_candidate.degree()) / (q - 1) + 1
+ if r > 0 and r.is_integer():
+ t_polynomial = get_t_polynomial(q, r)
+ right_side = t_polynomial * shifted_candidate
+ if (quotient_delta == right_side or
+ (-quotient_delta) == right_side):
+ continue
+ print "\nFor candidate = " + str(candidate)
+ print "quotient_candidate = " + str(quotient_candidate)
+ print "candidate^q = " + str(power_candidate)
+ print "shifted = " + str(shifted_candidate)
+ print "delta degree = " + str(delta_degree)
+ print "candidate^q degree " + str(shifted_candidate.degree())
+ print "r = " + str(r)
+ if r > 0 and r.is_integer():
+ print "right_side = " + str(right_side)
+ print "delta mod q = " + str(quotient_delta)
+ def print_data_for_naik_1(self, q):
+ if not self.murasugi:
+ return None
+ if not self.naik_1:
+ print ("\nKnot " + str(self.name) +
+ " fails Naik 1 condition for q = " + str(q))
+ else:
+ print ("\n" + "#" * 30 + " Knot " + str(self.name) +
+ " passes Naik 1 condition for q = " + str(q) +
+ " " + "#" * 30)
+ print "delta: " + str(self.delta)
+ print "delta at -1: " + str(self.delta(-1))
+ print "factors for evaluated: " + str(self.delta(-1).factor())
+ self.print_naik_1_fulfilling(q)
+ def print_naik_1_fulfilling(self, q):
+ print ("\nNumber of candidates that pass Naik 1 = " +
+ str(len(self.naik_1_fulfilling)))
+ for delta_prime, p_list in self.naik_1_fulfilling:
+ print "delta prime: " + str(delta_prime)
+ print "delta prime at -1: " + str(delta_prime(-1))
+ t_delta = self.delta(-1)/delta_prime(-1)
+ print "delta/delta_prime(-1):\t\t" + str(t_delta)
+ print "delta/delta_prime(-1) factors:\t" + str(t_delta.factor())
+ if not p_list:
+ print "List of factors was empty."
+ for p in p_list:
+ g = abs(naik_number_dict[(p, q)])
+ print "factor of del/del'(-1): " + str(p)
+ print "Naik number: " + str(g)
+ print "2 * Naik number:\t" + str(2 * g)
+ test_naik_number = p^g % q
+ print (str(p) + "^" + str(g) + " % " + str(q) + " = " +
+ str(test_naik_number) + " = " +
+ str(test_naik_number - q))
+ t_delta_dict = {i[0]: i[1] for i in factor(t_delta)}
+ print "The power of factor:\t" + str(t_delta_dict[p])
+ def print_data_for_naik_2(self, q):
+ if not self.naik_1:
+ return None
+ if not self.naik_2:
+ return None
+ print ("\n" + "#" * 30 + " Knot " + str(self.name) +
+ " passes Naik 2 condition for q = " + str(q) + " " + "#" * 30)
+ print "delta:\t\t\t" + str(self.delta)
+ print "delta at -1:\t\t" + str(self.delta(-1))
+ print "factors for evaluated:\t" + str(self.delta(-1).factor())
+ if self.naik_2 == -1:
+ self.print_naik_2_not_applicable(q)
+ return None
+ self.print_naik_2_fulfilling(q)
+ def print_naik_2_not_applicable(self, q):
+ for delta_prime, p_list in self.naik_1_fulfilling:
+ delta_prime_factors = set([d[0] for d in factor(delta_prime(-1))])
+ p_list = [p for p in p_list if p not in delta_prime_factors]
+ if not p_list:
+ print ("\nChecking Naik 2 condition for candidate " +
+ str(delta_prime) + " and q = " + str(q)) + "."
+ print ("The list of factors was empty or all factors " +
+ "were dela'(-1) factors.")
+ print "Naik 2 and Borodzik can not exclude periodicity.\n"
+ def print_naik_2_fulfilling(self, q):
+ for delta_prime, delta_prime_bases in self.naik_2_fulfilling:
+ print "\ndelta prime:\t\t\t" + str(delta_prime)
+ print "delta prime at -1:\t\t" + str(delta_prime(-1))
+ t_delta = self.delta(-1)/delta_prime(-1)
+ print "delta/delta_prime(-1):\ " + str(t_delta)
+ print "delta/delta_prime(-1) factors: " + str(t_delta.factor())
+ for p, bases_for_p in delta_prime_bases:
+ print "\nfactor p for delta prime:\t\t\t" + str(p)
+ g = abs(naik_number_dict[(p, q)])
+ print "Naik number:\t\t" + str(g)
+ print "2 * Naik number:\t" + str(2 * g)
+ test_naik_number = p^g % q
+ print (str(p) + "^" + str(g) + " % " + str(q) + " = " +
+ str(test_naik_number) + " = " +
+ str(test_naik_number - q))
+ t_delta_dict = {i[0]: i[1] for i in factor(t_delta)}
+ print "The power of factor:\t" + str(t_delta_dict[p])
+ print "diagonal: " + str(self.diagonal)
+ print "p^k basis"
+ for k, b in enumerate(bases_for_p):
+ print "k = " + str(k + 1)
+ print "basis:\t" + str(b)
+ def print_data_for_borodzik(self, q):
+ if self.naik_2 != 1:
+ return None
+ if self.borodzik:
+ print ("\n" + "#" * 30 + " Knot " + str(self.name) +
+ " passes Borodzik condition for q = " +
+ str(q) + " " + "#" * 30)
+ else:
+ print "%" * 200
+ print ("\nKnot " + str(self.name) +
+ " fails Borodzik condition for q = " + str(q))
+ if settings.print_matrices:
+ self.print_matrices_for_borodzik(q)
+ for delta_prime, delta_prime_bases in self.naik_2_fulfilling:
+ print "\nResults for candidate delta_prime = " + str(delta_prime)
+ for p, bases_for_p in delta_prime_bases:
+ print "Results for p = " + str(p)
+ for k, p_k_basis in enumerate(bases_for_p):
+ self.print_borodzik_for_p_k_basis(p, k, p_k_basis, q)
+ print "%" * 200 + "\n" * 3
+ def print_matrices_for_borodzik(self, q):
+ print "\n\nSeifert matrix A:"
+ print str(self.seifert)
+ print "\n\nA + A^T:"
+ print str(self.seifert + self.seifert.transpose())
+ print "\n\nC"
+ print str(self.matrix_C)
+ # print "\nE^(-1)"
+ # print str(self.E_inverse)
+ print "\n\nD - diagonal"
+ print str(self.diagonal)
+ print "\n\nE"
+ print str(self.matrix_E_inverse.inverse())
+ print "\n\nC^T * E^{-1} * D^{-1}"
+ print self.get_C_tran_E_inv_D_inv()
+ def print_borodzik_for_p_k_basis(self, p, k, p_k_basis, q):
+ # X matrix
+ X = np.diagflat(p_k_basis)
+ zero_columns = np.nonzero(X.sum(axis=0) == 0)
+ X = np.delete(X, zero_columns, axis=1)
+ n = X.shape[1]
+ X = matrix(X)
+ # P deterinant and epsilon_1
+ P = p^(k + 1) * X.transpose() * self.get_C_tran_E_inv_D_inv() * X
+ P_det = P.determinant()
+ if settings.print_matrices:
+ print "\nsubmatrix:"
+ print self.C_tran_E_inv_D_inv[-n:, -n:]
+ print "\nP\n" + str(P)
+ print "\ndet(P) = " + str(P_det)
+ if mod(P_det, p).is_square():
+ print ("det(P) % p = " + str(P_det % p) +
+ " is a square => epsilon_1 := 1")
+ epsilon_1 = 1
+ else:
+ print ("det(P) % p = " + str(P_det % p) +
+ " isn't a square => episilon_1 := -1")
+ epsilon_1 = -1
+ # p % 4 and n % 4, and epsilon_2
+ print "\np % 4 = " + str(p) + " % 4 = " + str(p % 4)
+ print "n % 4 = " + str(n) + " % 4 = " + str(n % 4)
+ if p % 4 == 3 and n % 4 == 2:
+ print "(p % 4 == 3 and n % 4 == 2) => episilon_2 := -1"
+ epsilon_2 = -1
+ else:
+ print "(p % 4 != 3 or n % 4 != 2) => episilon_2 := 1"
+ epsilon_2 = 1
+ # epsilon and eta
+ print "epsilon = epsilon_1 * epsilon_2 = " + str(epsilon_1 * epsilon_2)
+ p_q = naik_number_dict[(p, q)]
+ d = n / (2 * abs(p_q))
+ print "\nnaik_sign = " + str(sign(p_q))
+ print "eta = naik_sign^d = " + str(sign(p_q)^d)
+ if sign(p_q)^d == epsilon_1 * epsilon_2:
+ print "eta == epsilon\n"
+ else:
+ print "eta != epsilon\n"
+class PrzytyckiTester(object):
+ def __init__(self, K, name, f_homfly_in=None):
+ self.verbose = True
+ self.verbose = False
+ self.verbose = settings.debugging
+ homflypt = self.get_homflypt_polynomial(K, name, f_homfly_in)
+ homfly_difference = homflypt(a, -z) - homflypt(a^-1, -z)
+ self.homfly_difference = z * homfly_difference
+ self.homflypt_polynomial = homflypt
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "\n" + "Knot " + name
+ print "HOMFLYPT = " + str(homflypt)
+ print ("HOMFLYPT(a, -z) - HOMFLYPT(a^-1, -z) = " +
+ str(homfly_difference))
+ print
+ def get_homflypt_polynomial(self, K, name, f_homfly_in=None):
+ if f_homfly_in is not None:
+ try:
+ current_name, homflypt = f_homfly_in.readline().split(',')
+ while current_name != name:
+ current_name, homflypt = f_homfly_in.readline().split(',')
+ homflypt = sage_eval(homflypt, locals={'a': a, 'z': z})
+ return homflypt
+ except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e:
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "The file with HOMFLYPT is incorect!\n" + str(e)
+ return K.homfly_polynomial('a', 'z', 'lm')
+ def check_congruence(self, q):
+ for i in range(q + 1):
+ z_coefficient = self.homfly_difference.coefficient(z^(i+1))
+ ideal = (a + a^-1)^(q - i) # for i == q will be 1
+ coefficient_modulo_ideal = z_coefficient.quo_rem(ideal)[1]
+ coefficient_modulo_q = coefficient_modulo_ideal.change_ring(GF(q))
+ if self.verbose:
+ print "\nv_" + str(i) + " = " + str(z_coefficient)
+ print ("v_" + str(i) + " mod (a + a^-1)^(q - i) = " +
+ str(coefficient_modulo_ideal))
+ print ("(v_" + str(i) + " mod (a + a^-1)^(q - i)) mod q = " +
+ str(coefficient_modulo_q))
+ if coefficient_modulo_q != 0:
+ return 0
+ return 1
+def check_criteria(name, pd_code, f_homfly_in=None):
+ if settings.only_chosen and name not in settings.set_to_check:
+ return None
+ tester = PeriodicityTester(name, pd_code, None, f_homfly_in)
+ for i, q in enumerate(settings.periods):
+ if settings.only_periods:
+ if tester.name not in settings.periods_dict:
+ continue
+ if (q not in settings.periods_dict[tester.name] and
+ (-q) not in settings.periods_dict[tester.name]):
+ continue
+ if settings.only_periods_where_borodzik:
+ if tester.name not in settings.fails_dict:
+ if tester.name not in settings.success_dict:
+ continue
+ if q != settings.success_dict[tester.name]:
+ continue
+ else:
+ if q != settings.fails_dict[tester.name]:
+ continue
+ tester.check_criteria_for_period(q)
+ tester.results.append([q, tester.murasugi, tester.naik_1,
+ tester.naik_2, tester.borodzik,
+ tester.przytycki])
+ if settings.print_results:
+ tester.print_results()
+ return tester
+def get_naik_number(p, q):
+ '''
+ Calculate the smallest integer i such that p^i == +/-1 mod q.
+ Signum of i shows whether rest is -1 or 1
+ '''
+ if gcd(q, p) > 1:
+ return 0
+ p_power = p
+ for i in xrange(1, sys.maxint):
+ pq = p_power % q
+ if pq == 1:
+ return i
+ if pq == q - 1:
+ return -i
+ p_power *= p
+def get_t_polynomial(q, r): # for check_murasugi(), r coresponds to l in paper
+ t_polynomial = sum([t^i for i in range(r)])
+ t_polynomial = t_polynomial.change_ring(GF(q))
+ t_polynomial ^= (q - 1)
+ return t_polynomial
+def get_subsets(myset):
+ return reduce(lambda z, x: z + [y + [x] for y in z], myset, [[]])
+def parse_pd_code(pd_code_from_file):
+ set = '0987654321[],'
+ pd_code = ''.join([c for c in pd_code_from_file if c in set])
+ return eval(pd_code)
+def parse_knot_name(name):
+ data = name[5: -2].split(',')
+ name = data[0].strip() + data[1].strip().lower()[:1] + data[2].strip()
+ return name
+def check_11_to_15(f_out, f_homfly_out=None, f_homfly_in=None):
+ with open(settings.f_pd_knot_11_15, 'r') as f:
+ line = f.readline()
+ while line:
+ name = parse_knot_name(line)
+ pd_code = parse_pd_code(f.readline())
+ line = f.readline()
+ tester = check_criteria(name, pd_code, f_homfly_in)
+ if tester is None:
+ continue
+ tester.save_results(f_out, f_homfly_out)
+def check_up_to_10(f_out, f_homfly_out=None, f_homfly_in=None):
+ with open(settings.f_knot_up_to_10, 'r') as f:
+ line = f.readline()
+ while line:
+ line = line.split(" = ")
+ name = str(line[0])[5:]
+ pd_code = parse_pd_code(str(line[1]))
+ line = f.readline()
+ tester = check_criteria(name, pd_code, f_homfly_in)
+ if tester is None:
+ continue
+ tester.save_results(f_out, f_homfly_out)
+def test_all(f_out, f_homfly_out=None, f_homfly_in=None):
+ check_up_to_10(f_out, f_homfly_out, f_homfly_in)
+ if f_homfly_out is not None:
+ f_homfly_out.flush()
+ if f_out is not None:
+ f_out.flush()
+ check_11_to_15(f_out, f_homfly_out, f_homfly_in)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ settings = MySettings()
+ S. = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ)
+ R. = LaurentPolynomialRing(ZZ)
+ prime_numbers = Primes()
+ naik_number_dict = {}
+ if not os.path.isfile(settings.f_old_results):
+ f = open(settings.f_old_results, 'w+')
+ settings.check_old_results = False
+ f.close()
+ with open(settings.f_old_results, 'r') as f_old_results:
+ if settings.save_homfly and settings.input_file_with_homflypt:
+ with open(settings.f_results_out, 'w') as f_out,\
+ open(settings.f_homfly_lm_out, 'w') as f_homfly_out,\
+ open(settings.f_homfly_lm_in, 'r') as f_homfly_in:
+ test_all(f_out, f_homfly_out, f_homfly_in)
+ elif settings.save_homfly:
+ with open(settings.f_results_out, 'w') as f_out,\
+ open(settings.f_homfly_lm_out, 'w') as f_homfly_out:
+ test_all(f_out, f_homfly_out)
+ elif settings.input_file_with_homflypt:
+ with open(settings.f_results_out, 'w') as f_out,\
+ open(settings.f_homfly_lm_in, 'r') as f_homfly_in:
+ test_all(f_out, None, f_homfly_in)
+ else:
+ with open(settings.f_results_out, 'w') as f_out:
+ test_all(f_out)