tests for untwisted part for bad charachters
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,12 +2,159 @@
import collections
import numpy as np
import itertools as it
from typing import Iterable
class SignatureFunction(object):
def __init__(self, values=None, counter=None):
# set values of signature jumps
if counter is None:
if values is None:
values = []
assert all(x < 1 for x, y in values),\
"Signature function is defined on the interval [0, 1)."
counter = collections.Counter(dict(values))
self.cnt_signature_jumps = counter
def sum_of_absolute_values(self):
return sum([abs(i) for i in self.cnt_signature_jumps.values()])
def is_zero_everywhere(self):
return not any(self.cnt_signature_jumps.values())
def double_cover(self):
# to read values for t^2
new_data = []
for jump_arg, jump in self.cnt_signature_jumps.items():
new_data.append((jump_arg/2, jump))
new_data.append((1/2 + jump_arg/2, jump))
return SignatureFunction(values=new_data)
def square_root(self):
# to read values for t^(1/2)
new_data = []
for jump_arg, jump in self.cnt_signature_jumps.items():
if jump_arg < 1/2:
new_data.append((2 * jump_arg, jump))
return SignatureFunction(values=new_data)
def minus_square_root(self):
# to read values for t^(1/2)
counter = collections.Counter()
for jump_arg, jump in self.cnt_signature_jumps.items():
if jump_arg >= 1/2:
counter[mod_one(2 * jump_arg)] = jump
return SignatureFunction(counter=counter)
def is_big(self):
max = 0
items = self.cnt_signature_jumps.items()
for arg, _ in items:
# current = sum([jump for jump_arg, jump in items if jump_arg <= arg])
current = self(arg)
if abs(current) > abs(max):
max = current
# if abs(max) > 9:
# return max
return max
def __rshift__(self, shift):
# A shift of the signature functions corresponds to the rotation.
new_data = []
for jump_arg, jump in self.cnt_signature_jumps.items():
new_data.append((mod_one(jump_arg + shift), jump))
return SignatureFunction(values=new_data)
def __lshift__(self, shift):
return self.__rshift__(-shift)
def __neg__(self):
counter = collections.Counter()
return SignatureFunction(counter=counter)
def __add__(self, other):
counter = copy(self.cnt_signature_jumps)
return SignatureFunction(counter=counter)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.cnt_signature_jumps == other.cnt_signature_jumps
def __sub__(self, other):
counter = copy(self.cnt_signature_jumps)
return SignatureFunction(counter=counter)
def __str__(self):
result = ''.join([str(jump_arg) + ": " + str(jump) + "\n"
for jump_arg, jump in sorted(self.cnt_signature_jumps.items())])
return result
def __repr__(self):
result = ''.join([str(jump_arg) + ": " + str(jump) + ", "
for jump_arg, jump in sorted(self.cnt_signature_jumps.items())])
return result[:-2] + "."
def __call__(self, arg):
# return the value of the signature function at the point arg, i.e.
# sum of all signature jumps that occur before arg
arg = mod_one(arg)
cnt = self.cnt_signature_jumps
before_arg = [jump for jump_arg, jump in cnt.items() if jump_arg < arg]
return 2 * sum(before_arg) + cnt[arg]
def total_sign_jump(self):
# Total signature jump is the sum of all jumps.
return sum([j[1] for j in self.to_list()])
def to_list(self):
# Return signature jumps formated as a list
return sorted(self.cnt_signature_jumps.items(), key = lambda x: x[0])
def step_function_data(self):
# Transform the signature jump data to a format understandable
# by the plot function.
l = self.to_list()
vals = ([(d[0], sum(2 * j[1] for j in l[:l.index(d)+1])) for d in l] +
[(0,self.cnt_signature_jumps[0]), (1,self.total_sign_jump())])
return vals
def plot(self):
# plot the signture function
def tikz_plot(self, file_name):
# Draw the graph of the signature and transform it into TiKz.
# header of the LaTeX file
with open(file_name, "w") as output_file:
data = sorted(self.step_function_data())
output_file.write(" \\datavisualization[scientific axes,visualize as smooth line,\n")
output_file.write(" x axis={ticks={none,major={at={")
output_file.write(", " + str(N(data[0][0],digits=4)) + " as \\(" + str(data[0][0]) + "\\)")
for jump_arg,jump in data:
output_file.write(", " + str(N(jump_arg,digits=4)) + " as \\(" + str(jump_arg) + "\\)")
output_file.write(" ]\n")
output_file.write("data [format=function]{\n")
output_file.write("var x : interval [0:1];\n")
output_file.write("func y = \\value x;\n")
# close LaTeX enviroments
class TorusCable(object):
def __init__(self, knot_formula, k_vector=None, q_vector=None):
# q_i = 2 * k_i + 1
@ -16,7 +163,8 @@ class TorusCable(object):
# TBD docstring
print("Please give a list of k (k_vector) \
or q values (q_vector).")
return None
msg = ""
raise ValueError(msg)
k_vector = [(q - 1)/2 for q in q_vector]
elif q_vector is None:
@ -28,7 +176,7 @@ class TorusCable(object):
self.knot_sum = eval(knot_formula)
self.knot_description = self.get_knot_descrption()
self.__sigma_function = None
self.__signature_as_function_of_theta = None
self.signature_as_function_of_theta = None
def __get_sigma_function(self):
k_1, k_2, k_3, k_4 = [abs(k) for k in self.k_vector]
@ -61,8 +209,66 @@ class TorusCable(object):
return sigma_v
return sigma_function
def __get_signature_as_function_of_theta(self, **key_args):
if 'verbose' in key_args:
verbose_default = key_args['verbose']
verbose_default = False
def signature_as_function_of_theta(*thetas, **kwargs):
verbose = verbose_default
if 'verbose' in kwargs:
verbose = kwargs['verbose']
len_a = len(self.knot_sum)
len_t = len(thetas)
# call with no arguments
if len_t == 0:
return signature_as_function_of_theta(*(len_a * [0]))
if len_t != len_a:
if isinstance(thetas, Iterable) and len(thetas[0]) == len_a:
thetas = thetas[0]
msg = "This function takes exactly " + str(len_a) + \
" arguments or no argument at all (" + str(len_t) + \
" given)."
raise TypeError(msg)
sf = SignatureFunction()
untwisted_part = SignatureFunction()
# for each cable knot in cable sum apply theta
for i, knot in enumerate(self.knot_sum):
ssf = self.get_summand_signature_as_theta_function(*knot)
plus, _, up = ssf(thetas[i])
# sf += ssf(thetas[i])
sf += plus
untwisted_part += up
# in case wrong theata value was given
except ValueError as e:
print("ValueError: " + str(e.args[0]) +\
" Please change " + str(i + 1) + ". parameter.")
return None
a = thetas[0]
if all(i == a or i == self.q_vector[-1] - a for i in thetas):
print("\n" + "*" * 100)
print("one vector " + str(thetas))
print("max sf " + str(sf.is_big()))
assert untwisted_part.is_zero_everywhere()
if verbose:
return sf
signature_as_function_of_theta.__doc__ =\
return signature_as_function_of_theta
def get_untwisted_signature_function(j, q=None):
def get_untwisted_signature_function(j):
# return the signature function of the T_{2,2k+1} torus knot
k = abs(j)
q = 2 * k + 1
@ -82,59 +288,119 @@ class TorusCable(object):
description = description[:-2] + ") # "
return description[:-3]
# searching for signature == 0
def get_signature_as_function_of_theta(self, verbose=False):
if self.__signature_as_function_of_theta is None:
self.__signature_as_function_of_theta = \
if self.signature_as_function_of_theta is None:
self.signature_as_function_of_theta = \
return self.__signature_as_function_of_theta
return self.signature_as_function_of_theta
# searching for signature == 0
def __get_signature_as_function_of_theta(self, **key_args):
if 'verbose' in key_args:
verbose_default = key_args['verbose']
verbose_default = False
def signature_as_function_of_theta(*thetas, **kwargs):
verbose = verbose_default
if 'verbose' in kwargs:
verbose = kwargs['verbose']
len_a = len(self.knot_sum)
len_t = len(thetas)
def get_summand_signature_as_theta_function(self, *knot_as_k_values):
def get_summand_signture_function(theta):
# TBD: another formula (for t^2) description
k_n = knot_as_k_values[-1]
if theta > 2 * abs(k_n):
msg = "k for the pattern in the cable is " + str(k_n) + \
". Parameter theta should not be larger than abs(k)."
raise ValueError(msg)
# call with no arguments
if len_t == 0:
return signature_as_function_of_theta(*(len_a * [0]))
# twisted part
cable_signature = self.get_blanchfield_for_pattern(k_n, theta)
twisted_part = self.get_blanchfield_for_pattern(k_n, theta)
untwisted_part = SignatureFunction()
# untwisted part
# for each knot summand consider k values in reversed order
# ommit last k = k_n value
ksi = 1/(2 * abs(k_n) + 1)
for i, k in enumerate(knot_as_k_values[:-1][::-1]):
power = 2^i
a = TorusCable.get_untwisted_signature_function(k)
shift = theta * ksi * power
b = a >> shift
c = a << shift
for _ in range(i):
b = b.double_cover()
c = c.double_cover()
cable_signature += b + c
untwisted_part += b + c
return cable_signature, twisted_part, untwisted_part
get_summand_signture_function.__doc__ = \
return get_summand_signture_function
if len_t != len_a:
if len(thetas[0]) == len_a:
thetas = thetas[0]
msg = "This function takes exactly " + str(len_a) + \
" arguments or no argument at all (" + str(len_t) + \
" given)."
raise TypeError(msg)
def get_blanchfield_for_pattern(self, k_n, theta):
if theta == 0:
sf = TorusCable.get_untwisted_signature_function(k_n)
return sf.square_root() + sf.minus_square_root()
sf = SignatureFunction()
results = []
k = abs(k_n)
ksi = 1/(2 * k + 1)
# print("lambda_odd, i.e. (theta + e) % 2 != 0")
for e in range(1, k + 1):
if (theta + e) % 2 != 0:
results.append((e * ksi, 1 * sgn(k_n)))
results.append((1 - e * ksi, -1 * sgn(k_n)))
# for example for k = 9 (q = 19) from this part we get
# for even theta
# 2/19: 1
# 4/19: 1
# 6/19: 1
# 8/19: 1
# 11/19: -1
# 13/19: -1
# 15/19: -1
# 17/19: -1
# for odd theta
# 1/19: 1
# 3/19: 1
# 5/19: 1
# 7/19: 1
# 9/19: 1
# 10/19: -1
# 12/19: -1
# 14/19: -1
# 16/19: -1
# 18/19: -1
# print("lambda_even")
# print("normal")
for e in range(1, theta):
if (theta + e) % 2 == 0:
results.append((e * ksi, 1 * sgn(k_n)))
results.append((1 - e * ksi, -1 * sgn(k_n)))
# print("reversed")
for e in range(theta + 1, k + 1):
if (theta + e) % 2 == 0:
results.append((e * ksi, -1 * sgn(k_n)))
results.append((1 - e * ksi, 1 * sgn(k_n)))
return SignatureFunction(values=results)
def get_number_of_combinations_of_theta(self):
number_of_combinations = 1
for knot in self.knot_sum:
number_of_combinations *= (2 * abs(knot[-1]) + 1)
return number_of_combinations
# to be removed
def check_combinations_in_range(self, range_product):
if self.__sigma_function is None:
self.__sigma_function = self.__get_sigma_function()
return self.__check_combinations_in_range(range_product, SIGMA)
# to be removed
def calculate_sigma(self, theta_vector):
if self.__sigma_function is None:
self.__sigma_function = self.__get_sigma_function()
return self.__sigma_function(theta_vector)
def is_sigma_for_vector_class_big(self, theta_vector):
if self.__sigma_function is None:
self.__sigma_function = self.__get_sigma_function()
return self.__is_value_for_vector_class_big(theta_vector, SIGMA)
# for each cable knot in cable sum apply theta
for i, knot in enumerate(self.knot_sum):
ssf = get_summand_signature_as_theta_function(*knot)
sf += ssf(thetas[i])
# in case wrong theata value was given
except ValueError as e:
print("ValueError: " + str(e.args[0]) +\
" Please change " + str(i + 1) + ". parameter.")
return None
if verbose:
return sf
signature_as_function_of_theta.__doc__ =\
return signature_as_function_of_theta
# searching for signature == 0
def check_for_null_theta_combinations(self, verbose=False):
@ -190,7 +456,7 @@ class TorusCable(object):
# pass
# else:
# continue
if self.__is_sigma_for_vector_class_big(vector, sigma_or_sign):
if self.__is_value_for_vector_class_big(vector, sigma_or_sign):
# print(vector)
@ -217,8 +483,9 @@ class TorusCable(object):
return number_of_null_comb, number_of_all_comb
return None
# check sigma for all v = s * [a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4] for s in [1, last_q - 1]
def __is_sigma_for_vector_class_big(self, theta_vector, sigma_or_sign):
# check sigma or signature function value
# for all v = s * [a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4] for s in [1, last_q - 1]
def __is_value_for_vector_class_big(self, theta_vector, sigma_or_sign):
[a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4] = theta_vector
q_4 = self.q_vector[-1]
k_4 = self.k_vector[-1]
@ -226,10 +493,10 @@ class TorusCable(object):
max_sigma = 0
if sigma_or_sign == SIGNATURE:
f = self.__signature_as_function_of_theta
f = self.signature_as_function_of_theta
f = self.__sigma_function
print(theta_vector, end="\t")
# print(theta_vector, end="\t")
for shift in range(1, k_4 + 1):
shifted_theta = [(shift * a) % q_4 for a in
@ -243,41 +510,34 @@ class TorusCable(object):
if abs(sigma_v) > abs(max_sigma):
max_sigma = sigma_v
if abs(sigma_v) > 5 + np.count_nonzero(shifted_theta):
print("\tok " + str(sigma_v))
# print("\tok " + str(sigma_v))
return True
print("\tbad class " + str(max_sigma))
# print("\tbad class " + str(max_sigma))
return False
def __tmp_print_all_sigma_for_vector_class(self, theta_vector):
print("vector = " + str(theta_vector))
[a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4] = theta_vector
last_q = self.q_vector[-1]
for shift in range(1, last_q):
shifted_theta = [(shift * a) % last_q for a in
[a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4]]
print(str(shifted_theta) + "\t\t" + \
# searching for sigma > 5 + #(v_i != 0)
def eval_cable_for_large_values(self, list_of_ranges,
if print_results:
print(self.knot_description) # , end="\t\t\t")
if sigma_or_sign == SIGMA:
if self.__sigma_function is None:
self.__sigma_function = self.__get_sigma_function()
if self.signature_as_function_of_theta is None:
self.signature_as_function_of_theta= \
def __tmp_get_max_sigma_for_vector_class(self, theta_vector):
max_sigma = (theta_vector, 0)
[a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4] = theta_vector
last_q = self.q_vector[-1]
for shift in range(1, last_q):
shifted_theta = [(shift * a) % last_q for a in
[a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4]]
sigma = self.__sigma_function(shifted_theta)
if abs(sigma) > abs(max_sigma[1]):
max_sigma = (shifted_theta, sigma)
return max_sigma[1]
def is_sigma_for_vector_class_big(self, theta_vector):
if self.__sigma_function is None:
self.__sigma_function = self.__get_sigma_function()
return self.__is_sigma_for_vector_class_big(theta_vector, SIGMA)
if self.__check_all_combinations_in_ranges(list_of_ranges,
return True
return False
# sigma function
def print_results_LT(self, theta_vector, untwisted_part):
knot_description = self.knot_description
k_1, k_2, k_3, k_4 = [abs(k) for k in self.k_vector]
@ -349,17 +609,11 @@ class TorusCable(object):
print("\nq_2 = " + str(2 * k_2 + 1) + ": " + repr(sigma_q_2))
print("\nq_3 = " + str(2 * k_3 + 1) + ": " + repr(sigma_q_3))
def get_number_of_combinations_of_theta(self):
number_of_combinations = 1
for knot in self.knot_sum:
number_of_combinations *= (2 * abs(knot[-1]) + 1)
return number_of_combinations
def print_results_sigma(self, theta_vector, twisted_part):
a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4 = theta_vector
knot_description = self.knot_description
last_q = self.q_vector[-1]
print("\n\nSigma values for the cable sum: ")
print("\n\nSigma values for the cable sum: ")
print("and characters: " + str(v_theta))
print("\nsigma(T_{2, q_4}, ksi_a) = " + \
@ -405,245 +659,36 @@ class TorusCable(object):
") - sigma(T_{2, q_4}, " + str(a_4) + ") = " + \
str(tp[0] - tp[1] + tp[2] - tp[3]))
# searching for sigma > 5 + #(v_i != 0)
def calculate_sigma(self, theta_vector):
if self.__sigma_function is None:
self.__sigma_function = self.__get_sigma_function()
return self.__sigma_function(theta_vector)
# searching for sigma > 5 + #(v_i != 0)
def check_combinations_in_range(self, range_product):
if self.__sigma_function is None:
self.__sigma_function = self.__get_sigma_function()
return self.__check_combinations_in_range(range_product, SIGMA)
# searching for sigma > 5 + #(v_i != 0)
def eval_cable_for_large_values(self, list_of_ranges,
if print_results:
print(self.knot_description, end="\t\t\t")
if sigma_or_sign == SIGMA:
if self.__sigma_function is None:
self.__sigma_function = self.__get_sigma_function()
if self.__signature_as_function_of_theta is None:
self.__signature_as_function_of_theta= \
if self.__check_all_combinations_in_ranges(list_of_ranges,
return True
return False
class SignatureFunction(object):
def __init__(self, values=None, counter=None):
# set values of signature jumps
if counter is None:
if values is None:
values = []
assert all(x < 1 for x, y in values),\
"Signature function is defined on the interval [0, 1)."
counter = collections.Counter(dict(values))
self.cnt_signature_jumps = counter
def sum_of_absolute_values(self):
return sum([abs(i) for i in self.cnt_signature_jumps.values()])
def is_zero_everywhere(self):
return not any(self.cnt_signature_jumps.values())
def double_cover(self):
# to read values for t^2
new_data = []
for jump_arg, jump in self.cnt_signature_jumps.items():
new_data.append((jump_arg/2, jump))
new_data.append((1/2 + jump_arg/2, jump))
return SignatureFunction(values=new_data)
def square_root(self):
# to read values for t^(1/2)
new_data = []
for jump_arg, jump in self.cnt_signature_jumps.items():
if jump_arg < 1/2:
new_data.append((2 * jump_arg, jump))
return SignatureFunction(values=new_data)
def minus_square_root(self):
# to read values for t^(1/2)
counter = collections.Counter()
for jump_arg, jump in self.cnt_signature_jumps.items():
if jump_arg >= 1/2:
counter[mod_one(2 * jump_arg)] = jump
return SignatureFunction(counter=counter)
def __rshift__(self, shift):
# A shift of the signature functions corresponds to the rotation.
new_data = []
for jump_arg, jump in self.cnt_signature_jumps.items():
new_data.append((mod_one(jump_arg + shift), jump))
return SignatureFunction(values=new_data)
def __lshift__(self, shift):
return self.__rshift__(-shift)
def __neg__(self):
counter = collections.Counter()
return SignatureFunction(counter=counter)
def __add__(self, other):
counter = copy(self.cnt_signature_jumps)
return SignatureFunction(counter=counter)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.cnt_signature_jumps == other.cnt_signature_jumps
def __sub__(self, other):
counter = copy(self.cnt_signature_jumps)
return SignatureFunction(counter=counter)
def __str__(self):
result = ''.join([str(jump_arg) + ": " + str(jump) + "\n"
for jump_arg, jump in sorted(self.cnt_signature_jumps.items())])
return result
def __repr__(self):
result = ''.join([str(jump_arg) + ": " + str(jump) + ", "
for jump_arg, jump in sorted(self.cnt_signature_jumps.items())])
return result[:-2] + "."
def __call__(self, arg):
# return the value of the signature function at the point arg, i.e.
# sum of all signature jumps that occur before arg
arg = mod_one(arg)
cnt = self.cnt_signature_jumps
before_arg = [jump for jump_arg, jump in cnt.items() if jump_arg < arg]
return 2 * sum(before_arg) + cnt[arg]
def is_big(self):
max = 0
items = self.cnt_signature_jumps.items()
for arg, _ in items:
# current = sum([jump for jump_arg, jump in items if jump_arg <= arg])
current = self(arg)
if abs(current) > abs(max):
max = current
if abs(max) > 9:
return max
return max
# def __tmp_print_all_sigma_for_vector_class(self, theta_vector):
# print("\n")
# print(self.knot_description)
# print("vector = " + str(theta_vector))
# [a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4] = theta_vector
# last_q = self.q_vector[-1]
# for shift in range(1, last_q):
# shifted_theta = [(shift * a) % last_q for a in
# [a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4]]
# print(str(shifted_theta) + "\t\t" + \
# str(self.__sigma_function(shifted_theta)))
# print("\n")
# def __tmp_get_max_sigma_for_vector_class(self, theta_vector):
# max_sigma = (theta_vector, 0)
# [a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4] = theta_vector
# last_q = self.q_vector[-1]
# for shift in range(1, last_q):
# shifted_theta = [(shift * a) % last_q for a in
# [a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4]]
# sigma = self.__sigma_function(shifted_theta)
# if abs(sigma) > abs(max_sigma[1]):
# max_sigma = (shifted_theta, sigma)
# return max_sigma[1]
def mod_one(n):
return n - floor(n)
def get_summand_signature_as_theta_function(*arg):
def get_summand_signture_function(theta):
# TBD: another formula (for t^2) description
k_n = abs(arg[-1])
if theta > k_n:
msg = "k for the pattern in the cable is " + str(arg[-1]) + \
". Parameter theta should not be larger than abs(k)."
# print(msg)
# raise ValueError(msg)
# twisted part
cable_signature = get_blanchfield_for_pattern(arg[-1], theta)
# untwisted part
for i, k in enumerate(arg[:-1][::-1]):
ksi = 1/(2 * k_n + 1)
power = 2^i
a = TorusCable.get_untwisted_signature_function(k)
shift = theta * ksi * power
b = a >> shift
c = a << shift
for _ in range(i):
b = b.double_cover()
c = c.double_cover()
cable_signature += b + c
test = b - c
test2 = -c + b
assert test == test
return cable_signature
get_summand_signture_function.__doc__ = get_summand_signture_function_docsting
return get_summand_signture_function
def get_blanchfield_for_pattern(k_n, theta):
if theta == 0:
a = get_untwisted_signature_function(k_n)
return a.square_root() + a.minus_square_root()
results = []
k = abs(k_n)
ksi = 1/(2 * k + 1)
# lambda_odd, i.e. (theta + e) % 2 != 0
for e in range(1, k + 1):
if (theta + e) % 2 != 0:
results.append((e * ksi, 1 * sgn(k_n)))
results.append((1 - e * ksi, -1 * sgn(k_n)))
# lambda_even
# print("normal")
for e in range(1, theta):
if (theta + e) % 2 == 0:
results.append((e * ksi, 1 * sgn(k_n)))
results.append((1 - e * ksi, -1 * sgn(k_n)))
# print("reversed")
for e in range(theta + 1, k + 1):
if (theta + e) % 2 != 0:
results.append((e * ksi, -1 * sgn(k_n)))
results.append((1 - e * ksi, 1 * sgn(k_n)))
return SignatureFunction(values=results)
def get_summand_signature_as_theta_function(*arg):
def get_summand_signture_function(theta):
# TBD: another formula (for t^2) description
k_n = abs(arg[-1])
if theta > k_n:
msg = "k for the pattern in the cable is " + str(arg[-1]) + \
". Parameter theta should not be larger than abs(k)."
# print(msg)
# raise ValueError(msg)
# twisted part
cable_signature = get_blanchfield_for_pattern(arg[-1], theta)
# untwisted part
for i, k in enumerate(arg[:-1][::-1]):
ksi = 1/(2 * k_n + 1)
power = 2^i
a = get_untwisted_signature_function(k)
shift = theta * ksi * power
b = a >> shift
c = a << shift
for _ in range(i):
b = b.double_cover()
c = c.double_cover()
cable_signature += b + c
test = b - c
test2 = -c + b
assert test == test
return cable_signature
get_summand_signture_function.__doc__ = get_summand_signture_function_docsting
return get_summand_signture_function
TorusCable.get_number_of_combinations_of_theta.__doc__ = \
@ -793,7 +838,7 @@ mod_one.__doc__ = \
get_blanchfield_for_pattern.__doc__ = \
TorusCable.get_blanchfield_for_pattern.__doc__ = \
k_n: a number s.t. q_n = 2 * k_n + 1, where
@ -807,7 +852,7 @@ get_blanchfield_for_pattern.__doc__ = \
get_summand_signature_as_theta_function.__doc__ = \
TorusCable.get_summand_signature_as_theta_function.__doc__ = \
n integers that encode a single cable, i.e.
@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ class Config(object):
# [-k[0], -k[1], -k[3]], [-k[2]]]"
self.limit = 3
# in search for large sigma, for 1. checked knot q_1 = 3 + start_shift
# in rch for large sigma, for 1. checked knot q_1 = 3 + start_shift
self.start_shift = 0
self.verbose = True
self.verbose = False
self.print_results = True
# self.print_results = False
self.print_results = False
self.print_calculations_for_large_sigma = True
self.print_calculations_for_large_sigma = False
@ -104,7 +104,6 @@ def set_parameters(knot_formula, limit, verbose, print_results):
return knot_formula, limit, verbose, print_results
# searching for sigma > 5 + #(v_i != 0) over given knot schema
def search_for_large_sigma_value(knot_formula=None, limit=None,
verbose=None, print_results=None):
@ -131,13 +130,18 @@ def search_for_large_sigma_value(knot_formula=None, limit=None,
print("Ratio-condition does not hold")
cable = TorusCable(knot_formula=knot_formula, q_vector=q)
list_of_ranges = config.get_list_of_ranges(cable.k_vector[-1] + 1)
list_of_ranges = config.get_list_of_ranges(cable.q_vector[-1])
if cable.eval_cable_for_large_values(list_of_ranges, SIGMA,
return good_knots
# searching for signature == 0
def search_for_null_signature_value(knot_formula=None, limit=None,
verbose=None, print_results=None):
@ -156,14 +160,29 @@ def search_for_null_signature_value(knot_formula=None, limit=None,
if is_trivial_combination(cable.knot_sum):
result = cable.eval_cable_for_null_signature(verbose=verbose,
if result is not None:
null_comb, all_comb = result
line = (str(k) + ", " + str(null_comb) + ", " +
str(all_comb) + "\n")
def check_one_cable(cable, sigma_or_sign=None,
verbose=None, print_results=None):
if sigma_or_sign is None:
sigma_or_sign = SIGNATURE
if verbose is None:
verbos = config.verbose
if print_results is None:
print_results = config.print_results
list_of_ranges = config.get_list_of_ranges(cable.q_vector[-1])
return cable.eval_cable_for_large_values(list_of_ranges, sigma_or_sign,
# searching for signature > 5 + #(v_i != 0) over given knot schema
def search_for_large_signature_value(knot_formula=None, limit=None,
verbose=None, print_results=None):
@ -211,7 +230,7 @@ def get_shifted_combination(combination):
def extract_max(string):
numbers = re.findall('\d+', string)
numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', string)
numbers = map(int, numbers)
return max(numbers)
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