# This file was *autogenerated* from the file /home/maria/signature_function/gaknot/main.sage from sage.all_cmdline import * # import sage library _sage_const_0 = Integer(0); _sage_const_1 = Integer(1); _sage_const_2 = Integer(2); _sage_const_3 = Integer(3); _sage_const_5 = Integer(5); _sage_const_7 = Integer(7); _sage_const_11 = Integer(11); _sage_const_13 = Integer(13); _sage_const_10 = Integer(10)#!/usr/bin/env sage -python # TBD: read about Factory Method, variable in docstring, sage documentation, # print calc. to output file # decide about printing option # make __main__? import os import sys import itertools as it import re import numpy as np import importlib from .utility import import_sage # from . import signature as sig # from . import cable_signature as cs package = __name__.split('.')[_sage_const_0 ] path = os.path.dirname(__file__) print(path) sg = import_sage('signature', package='gaknot', path=path) cs = import_sage('cable_signature', package='gaknot', path=path) # class Config: # def __init__(self): # self.f_results = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "results.out") class Schemas: # knot_formula = "[[k[0], k[1], k[2]],\ # [ k[3], k[4]],\ # [-k[0], -k[3], -k[4]],\ # [ -k[1], -k[2]]]" # # knot_formula = "[[k[0], k[1], k[2]],\ # [ k[3]],\ # [-k[0], -k[1], -k[3]],\ # [ -k[2]]]" short_3_layers_a = "[[ k[5], k[3]], " + \ "[ -k[1], -k[3]], " + \ "[ k[3]], " + \ "[ -k[4], -k[6], -k[3]]]" short_3_layers_b = "[[k[4], k[1], k[7]], " + \ "[ -k[7]], " + \ "[ k[6], k[7]], " + \ "[ -k[5], -k[7]]]" schema_short1 = "[ [k[5], k[3]], " + \ "[ -k[1], -k[3]], " + \ "[ k[3]], " + \ "[ -k[6], -k[3]]]" schema_short2 = "[[ k[1], k[7]], " + \ "[ -k[7]], " + \ "[ k[6], k[7]], " + \ "[ -k[5], -k[7]]]" schema_short = "[[ k[5], k[3]], " + \ "[ -k[1], -k[3]], " + \ "[ k[3]], " + \ "[ -k[6], -k[3]], " + \ "[ k[1], k[7]], " + \ "[ -k[7]], " + \ "[ k[6], k[7]], " + \ "[ -k[5], -k[7]]]" # two_summands_schema = "[ [k[0], k[1], k[4]], [-k[1], -k[3]],\ # [k[2], k[3]], [-k[0], -k[2], -k[4]] ]" # two_small_summands_schema = "[[k[3]], [-k[3]],\ # [k[3]], [-k[3]] ]" # # four_summands_schema = "[[k[3], k[2], k[0]],\ # [ -k[2], -k[0]],\ # [ k[1], k[0]],\ # [-k[3], -k[1], -k[0]]]" # four_summands_schema = "[[ k[0], k[1], k[3]]," + \ "[ -k[1], -k[3]]," + \ "[ k[2], k[3]]," + \ "[ -k[0], -k[2], -k[3]]]" # formula_1 = "[[ k[0], k[5], k[3]], " + \ # "[ -k[1], -k[3]], " + \ # "[ k[2], k[3]], " + \ # "[ -k[0], -k[2], -k[3]]]" # # formula_2 = "[[ k[4], k[1], k[7]], " + \ # "[ -k[5], -k[7]], " + \ # "[ k[6], k[7]], " + \ # "[ -k[4], -k[6], -k[7]]]" # # formula_1 = "[[ k[0], k[5], k[3]], " + \ # "[ -k[5], -k[3]], " + \ # "[ k[2], k[3]], " + \ # "[-k[4], -k[2], -k[3]]]" # # formula_2 = "[[ k[4], k[1], k[7]], " + \ # "[ -k[1], -k[7]], " + \ # "[ k[6], k[7]], " + \ # "[-k[0], -k[6], -k[7]]]" def main(arg=None): try: limit = int(arg[_sage_const_1 ]) except (IndexError, TypeError): limit = None conf = Config() cable_loop_with_details(conf) def print_sigma_for_cable(verbose=True, Schemas=None): schema_short1 = Schemas.schema_short1 schema_short2 = Schemas.schema_short2 schema_short = Schemas.schema_short schema_four = Schemas.four_summands_schema cable_template = cs.CableTemplate(knot_formula=schema_short) cable_template.fill_q_vector() q_v = cable_template.q_vector print(q_v) print(cable_template.cable.knot_description) cable1 = cs.CableTemplate(knot_formula=schema_short1, verbose=verbose, q_vector=q_v ).cable cable2 = cs.CableTemplate(knot_formula=schema_short2, verbose=verbose, q_vector=q_v ).cable cable = cs.CableTemplate(knot_formula=schema_short1, verbose=verbose, q_vector=q_v ).cable cable.plot_sigma_for_summands() # cable1.plot_sigma_for_summands() # cable2.plot_sigma_for_summands() def cable_loop_with_details(verbose=True): # verbose = False schema_short1 = Schemas.schema_short1 schema_short2 = Schemas.schema_short2 schema_short = Schemas.schema_short cable_template = cs.CableTemplate(knot_formula=schema_short) list_of_q_vectors = [] # for el in [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]: for el in [_sage_const_2 ]: cable_template.fill_q_vector(lowest_number=el) q_v = cable_template.q_vector print(q_v) print(cable_template.cable.knot_description) cable1 = cs.CableTemplate(knot_formula=schema_short1, verbose=verbose, q_vector=q_v ).cable cable2 = cs.CableTemplate(knot_formula=schema_short2, verbose=verbose, q_vector=q_v ).cable # print("\n") # print(cable1.knot_description) is_1 = cable1.is_function_big_for_all_metabolizers(invariant=cs.SIGMA) is_2 = cable2.is_function_big_for_all_metabolizers(invariant=cs.SIGMA) if is_1 and is_2: print("sigma is big for all metabolizers") else: print("sigma is not big for all metabolizers") print("\n" * _sage_const_3 ) def few_cable_without_calc(verbose=False): schema_short1 = Schemas.schema_short1 schema_short2 = Schemas.schema_short2 schema_short = Schemas.schema_short cable_template = cs.CableTemplate(knot_formula=schema_short) list_of_q_vectors = [] for el in [_sage_const_2 , _sage_const_3 , _sage_const_5 , _sage_const_7 , _sage_const_11 , _sage_const_13 ]: cable_template.fill_q_vector(lowest_number=el) q_v = cable_template.q_vector print(q_v) print(cable_template.cable.knot_description) cable1 = cs.CableTemplate(knot_formula=schema_short1, verbose=verbose, q_vector=q_v ).cable cable2 = cs.CableTemplate(knot_formula=schema_short2, verbose=verbose, q_vector=q_v ).cable is_1 = cable1.is_function_big_for_all_metabolizers(invariant=sigma) is_2 = cable2.is_function_big_for_all_metabolizers(invariant=sigma) if is_1 and is_2: print("sigma is big for all metabolizers") else: print("sigma is not big for all metabolizers") print("\n" * _sage_const_3 ) def smallest_cable(verbose=True): schema_short1 = Schemas.schema_short1 schema_short2 = Schemas.schema_short2 schema_short = Schemas.schema_short cable_template = cs.CableTemplate(knot_formula=schema_short) q_v = cable_template.q_vector print(q_v) cable1 = cs.CableTemplate(knot_formula=schema_short1, verbose=verbose, q_vector=q_v).cable cable2 = cs.CableTemplate(knot_formula=schema_short2, verbose=verbose, q_vector=q_v).cable cable1.is_function_big_for_all_metabolizers(invariant=sigma) cable2.is_function_big_for_all_metabolizers(invariant=sigma) def plot_many_untwisted_signature_functions(range_tuple=(_sage_const_1 , _sage_const_10 )): P = Primes() for i in range(*range_tuple): q = P.unrank(i) a = cs.CableSummand.get_untwisted_signature_function(q=q) a.plot() if __name__ == '__main__': if '__file__' in globals(): # skiped in interactive mode as __file__ is not defined main(sys.argv) else: pass # main() # formula_long = "[[k[0], k[5], k[3]], " + \ # "[-k[5], -k[3]], " + \ # "[k[2], k[3]], " + \ # "[-k[4], -k[2], -k[3]]" + \ # "[k[4], k[1], k[7]], " + \ # "[-k[1], -k[7]], " + \ # "[k[6], k[7]], " + \ # "[-k[0], -k[6], -k[7]]]" # # # formula_1 = "[[k[0], k[5], k[3]], " + \ # "[-k[1], -k[3]], " + \ # "[ k[3]], " + \ # "[-k[4], -k[6], -k[3]]]" # # formula_2 = "[[k[4], k[1], k[7]], " + \ # "[ -k[7]], " + \ # "[k[6], k[7]], " + \ # "[-k[0], -k[5], -k[7]]]" # #