correction in zeros counting

This commit is contained in:
Maria Marchwicka 2019-04-12 10:36:34 +02:00
parent dabaa24999
commit bf15b6e84b
1 changed files with 52 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import collections
import sys
import os
import inspect
import pandas as pd
import itertools as it
@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ import itertools as it
class MySettings(object):
def __init__(self):
k = 0
self.f_results = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "results.out")
def main(arg):
my_settings = MySettings()
@ -19,16 +20,19 @@ def main(arg):
def tests(limit=10):
for comb in it.combinations_with_replacement(range(1, limit + 1), 5):
knot_description, null_comb, all_comb = second_sum(*comb)
if null_comb^2 >= all_comb:
print "\n\nHURA!!"
print comb
k_0, k_1, k_2, k_3, k_4 = comb
knot_sum = [[k_0, k_1, k_2], [k_3, k_4], [-k_0, -k_3, -k_4], [-k_1, -k_2]]
result = eval_cable_for_thetas(knot_sum)
if result is not None:
knot_description, null_comb, all_comb = result
print 3 * "\nHURA"
print knot_description
print "Zero cases: " + str(null_comb)
print "All cases: " + str(all_comb)
print null_comb, all_comb
# for comb in it.combinations_with_replacement(range(1, limit + 1), 4):
# print comb
# print first_sum(*comb)
@ -231,35 +235,45 @@ def mod_one(n):
# ###################### TEMPORARY TESTS #########
# def first_sum(*arg):
# k_0, k_1, k_2, k_3 = arg
# F = get_function_of_theta_for_sum([k_3], [-k_2],
# [-k_0, -k_1, -k_3],
# [k_0, k_1, k_2])
# all_combinations = (k_3 + 1) * (k_2 + 1) * (k_3 + 1) * (k_2 + 1)
# null_combinations = 0
# non_trivial_zeros = 0
# for v_theta in it.product(range(k_3 + 1), range(k_2 + 1),
# range(k_3 + 1), range(k_2 + 1)):
# f = F(*v_theta)
# if f.sum_of_absolute_values() != 0 and sum(v_theta) == 0:
# print 4 * "\n" + "something wrong!!!!!!!!!!"
# print inspect.stack()[0][3]
# print arg
# print v_theta
# if f.sum_of_absolute_values() == 0:
# null_combinations += 1
# if sum(v_theta) != 0:
# if len(arg) == len(set(arg)) and len(set(v_theta)) > 1:
# non_trivial_zeros += 1
# # print "\nNontrivial zero"
# # print inspect.stack()[0][3]
# print arg
# print v_theta
# print
# return non_trivial_zeros, null_combinations, all_combinations
# first_sum
# F = get_function_of_theta_for_sum([k_3], [-k_2],
# [-k_0, -k_1, -k_3],
# [k_0, k_1, k_2])
def eval_cable_for_thetas(knot_sum):
F = get_function_of_theta_for_sum(*knot_sum)
knot_description = get_knot_descrption(*knot_sum)
all_combinations = get_number_of_combinations(*knot_sum)
null_combinations = 1
# non_trivial_zeros = 0
theta_limits = []
ranges_list = []
for knot in knot_sum:
ranges_list.append(range(abs(knot[-1]) + 1))
null_combinations = 1
good_theta_combinations = []
for v_theta in it.product(*ranges_list):
f = F(*v_theta)
assert f.sum_of_absolute_values() == 0 or sum(v_theta) != 0
if f.sum_of_absolute_values() == 0 and sum(v_theta) != 0:
m = len([theta for theta in v_theta if theta != 0])
null_combinations += 2^m
# if len(arg) == len(set(arg)) and len(set(v_theta)) > 1:
# non_trivial_zeros += 1
# print "\nNontrivial zero"
# print arg
# print v_theta
# print
if null_combinations^2 >= all_combinations:
print "\n\nHURA!!"
print knot_description
print "Zero cases: " + str(null_combinations)
print "All cases: " + str(all_combinations)
for el in good_theta_combinations:
print el
return knot_description, null_combinations, all_combinations
return None
def get_knot_descrption(*arg):
description = ""
@ -276,33 +290,8 @@ def get_knot_descrption(*arg):
def get_number_of_combinations(*arg):
number_of_combinations = 1
for knot in arg:
number_of_combinations *= (2 * knot[-1] + 1)
number_of_combinations *= (2 * abs(knot[-1]) + 1)
return number_of_combinations
def second_sum(*arg):
k_0, k_1, k_2, k_3, k_4 = arg
knot_sum = [[k_0, k_1, k_2], [k_3, k_4], [-k_0, -k_3, -k_4], [-k_1, -k_2]]
F = get_function_of_theta_for_sum(*knot_sum)
knot_description = get_knot_descrption(*knot_sum)
all_combinations = get_number_of_combinations(*knot_sum)
null_combinations = 1
# non_trivial_zeros = 0
for v_theta in it.product(range(k_2 + 1), range(k_4 + 1),
range(k_4 + 1), range(k_2 + 1)):
f = F(*v_theta)
assert f.sum_of_absolute_values() == 0 or sum(v_theta) != 0
if f.sum_of_absolute_values() == 0 and sum(v_theta) != 0:
null_combinations += 2
# if len(arg) == len(set(arg)) and len(set(v_theta)) > 1:
# non_trivial_zeros += 1
# print "\nNontrivial zero"
# print inspect.stack()[0][3]
# print arg
# print v_theta
# print
return knot_description, null_combinations, all_combinations
if __name__ == '__main__' and '__file__' in globals():