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group JavaScript implements ANTLRCore;
/** The overall file structure of a recognizer; stores methods for rules
* and cyclic DFAs plus support code.
outputFile(LEXER,PARSER,TREE_PARSER, actionScope, actions,
docComment, recognizer,
name, tokens, tokenNames, rules, cyclicDFAs,
bitsets, buildTemplate, buildAST, rewriteMode, profile,
backtracking, synpreds, memoize, numRules,
fileName, ANTLRVersion, generatedTimestamp, trace,
scopes, superClass, literals) ::=
// $ANTLR <ANTLRVersion> <fileName> <generatedTimestamp>
lexer(grammar, name, tokens, scopes, rules, numRules, labelType="Token",
filterMode) ::= <<
var <grammar.recognizerName> = function(input, state<grammar.delegators:{g|, <g:delegateName()>}>) {
// alternate constructor @todo
// public <grammar.recognizerName>(CharStream input<grammar.delegators:{g|, <g.recognizerName> <g:delegateName()>}>)
// public <grammar.recognizerName>(CharStream input, RecognizerSharedState state<grammar.delegators:{g|, <g.recognizerName> <g:delegateName()>}>) {
if (!state) {
state = new org.antlr.runtime.RecognizerSharedState();
<cyclicDFAs:{dfa | this.dfa<dfa.decisionNumber> = new <grammar.recognizerName>.DFA<dfa.decisionNumber>(this);}; separator="\n">
<grammar.recognizerName>.superclass.constructor.call(this, input, state);
this.state.ruleMemo = {};
{g|this.<g:delegateName()> = new <g.recognizerName>(input, state<trunc(g.delegators):{p|, <p:delegateName()>}>, this);}; separator="\n">
{g|this.<g:delegateName()> = <g:delegateName()>;}; separator="\n">
<last(grammar.delegators):{g|this.gParent = this.<g:delegateName()>;}>
org.antlr.lang.augmentObject(<grammar.recognizerName>, {
<tokens:{<it.name>: <it.type>}; separator=",\n">
var HIDDEN = org.antlr.runtime.Token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL,
EOF = org.antlr.runtime.Token.EOF;
org.antlr.lang.extend(<grammar.recognizerName>, org.antlr.runtime.Lexer, {
<tokens:{<it.name> : <it.type>,}; separator="\n">
getGrammarFileName: function() { return "<fileName>"; }
org.antlr.lang.augmentObject(<grammar.recognizerName>.prototype, {
<rules; separator=",\n\n">
<synpreds:{p | <lexerSynpred(p)>}; separator=",\n">
}, true); // important to pass true to overwrite default implementations
<cyclicDFAs:cyclicDFA()> <! dump tables for all DFA !>
/** A override of Lexer.nextToken() that backtracks over mTokens() looking
* for matches. No error can be generated upon error; just rewind, consume
* a token and then try again. backtracking needs to be set as well.
* Make rule memoization happen only at levels above 1 as we start mTokens
* at backtracking==1.
filteringNextToken() ::= <<
nextToken: function() {
while (true) {
if ( this.input.LA(1)==org.antlr.runtime.CharStream.EOF ) {
return org.antlr.runtime.Token.EOF_TOKEN;
this.state.token = null;
this.state.channel = org.antlr.runtime.Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
this.state.tokenStartCharIndex = this.input.index();
this.state.tokenStartCharPositionInLine = this.input.getCharPositionInLine();
this.state.tokenStartLine = this.input.getLine();
this.state.text = null;
try {
var m = this.input.mark();
this.state.backtracking=1; <! means we won't throw slow exception !>
<! mTokens backtracks with synpred at backtracking==2
and we set the synpredgate to allow actions at level 1. !>
if ( this.state.failed ) {
this.input.consume(); <! advance one char and try again !>
else {
return this.state.token;
catch (re) {
// shouldn't happen in backtracking mode, but...
if (re instanceof org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException) {
} else {
throw re;
memoize: function(input, ruleIndex, ruleStartIndex) {
if (this.state.backtracking>1) {
<grammar.recognizerName>.superclass.prototype.memoize.call(this, input, ruleIndex, ruleStartIndex);
alreadyParsedRule: function(input, ruleIndex) {
if (this.state.backtracking>1) {
return <grammar.recognizerName>.superclass.prototype.alreadyParsedRule.call(this, input, ruleIndex);
return false;
filteringActionGate() ::= "this.state.backtracking==1"
/** How to generate a parser */
genericParser(grammar, name, scopes, tokens, tokenNames, rules, numRules,
bitsets, inputStreamType, superClass,
ASTLabelType="Object", labelType, members, rewriteElementType) ::= <<
<! WARNING. bug in ST: this is cut-n-paste into Dbg.stg !>
var <grammar.recognizerName> = function(input, state<grammar.delegators:{g|, <g:delegateName()>}>) {
if (!state) {
state = new org.antlr.runtime.RecognizerSharedState();
<grammar.recognizerName>.superclass.constructor.call(this, input, state);
<cyclicDFAs:{dfa | this.dfa<dfa.decisionNumber> = new <grammar.recognizerName>.DFA<dfa.decisionNumber>(this);}; separator="\n">
{g|this.<g:delegateName()> = new <g.recognizerName>(input, state<trunc(g.delegators):{p|, <p:delegateName()>}>, this);}; separator="\n">
<grammar.indirectDelegates:{g | this.<g:delegateName()> = <g.delegator:delegateName()>.<g:delegateName()>;}; separator="\n">
<last(grammar.delegators):{g|this.gParent = this.<g:delegateName()>;}>
/* @todo only create adaptor if output=AST */
this.adaptor = new org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTreeAdaptor();<\n>
org.antlr.lang.augmentObject(<grammar.recognizerName>, {
<tokens:{<it.name>: <it.type>}; separator=",\n">
// public class variables
var <tokens:{<it.name>= <it.type>}; separator=",\n ">;
var UP = org.antlr.runtime.Token.UP,
DOWN = org.antlr.runtime.Token.DOWN;
// public instance methods/vars
org.antlr.lang.extend(<grammar.recognizerName>, org.antlr.runtime.<@superClassName><superClass><@end>, {
getTokenNames: function() { return <grammar.composite.rootGrammar.recognizerName>.tokenNames; },
getGrammarFileName: function() { return "<fileName>"; }
org.antlr.lang.augmentObject(<grammar.recognizerName>.prototype, {
<rules; separator=",\n\n">
<! generate rule/method definitions for imported rules so they
appear to be defined in this recognizer. !>
// Delegated rules
, <ruleDescriptor.name>: function(<ruleDescriptor.parameterScope:parameterScope(scope=it)>) \{ <if(ruleDescriptor.hasReturnValue)>return <endif>this.<ruleDescriptor.grammar:delegateName()>.<ruleDescriptor.name>(<ruleDescriptor.parameterScope.attributes:{a|<a.name>}; separator=", ">); \}}>
<synpreds:{p | <synpred(p)>}; separator=",\n">
}, true); // important to pass true to overwrite default implementations
<cyclicDFAs:cyclicDFA()> <! dump tables for all DFA !>
// public class variables
org.antlr.lang.augmentObject(<grammar.recognizerName>, {
tokenNames: ["\<invalid>", "\<EOR>", "\<DOWN>", "\<UP>", <tokenNames; separator=", ">],<\n>
words64=it.bits); separator=",\n">
parserCtorBody() ::= <<
this.state.ruleMemo = {};<\n> <! index from 1..n !>
{g|this.<g:delegateName()> = <g:delegateName()>;}; separator="\n">
parser(grammar, name, scopes, tokens, tokenNames, rules, numRules, bitsets, ASTLabelType="Object", superClass="Parser", labelType="Token", members={<actions.parser.members>}) ::= <<
<genericParser(inputStreamType="TokenStream", rewriteElementType="Token", ...)>
/** How to generate a tree parser; same as parser except the input
* stream is a different type.
treeParser(grammar, name, scopes, tokens, tokenNames, globalAction, rules, numRules, bitsets, labelType={<ASTLabelType>}, ASTLabelType="var", superClass="tree.TreeParser", members={<actions.treeparser.members>}) ::= <<
<genericParser(inputStreamType="TreeNodeStream", rewriteElementType="Node", ...)>
/** A simpler version of a rule template that is specific to the imaginary
* rules created for syntactic predicates. As they never have return values
* nor parameters etc..., just give simplest possible method. Don't do
* any of the normal memoization stuff in here either; it's a waste.
* As predicates cannot be inlined into the invoking rule, they need to
* be in a rule by themselves.
synpredRule(ruleName, ruleDescriptor, block, description, nakedBlock) ::=
// $ANTLR start "<ruleName>"
<ruleName>_fragment: function(<ruleDescriptor.parameterScope:parameterScope(scope=it)>) {
this.traceIn("<ruleName>_fragment", <ruleDescriptor.index>);
try {
finally {
this.traceOut("<ruleName>_fragment", <ruleDescriptor.index>);
// $ANTLR end "<ruleName>"
synpred(name) ::= <<
<name>: function() {
var start = this.input.mark();
try {
this.<name>_fragment(); // can never throw exception
} catch (re) {
alert("impossible: "+re.toString());
var success = !this.state.failed;
return success;
lexerSynpred(name) ::= <<
ruleMemoization(name) ::= <<
if ( this.state.backtracking>0 && this.alreadyParsedRule(this.input, <ruleDescriptor.index>) ) { return <ruleReturnValue()>; }
/** How to test for failure and return from rule */
checkRuleBacktrackFailure() ::= <<
<if(backtracking)>if (this.state.failed) return <ruleReturnValue()>;<endif>
/** This rule has failed, exit indicating failure during backtrack */
ruleBacktrackFailure() ::= <<
<if(backtracking)>if (this.state.backtracking>0) {this.state.failed=true; return <ruleReturnValue()>;}<endif>
/** How to generate code for a rule. This includes any return type
* data aggregates required for multiple return values.
rule(ruleName,ruleDescriptor,block,emptyRule,description,exceptions,finally,memoize) ::= <<
// <fileName>:<description>
// $ANTLR start "<ruleName>"
<ruleName>: function(<ruleDescriptor.parameterScope:parameterScope(scope=it)>) {
<if(trace)>this.traceIn("<ruleName>", <ruleDescriptor.index>);<endif>
try {
catch (re) {
if (re instanceof org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException) {
} else {
throw re;
finally {
<if(trace)>this.traceOut("<ruleName>", <ruleDescriptor.index>);<endif>
return <ruleReturnValue()>;
catch(decl,action) ::= <<
catch (<e.decl>) {
ruleDeclarations() ::= <<
var retval = new <returnType()>();
retval.start = this.input.LT(1);<\n>
<ruleDescriptor.returnScope.attributes:{ a |
var <a.name> = <if(a.initValue)><a.initValue><else>null<endif>;
var <ruleDescriptor.name>_StartIndex = this.input.index();
ruleScopeSetUp() ::= <<
<ruleDescriptor.useScopes:{this.<it>_stack.push({});}; separator="\n">
<ruleDescriptor.ruleScope:{this.<it.name>_stack.push({});}; separator="\n">
ruleScopeCleanUp() ::= <<
<ruleDescriptor.useScopes:{this.<it>_stack.pop();}; separator="\n">
<ruleDescriptor.ruleScope:{this.<it.name>_stack.pop();}; separator="\n">
ruleLabelDefs() ::= <<
:{var <it.label.text> = null;}; separator="\n"
:{var list_<it.label.text>=null;}; separator="\n"
<ruleDescriptor.ruleLabels:ruleLabelDef(label=it); separator="\n">
<ruleDescriptor.ruleListLabels:{ll|var <ll.label.text> = null;}; separator="\n">
lexerRuleLabelDefs() ::= <<
:{var <it.label.text>=null;}; separator="\n"
<ruleDescriptor.charLabels:{var <it.label.text>;}; separator="\n">
:{var list_<it.label.text>=null;}; separator="\n"
ruleReturnValue() ::= <<
ruleCleanUp() ::= <<
retval.stop = this.input.LT(-1);<\n>
memoize() ::= <<
if ( this.state.backtracking>0 ) { this.memoize(this.input, <ruleDescriptor.index>, <ruleDescriptor.name>_StartIndex); }
/** How to generate a rule in the lexer; naked blocks are used for
* fragment rules.
lexerRule(ruleName,nakedBlock,ruleDescriptor,block,memoize) ::= <<
// $ANTLR start <ruleName>
m<ruleName>: function(<ruleDescriptor.parameterScope:parameterScope(scope=it)>) {
<if(trace)>this.traceIn("<ruleName>", <ruleDescriptor.index>);<endif>
try {
var _type = this.<ruleName>;
var _channel = org.antlr.runtime.BaseRecognizer.DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL;
this.state.type = _type;
this.state.channel = _channel;
finally {
<if(trace)>this.traceOut("<ruleName>", <ruleDescriptor.index>);<endif>
// $ANTLR end "<ruleName>"
/** How to generate code for the implicitly-defined lexer grammar rule
* that chooses between lexer rules.
tokensRule(ruleName,nakedBlock,args,block,ruleDescriptor) ::= <<
mTokens: function() {
// S U B R U L E S
/** A (...) subrule with multiple alternatives */
block(alts,decls,decision,enclosingBlockLevel,blockLevel,decisionNumber,maxK,maxAlt,description) ::= <<
// <fileName>:<description>
var alt<decisionNumber>=<maxAlt>;
switch (alt<decisionNumber>) {
/** A rule block with multiple alternatives */
ruleBlock(alts,decls,decision,enclosingBlockLevel,blockLevel,decisionNumber,maxK,maxAlt,description) ::= <<
// <fileName>:<description>
var alt<decisionNumber>=<maxAlt>;
switch (alt<decisionNumber>) {
ruleBlockSingleAlt(alts,decls,decision,enclosingBlockLevel,blockLevel,decisionNumber,description) ::= <<
// <fileName>:<description>
/** A special case of a (...) subrule with a single alternative */
blockSingleAlt(alts,decls,decision,enclosingBlockLevel,blockLevel,decisionNumber,description) ::= <<
// <fileName>:<description>
/** A (..)+ block with 1 or more alternatives */
positiveClosureBlock(alts,decls,decision,enclosingBlockLevel,blockLevel,decisionNumber,maxK,maxAlt,description) ::= <<
// <fileName>:<description>
var cnt<decisionNumber>=0;
do {
var alt<decisionNumber>=<maxAlt>;
switch (alt<decisionNumber>) {
default :
if ( cnt<decisionNumber> >= 1 ) {
break loop<decisionNumber>;
var eee = new org.antlr.runtime.EarlyExitException(<decisionNumber>, this.input);
throw eee;
} while (true);
positiveClosureBlockSingleAlt ::= positiveClosureBlock
/** A (..)* block with 1 or more alternatives */
closureBlock(alts,decls,decision,enclosingBlockLevel,blockLevel,decisionNumber,maxK,maxAlt,description) ::= <<
// <fileName>:<description>
do {
var alt<decisionNumber>=<maxAlt>;
switch (alt<decisionNumber>) {
default :
break loop<decisionNumber>;
} while (true);
closureBlockSingleAlt ::= closureBlock
/** Optional blocks (x)? are translated to (x|) by before code generation
* so we can just use the normal block template
optionalBlock ::= block
optionalBlockSingleAlt ::= block
/** A case in a switch that jumps to an alternative given the alternative
* number. A DFA predicts the alternative and then a simple switch
* does the jump to the code that actually matches that alternative.
altSwitchCase() ::= <<
case <i> :
/** An alternative is just a list of elements; at outermost level */
alt(elements,altNum,description,autoAST,outerAlt,treeLevel,rew) ::= <<
// <fileName>:<description>
<! (function() { /* @todo4 (do we really need a new scope?) */ !>
<! }).call(this); !>
/** What to emit when there is no rewrite. For auto build
* mode, does nothing.
noRewrite(rewriteBlockLevel, treeLevel) ::= ""
// E L E M E N T S
/** Dump the elements one per line */
element() ::= <<
/** match a token optionally with a label in front */
tokenRef(token,label,elementIndex,hetero) ::= <<
<if(label)><label>=<endif>this.match(this.input,<token>,<grammar.recognizerName>.FOLLOW_<token>_in_<ruleName><elementIndex>); <checkRuleBacktrackFailure()>
/** ids+=ID */
tokenRefAndListLabel(token,label,elementIndex,hetero) ::= <<
listLabel(label,elem) ::= <<
if (org.antlr.lang.isNull(list_<label>)) list_<label> = [];
/** match a character */
charRef(char,label) ::= <<
<label> = this.input.LA(1);<\n>
this.match(<char>); <checkRuleBacktrackFailure()>
/** match a character range */
charRangeRef(a,b,label) ::= <<
<label> = this.input.LA(1);<\n>
this.matchRange(<a>,<b>); <checkRuleBacktrackFailure()>
/** For now, sets are interval tests and must be tested inline */
matchSet(s,label,elementIndex,postmatchCode="") ::= <<
<label>= this.input.LA(1);<\n>
if ( <s> ) {
else {
var mse = new org.antlr.runtime.MismatchedSetException(null,this.input);
throw mse;
throw mse;
<! use following code to make it recover inline; remove throw mse;
matchRuleBlockSet ::= matchSet
matchSetAndListLabel(s,label,elementIndex,postmatchCode) ::= <<
/** Match a string literal */
lexerStringRef(string,label) ::= <<
var <label>Start = this.getCharIndex();
this.match(<string>); <checkRuleBacktrackFailure()>
var <label> = new org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken(this.input, org.antlr.runtime.Token.INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE, org.antlr.runtime.Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL, <label>Start, this.getCharIndex()-1);
this.match(<string>); <checkRuleBacktrackFailure()><\n>
wildcard(label,elementIndex) ::= <<
this.matchAny(this.input); <checkRuleBacktrackFailure()>
wildcardAndListLabel(label,elementIndex) ::= <<
/** Match . wildcard in lexer */
wildcardChar(label, elementIndex) ::= <<
<label> = this.input.LA(1);<\n>
this.matchAny(); <checkRuleBacktrackFailure()>
wildcardCharListLabel(label, elementIndex) ::= <<
/** Match a rule reference by invoking it possibly with arguments
* and a return value or values.
ruleRef(rule,label,elementIndex,args,scope) ::= <<
<if(label)><label>=<endif>this.<if(scope)><scope:delegateName()>.<endif><rule.name>(<args; separator=", ">);<\n>
/** ids+=r */
ruleRefAndListLabel(rule,label,elementIndex,args,scope) ::= <<
/** A lexer rule reference */
lexerRuleRef(rule,label,args,elementIndex,scope) ::= <<
var <label>Start<elementIndex> = this.getCharIndex();
this.<if(scope)><scope:delegateName()>.<endif>m<rule.name>(<args; separator=", ">); <checkRuleBacktrackFailure()>
<label> = new org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken(this.input, org.antlr.runtime.Token.INVALID_TOKEN_TYPE, org.antlr.runtime.Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL, <label>Start<elementIndex>, this.getCharIndex()-1);
this.<if(scope)><scope:delegateName()>.<endif>m<rule.name>(<args; separator=", ">); <checkRuleBacktrackFailure()>
/** i+=INT in lexer */
lexerRuleRefAndListLabel(rule,label,args,elementIndex,scope) ::= <<
/** EOF in the lexer */
lexerMatchEOF(label,elementIndex) ::= <<
var <label>Start<elementIndex> = this.getCharIndex();
this.match(EOF); <checkRuleBacktrackFailure()>
var <label> = new org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken(this.input, this.EOF, org.antlr.runtime.Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL, <label>Start<elementIndex>, this.getCharIndex()-1);
this.match(this.EOF); <checkRuleBacktrackFailure()>
/** match ^(root children) in tree parser */
tree(root, actionsAfterRoot, children, nullableChildList,enclosingTreeLevel, treeLevel) ::= <<
if ( this.input.LA(1)==org.antlr.runtime.Token.DOWN ) {
this.match(this.input, org.antlr.runtime.Token.DOWN, null); <checkRuleBacktrackFailure()>
this.match(this.input, org.antlr.runtime.Token.UP, null); <checkRuleBacktrackFailure()>
this.match(this.input, org.antlr.runtime.Token.DOWN, null); <checkRuleBacktrackFailure()>
this.match(this.input, org.antlr.runtime.Token.UP, null); <checkRuleBacktrackFailure()>
/** Every predicate is used as a validating predicate (even when it is
* also hoisted into a prediction expression).
validateSemanticPredicate(pred,description) ::= <<
if ( !(<evalPredicate(...)>) ) {
throw new org.antlr.runtime.FailedPredicateException(this.input, "<ruleName>", "<description>");
// F i x e d D F A (if-then-else)
dfaState(k,edges,eotPredictsAlt,description,stateNumber,semPredState) ::= <<
var LA<decisionNumber>_<stateNumber> = this.input.LA(<k>);<\n>
<edges; separator="\nelse ">
else {
var nvae =
new org.antlr.runtime.NoViableAltException("<description>", <decisionNumber>, <stateNumber>, this.input);<\n>
throw nvae;<\n>
/** Same as a normal DFA state except that we don't examine lookahead
* for the bypass alternative. It delays error detection but this
* is faster, smaller, and more what people expect. For (X)? people
* expect "if ( LA(1)==X ) match(X);" and that's it.
dfaOptionalBlockState(k,edges,eotPredictsAlt,description,stateNumber,semPredState) ::= <<
var LA<decisionNumber>_<stateNumber> = this.input.LA(<k>);<\n>
<edges; separator="\nelse ">
/** A DFA state that is actually the loopback decision of a closure
* loop. If end-of-token (EOT) predicts any of the targets then it
* should act like a default clause (i.e., no error can be generated).
* This is used only in the lexer so that for ('a')* on the end of a rule
* anything other than 'a' predicts exiting.
dfaLoopbackState(k,edges,eotPredictsAlt,description,stateNumber,semPredState) ::= <<
var LA<decisionNumber>_<stateNumber> = this.input.LA(<k>);<\n>
<edges; separator="\nelse "><\n>
alt<decisionNumber>=<eotPredictsAlt>; <! if no edges, don't gen ELSE !>
else {
/** An accept state indicates a unique alternative has been predicted */
dfaAcceptState(alt) ::= "alt<decisionNumber>=<alt>;"
/** A simple edge with an expression. If the expression is satisfied,
* enter to the target state. To handle gated productions, we may
* have to evaluate some predicates for this edge.
dfaEdge(labelExpr, targetState, predicates) ::= <<
if ( (<labelExpr>) <if(predicates)>&& (<predicates>)<endif>) {
// F i x e d D F A (switch case)
/** A DFA state where a SWITCH may be generated. The code generator
* decides if this is possible: CodeGenerator.canGenerateSwitch().
dfaStateSwitch(k,edges,eotPredictsAlt,description,stateNumber,semPredState) ::= <<
switch ( this.input.LA(<k>) ) {
<edges; separator="\n">
var nvae =
new org.antlr.runtime.NoViableAltException("<description>", <decisionNumber>, <stateNumber>, this.input);<\n>
throw nvae;<\n>
dfaOptionalBlockStateSwitch(k,edges,eotPredictsAlt,description,stateNumber,semPredState) ::= <<
switch ( this.input.LA(<k>) ) {
<edges; separator="\n">
dfaLoopbackStateSwitch(k, edges,eotPredictsAlt,description,stateNumber,semPredState) ::= <<
switch ( this.input.LA(<k>) ) {
<edges; separator="\n"><\n>
dfaEdgeSwitch(labels, targetState) ::= <<
<labels:{case <it>:}; separator="\n">
// C y c l i c D F A
/** The code to initiate execution of a cyclic DFA; this is used
* in the rule to predict an alt just like the fixed DFA case.
* The <name> attribute is inherited via the parser, lexer, ...
dfaDecision(decisionNumber,description) ::= <<
alt<decisionNumber> = this.dfa<decisionNumber>.predict(this.input);
/* Dump DFA tables as run-length-encoded Strings of octal values.
* Can't use hex as compiler translates them before compilation.
* These strings are split into multiple, concatenated strings.
* Java puts them back together at compile time thankfully.
* Java cannot handle large static arrays, so we're stuck with this
* encode/decode approach. See analysis and runtime DFA for
* the encoding methods.
cyclicDFA(dfa) ::= <<
org.antlr.lang.augmentObject(<grammar.recognizerName>, {
"<dfa.javaCompressedEOT; wrap="\"+\n \"">",
"<dfa.javaCompressedEOF; wrap="\"+\n \"">",
"<dfa.javaCompressedMin; wrap="\"+\n \"">",
"<dfa.javaCompressedMax; wrap="\"+\n \"">",
"<dfa.javaCompressedAccept; wrap="\"+\n \"">",
"<dfa.javaCompressedSpecial; wrap="\"+\n \"">}>",
DFA<dfa.decisionNumber>_transitionS: [
<dfa.javaCompressedTransition:{s|"<s; wrap="\"+\n\"">"}; separator=",\n">
org.antlr.lang.augmentObject(<grammar.recognizerName>, {
DFA<dfa.decisionNumber>_transition: (function() {
var a = [],
numStates = <grammar.recognizerName>.DFA<dfa.decisionNumber>_transitionS.length;
for (i=0; i\<numStates; i++) {
return a;
<grammar.recognizerName>.DFA<dfa.decisionNumber> = function(recognizer) {
this.recognizer = recognizer;
this.decisionNumber = <dfa.decisionNumber>;
this.eot = <grammar.recognizerName>.DFA<dfa.decisionNumber>_eot;
this.eof = <grammar.recognizerName>.DFA<dfa.decisionNumber>_eof;
this.min = <grammar.recognizerName>.DFA<dfa.decisionNumber>_min;
this.max = <grammar.recognizerName>.DFA<dfa.decisionNumber>_max;
this.accept = <grammar.recognizerName>.DFA<dfa.decisionNumber>_accept;
this.special = <grammar.recognizerName>.DFA<dfa.decisionNumber>_special;
this.transition = <grammar.recognizerName>.DFA<dfa.decisionNumber>_transition;
org.antlr.lang.extend(<grammar.recognizerName>.DFA<dfa.decisionNumber>, org.antlr.runtime.DFA, {
getDescription: function() {
return "<dfa.description>";
specialStateTransition: function(s, input) {
var _s = s;
/* bind to recognizer so semantic predicates can be evaluated */
var retval = (function(s, input) {
switch ( s ) {
<dfa.specialStateSTs:{state |
case <i0> : <! compressed special state numbers 0..n-1 !>
<state>}; separator="\n">
}).call(this.recognizer, s, input);
if (!org.antlr.lang.isUndefined(retval)) {
return retval;
if (this.recognizer.state.backtracking>0) {this.recognizer.state.failed=true; return -1;}<\n>
var nvae =
new org.antlr.runtime.NoViableAltException(this.getDescription(), <dfa.decisionNumber>, _s, input);
throw nvae;
dummy: null
/** A state in a cyclic DFA; it's a special state and part of a big switch on
* state.
cyclicDFAState(decisionNumber,stateNumber,edges,needErrorClause,semPredState) ::= <<
var LA<decisionNumber>_<stateNumber> = input.LA(1);<\n>
<if(semPredState)> <! get next lookahead symbol to test edges, then rewind !>
var index<decisionNumber>_<stateNumber> = input.index();
s = -1;
<edges; separator="\nelse ">
<if(semPredState)> <! return input cursor to state before we rewound !>
if ( s>=0 ) return s;
/** Just like a fixed DFA edge, test the lookahead and indicate what
* state to jump to next if successful.
cyclicDFAEdge(labelExpr, targetStateNumber, edgeNumber, predicates) ::= <<
if ( (<labelExpr>) <if(predicates)>&& (<predicates>)<endif>) {s = <targetStateNumber>;}<\n>
/** An edge pointing at end-of-token; essentially matches any char;
* always jump to the target.
eotDFAEdge(targetStateNumber,edgeNumber, predicates) ::= <<
s = <targetStateNumber>;<\n>
// D F A E X P R E S S I O N S
andPredicates(left,right) ::= "(<left>&&<right>)"
orPredicates(operands) ::= "(<first(operands)><rest(operands):{o | ||<o>}>)"
notPredicate(pred) ::= "!(<evalPredicate(...)>)"
evalPredicate(pred,description) ::= "<pred>"
evalSynPredicate(pred,description) ::= "this.<pred>()"
lookaheadTest(atom,k,atomAsInt) ::= "LA<decisionNumber>_<stateNumber>==<atom>"
/** Sometimes a lookahead test cannot assume that LA(k) is in a temp variable
* somewhere. Must ask for the lookahead directly.
isolatedLookaheadTest(atom,k,atomAsInt) ::= "this.input.LA(<k>)==<atom>"
lookaheadRangeTest(lower,upper,k,rangeNumber,lowerAsInt,upperAsInt) ::= <<
(LA<decisionNumber>_<stateNumber>\>=<lower> && LA<decisionNumber>_<stateNumber>\<=<upper>)
isolatedLookaheadRangeTest(lower,upper,k,rangeNumber,lowerAsInt,upperAsInt) ::= "(this.input.LA(<k>)\>=<lower> && this.input.LA(<k>)\<=<upper>)"
setTest(ranges) ::= "<ranges; separator=\"||\">"
// A T T R I B U T E S
globalAttributeScope(scope) ::= <<
<scope.name>_stack: [],<\n>
ruleAttributeScope(scope) ::= <<
<scope.name>_stack: [],<\n>
returnStructName() ::= "<it.name>_return"
returnType() ::= <<
/** Generate the Java type associated with a single or multiple return
* values.
ruleLabelType(referencedRule) ::= <<
delegateName() ::= <<
/** Using a type to init value map, try to init a type; if not in table
* must be an object, default value is "null".
initValue(typeName) ::= <<
/** Define a rule label including default value */
ruleLabelDef(label) ::= <<
<!<ruleLabelType(referencedRule=label.referencedRule)>!> var <label.label.text> = <initValue(typeName=ruleLabelType(referencedRule=label.referencedRule))>;
/** Define a return struct for a rule if the code needs to access its
* start/stop tokens, tree stuff, attributes, ... Leave a hole for
* subgroups to stick in members.
returnScope(scope) ::= <<
// inline static return class
<ruleDescriptor:returnStructName()>: (function() {
<returnType()> = function(){};
parameterScope(scope) ::= <<
<scope.attributes:{<it.decl>}; separator=", ">
parameterAttributeRef(attr) ::= "<attr.name>"
parameterSetAttributeRef(attr,expr) ::= "<attr.name> =<expr>;"
scopeAttributeRef(scope,attr,index,negIndex) ::= <<
scopeSetAttributeRef(scope,attr,expr,index,negIndex) ::= <<
(this.<scope>_stack[this.<scope>_stack.length-<negIndex>-1]).<attr.name> =<expr>;
(this.<scope>_stack[<index>]).<attr.name> =<expr>;
org.antlr.lang.array.peek(this.<scope>_stack).<attr.name> =<expr>;
/** $x is either global scope or x is rule with dynamic scope; refers
* to stack itself not top of stack. This is useful for predicates
* like {$function.size()>0 && $function::name.equals("foo")}?
isolatedDynamicScopeRef(scope) ::= "this.<scope>_stack"
/** reference an attribute of rule; might only have single return value */
ruleLabelRef(referencedRule,scope,attr) ::= <<
returnAttributeRef(ruleDescriptor,attr) ::= <<
returnSetAttributeRef(ruleDescriptor,attr,expr) ::= <<
retval.<attr.name> =<expr>;
<attr.name> =<expr>;
/** How to translate $tokenLabel */
tokenLabelRef(label) ::= "<label>"
/** ids+=ID {$ids} or e+=expr {$e} */
listLabelRef(label) ::= "list_<label>"
// not sure the next are the right approach
tokenLabelPropertyRef_text(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?<scope>.getText():null)"
tokenLabelPropertyRef_type(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?<scope>.getType():0)"
tokenLabelPropertyRef_line(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?<scope>.getLine():0)"
tokenLabelPropertyRef_pos(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?<scope>.getCharPositionInLine():0)"
tokenLabelPropertyRef_channel(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?<scope>.getChannel():0)"
tokenLabelPropertyRef_index(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?<scope>.getTokenIndex():0)"
tokenLabelPropertyRef_tree(scope,attr) ::= "<scope>_tree"
tokenLabelPropertyRef_int(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?parseInt(<scope>.getText(), 10):0)"
ruleLabelPropertyRef_start(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?<scope>.start:null)"
ruleLabelPropertyRef_stop(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?<scope>.stop:null)"
ruleLabelPropertyRef_tree(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?<scope>.tree:null)"
ruleLabelPropertyRef_text(scope,attr) ::= <<
ruleLabelPropertyRef_st(scope,attr) ::= "<scope>.st"
/** Isolated $RULE ref ok in lexer as it's a Token */
lexerRuleLabel(label) ::= "<label>"
lexerRuleLabelPropertyRef_type(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?<scope>.getType():0)"
lexerRuleLabelPropertyRef_line(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?<scope>.getLine():0)"
lexerRuleLabelPropertyRef_pos(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?<scope>.getCharPositionInLine():-1)"
lexerRuleLabelPropertyRef_channel(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?<scope>.getChannel():0)"
lexerRuleLabelPropertyRef_index(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?<scope>.getTokenIndex():0)"
lexerRuleLabelPropertyRef_text(scope,attr) ::= "(<scope>?<scope>.getText():0)"
// Somebody may ref $template or $tree or $stop within a rule:
rulePropertyRef_start(scope,attr) ::= "(retval.start)"
rulePropertyRef_stop(scope,attr) ::= "(retval.stop)"
rulePropertyRef_tree(scope,attr) ::= "(retval.tree)"
rulePropertyRef_text(scope,attr) ::= <<
rulePropertyRef_st(scope,attr) ::= "retval.st"
lexerRulePropertyRef_text(scope,attr) ::= "this.getText()"
lexerRulePropertyRef_type(scope,attr) ::= "_type"
lexerRulePropertyRef_line(scope,attr) ::= "this.state.tokenStartLine"
lexerRulePropertyRef_pos(scope,attr) ::= "this.state.tokenStartCharPositionInLine"
lexerRulePropertyRef_index(scope,attr) ::= "-1" // undefined token index in lexer
lexerRulePropertyRef_channel(scope,attr) ::= "_channel"
lexerRulePropertyRef_start(scope,attr) ::= "this.state.tokenStartCharIndex"
lexerRulePropertyRef_stop(scope,attr) ::= "(this.getCharIndex()-1)"
lexerRulePropertyRef_int(scope,attr) ::= "parseInt(<scope>.getText(),10)"
// setting $st and $tree is allowed in local rule. everything else
// is flagged as error
ruleSetPropertyRef_tree(scope,attr,expr) ::= "retval.tree =<expr>;"
ruleSetPropertyRef_st(scope,attr,expr) ::= "retval.st =<expr>;"
/** How to execute an action */
execAction(action) ::= <<
if ( <actions.(actionScope).synpredgate> ) {
if ( this.state.backtracking===0 ) {
/** How to always execute an action even when backtracking */
execForcedAction(action) ::= "<action>"
// M I S C (properties, etc...)
bitset(name, words64) ::= <<
<! @todo overflow issue !>
<name>: new org.antlr.runtime.BitSet([<words64:{<it>};separator=",">])
codeFileExtension() ::= ".js"
true() ::= "true"
false() ::= "false"